Just call me, Mikey   United States
You are loved

"This world and heaven is caught up in a war between spiritual forces of The Divine and humanity vs Evil. The forces of good cannot lose, because God leads them and is imperishable. God cannot be defeated, meanwhile the earth and all humanity are being deceived on a massive scale, everyday the truth is right in front of you, but you cannot see the full picture the whole truth. And that is because the pieces you need to fit the puzzle are within you and you have not looked deeply enough into the bible or scripture. It is true that this world suffers from spiritual forces that are not natural, or physical, but rather, we are being setup for a contact scenario, where they will say there are beings from another world, they will say we have been trading with them. They will say they are here to help us. Meanwhile there are no aliens, only demons in this realm. There are no creatures of myth or legend only dragons giants and big birds. Do not get your hopes up, because there going to look just like you and I, human in the flesh, but with a dead spirit inside them. They will try to seduce you, but they will not cling to you. They will hate you for following Jesus Christ, This battle is far from over, I give it another thousand years till satan is defeated entirely. He may be chained down for a thousand years, but eventually he and his followers will be destroyed, and the natural order restored forever and ever in eternity."

God is the only one that deserves credit for all the miracles that are happening around you, that you CANNOT see. I'm sorry you cannot see these things, but it has occurred to me that he is doing far more for you than you could ever know in the flesh. And that's great and all, but all credit goes to God, Jesus Christ, and his loyal servants for they are protecting you and you MUST give credit where it is due. Pay your respects to God everyday , LOVE him! Treat him with gentleness and compassion, Be fiercely devoted to his cause and his son Jesus Christ. You must do this, The whole world is waiting for him to come back and reunite with his children. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand my brothers and sisters. And do not delay.
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Unknown 6 hours ago 
Ich weiß, dass mein Leben als Mensch vorbei ist. Alles, was ich mir auf dieser Welt erhofft hatte, alles, was ich jemals wollte, wurde zurückgelassen. Was ist größer als Ihre eigene Stärke, wenn Sie von allen Seiten von den Teufeln und Dämonen von heute umgeben sind? Oh ja, ich bin umzingelt, aber ich werde nicht niederknien oder mich verneigen und einen Feigling anbeten, nein, mein Gott ist heilig. Mein Gott ist stark und kann nicht zerstört werden. Denken Sie daran und sagen Sie Ihren Anhängern, dass Jesus Christus bald wiederkommen wird, um die natürliche Ordnung der Dinge in Ordnung zu bringen. Wir werden tausend Jahre Frieden und Wohlstand erleben, ein goldenes Zeitalter des Lernens aus den spirituellen Künsten Christi. Eines Tages wird Gott seinen Kindern seine Geheimnisse offenbaren, und dann werden wir wahres Wissen erben!
Unknown 11 Dec @ 2:57pm 
Unknown 19 Nov @ 12:42am 
we are all sinners here on earth, but, as long as you believe with all your mind heart and soul that Jesus Christ paid the price for your sins, died for you and came back to life, you will be saved. Believe in him and you shall have eternal everlasting life. Believe me when I say we are all damned to torment. For our sins, and the evil things evil people do to others. We will be judged. All of us. So do good unto others as you would have them do to you. Think rational. Don't be a fool and mislead others with your folly.
Unknown 3 Mar @ 5:12am 
Geben Sie den nährenden Elementen des Geistes Raum. Mögen die Schleusen für alle Möglichkeiten offen sein. Entdecken Sie die ununterbrochene Unendlichkeit der ewigen spirituellen Welt, für die Sie geboren wurden. Du bist Teil von etwas Größerem, etwas, das kein Mensch oder Lebewesen geben kann, nur Jesus Christus kann dies geben. Lang lebe der König.