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Скорошни рецензии на Killer Kitten

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9.1 изиграни часа (5.6 часа по време на рецензията)
This is probably the most difficult puzzle game I've ever played. And believe me, I've played a lot of them. I love the premise and I love how the puzzles are solved with logic.

What I'm not a big fan of is the progression. While it's exciting to crack a puzzle, the game isn't always clear as to what you're supposed to input in order to progress. Most of the time, it's the solution to the puzzle you just cracked. However, some of them are not so obvious. And I think that needs fixing. If it's not the solution to the puzzle you want input, then what do you want input?
Публикувана 27 ноември 2019.
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30.2 изиграни часа (12.1 часа по време на рецензията)
I didn't think I'd be able to find a game that matches "Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice" in terms of tone and emotional investment. And yet, here we are. I completed the game just today, and here is the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The good is the story. While it wasn't flawlessly executed, I had no trouble getting through it. In fact, I found it engaging. It did have some pacing problems in the beginning and it started to come apart at the seams, especially in the third act, but it does manage to pull itself through before it completely collapses under its own weight. There are a lot of elements to the story that I don't feel was well shown. And I feel like the explanation for events was very unsatisfactory. The ending was good, though.

The characters were really what held the story together. The developers did an excellent job in striking the balance in characters by making them flawed, but not annoying and immature, which they could have easily done. Amicia is an angry girl. Sure, she's not a brat about it, but she is angry and this anger often shows in spurts of frustration. She's not trying to be mean or hurt people, but she is dealing with feelings that haven't been resolved.

This game is technically an escort game, but it doesn't feel like one. It's kind of like that bad game "Amy" where you also escort a kid around. The difference between "Amy" and Plague Tale: Innocence is that Plague Tale actually did it right. Hugo isn't getting himself into trouble every five seconds. Yes, he will cry if you try to leave him alone (just like you would cry if I left you alone in a plague ridden hell hole full of rats and people trying to kill you) but he's more of an asset then a liability. And I know what most people are thinking: "Is there that moment that he ignores all sense of self preservation and runs off into the clutches of the bad guy? Because that's in every other game with children." The answer is yes, that's in there, but it's done surprisingly well. First off, the story builds itself well enough that when Hugo does do that, you actually understand him. Secondly, Amicia doesn't follow up Hugo's foolish action by being an idiot and blindly running in to rescue him. Finally, it ends up Hugo was right to do what he did, so you can't complain.

The bad of the game is how it was advertised. It's being advertised as a stealth game. It isn't. It's a puzzle game with stealth aspects. The AI is far too simple and the game mechanics far too basic to be a true stealth game. Don't get me wrong, it's interesting combination because for the most part, you do have to think about what you're doing before you do it. So lit a stick, what are you going to do with it? It only burns for so long, so you best plan how you're going to move before you light it. So you threw a rock at the guard's lantern, now what? However, it doesn't match up to other stealth games.

I would also like to point out that often times it felt like i was playing an extended tutorial. The game does hold your hand just as much as Amicia holds Hugo's. And that got a little annoying.

There also isn't a lot of replay value in the game either. Like I said, the story starts to crumble in the third act, and so there's no real analysis to do on the story either.

Then there's the ugly. Oh boy. I just have one question for the developers. How the hell did you mess up pushing cart mechanics? You push a damn cart. That's it. However, this game somehow messed it up with some pretty wonky controls. It's kind of silly.

And then the menu. Don't get me started on the menu. I mean, it's nice and all, until you have to use it. The wheel system that they implemented for your inventory is just not good. There's is a lot of times where you have to switch ammo on a fly, but the menu isn't built for quick switching. It's downright broken, in fact.
Публикувана 14 май 2019. Последно редактирана 16 май 2019.
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121.1 изиграни часа (110.9 часа по време на рецензията)
This is the game where I learned more about the Apollo missions and orbital mechanics then I ever did in school. And that's what's so great about this game. In order to succeed, you have to experiment. And for me, that meant logging in online to figure out how the actual Apollo missions worked so I could design a space ship that would carry me to the moon... or Mun as it's called in the game.

I really love how the developers responded to what different people would find enjoyable. Some people love the whole adminstrative stuff and getting funding and having little set missions. That's awesome. I personally like to experiment, but still have a level of progression and set my own goals. So I play the science mode. And if you just want to build some damn rockets, then great. There's the sandbox mode.

This different modes was a real selling point for me, because it's saying that you don't have to slog through parts you don't like.
Публикувана 15 февруари 2018.
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203.4 изиграни часа (66.4 часа по време на рецензията)
I decided to give this game another try after 6 months and see if I can, at last, recommend it.


The best I can describe this game is that it's "Immersion at all Costs." That sounds good on paper, but how they pulled this off is rediculous. There was no attempt to strike any kind of balance between difficult and insane.

First, the good:

You can't just run into 5 on 1 fight and expect to win. I love this. This has forced me to consider different strategies. Not the least being running to separate enemies so I can pick them off one by one. To outright avoiding a fight all together.

I love how there's different things to consider with your armor, including field of vision. That's very realistic. Very awesome.

You do have to eat regularly. But don't think you can get around that obsticle by stockpiling food. You can't stockpile. In a world with no refridgeration, things go bad very quickly.

Allied NPC actually do something! Yes, you heard me right. You can actually leave your NPCs alone for five seconds and come back and they've already completed one of the objectives and stayed alive doing it. It was actually kind of scary to know that there were NPCs with a sense of self preservation.

Next the bad.

This game is in love with the sound of its own voice. The voice acting is surprisingly good for an indy title, but the scriptwriting? Oh my goodness. It's full of words strung together. I guess it sounds good, until you actually think about what the characters are saying and you'll realize about 40% is fluff with no substance. This makes for very tedious dialogue.

I'm convinced almost all the Lords are the same three people with different funny hats. It's almost comical because all the dialogue between political figures follows the same basic formula. Lord A will say something about the sitaution. Lord B will disagree with him. Lord C, feeling left out, will say something about Lord B's character. Commence a long tangent about Lord B's life choices. There were several times where I thought, "Just get to the point already." Don't they have any Lords who are men of few words in this game? Anyone? Because that's who I want to go hang out with right now.

This wouldn't be so bad, but eventually the conversation will come around to something important and you can't pause cut scenes. I'd like to ask Warhorse what part of immersion is broken from pausing 20 minute cutscenes to go to the bathroom.

A severe lack of sensible waypoints. I'm not going to judge too hard. For all I know, a waypoint killed one of the developer's family or something. I don't know. Now area waypoints (waypoints that cover a large area) have their place. But when you need to find a specific person you just talked to five minutes ago, or someone tells you they opened a barn door that you need to go into, why, for the love of God, do you not have a specific waypoint? Or my favorite, I set traps for these stupid birds, and it doesn't point to where I set the traps. Really, devs? Come on.

Not really good with the controller. You really need to do mouse and keyboard.

Now the Ugly.

There are a lot of things that would have worked in theory, but how they did it made for poor execution.

The save system: Some people love it. Others hate it. I hate it. It wouldn't be a problem, except its so inconsistant. Supposedly you can save by sleeping in a bed, but there are some beds that don't seem to save. Supposedly you can save by taking a bath, but you have to buy the bath's delux package or something, because mine doesn't save.

I like the combat, but I can see why a lot of people don't. Especially before they fixed the severe lag. It takes a long time to actually even figure it out.

There are still bugs. Sadly, some of them game breaking.
Публикувана 14 февруари 2018. Последно редактирана 10 септември 2018.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
39.1 изиграни часа (9.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Wow. Just wow. I just completed the game today and it has been forever since I've had a game that engrossed me this much. I'm one of the gamers who plays games for the story, so if you're not like that, this might not be the game for you.

Keep in mind every single piece of this game is designed to drive the game. It's a linear game. You're not going to find collectables, multiple endings, side quests, or even a whole lot of achievements. The game developers wisely did not want to bog the game down with that, because those things would have distracted from what the game is trying to say.

Combat is one of the biggest complaints of this game is the combat and how it plays more like a walking simulator then an action game. I don't think the idea was ever to make an action game as much as it was to build an experience around the player as to what it is like to deal with psychosis. And the voices do start to get annoying. I will say that.

The game is designed to mess your head. I don't know if the permadeath feature is real or not. I guess we'll have to wait until someone wise hacks the game and examines the coding to know the true answer. You always fear it's true though and I suppose that's part of the experience. I don't know if they intended to put that in and just took it out or they were just messing with everyone.

As far as the story goes, I don't know what to think. I don't know if you're suppose to think anything.
Публикувана 11 август 2017.
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394.8 изиграни часа (3.2 часа по време на рецензията)
I first played this game on a gaming archives website and knew immediately it was something special. For beginners, there is a steep learning curve, but will eventually reward you with one of the most immersive adventure game ever made. This one was far ahead of its time and definitely worth playing. It's constantly being updated with features that seem so integrated with the system that it feels so natural.
Публикувана 1 февруари 2017.
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72.5 изиграни часа (14.4 часа по време на рецензията)
I've played the "Way of the Samurai" series since the first game. The best way I can describe the series is as the "Ground Hog Day" of video games. The game is short but offers a lot of different ways to play and different endings. That's pretty much it. For newcomers, the game lends itself to a lot of "What am I doing again? Who is that person? Why are we friends?" as the multiple cutscenes don't always fuse together as flawlessly as they should.

So what's the lure for new players? Despite all these flaws, it's just dang fun. Like previous installments, the game doesn't take itself too serious and its best the player doesn't either. While it doesn't get to the level of absurdity of "Way of the Samurai 3", (don't deny it. You bowed to the kitty cats) it does offer a good fair share of quirky characters and odd circumstances. The short length of the game might be a deterrant at first, but it's a good game mechanic overall. When one wrong choice at the wrong time can effect the entire game and prevent certain endings, it was wise for the game developers to keep it short rather than letting players rip their hair out, wondering where they went wrong. And unlike some games, (looking at you Mass Effect 3), every choice really does effect the outcome.

For veterans of the series, there are some new features I enjoy. I love the new set up for styles. I also like the customization and how they removed a lot of the things that made doing side missions annoying.
Публикувана 3 януари 2017.
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8.9 изиграни часа (1.1 часа по време на рецензията)
I have tons of fond memories of the original Shadowgate... Most include me dying and seeing that laughing Grim Reaper. (Hey, I think he's laughing.)

This is one of those remake games that gets it. They managed to navigate the challenging terrain between people who have played the original and expecting that nostagic bliss and those who are new, who have different expectations for games. It's different enough that it's still a challenge if you've played the game before, but not so different that it's unfamiliar.

That is one hell of a hurdle to do and this game does it flawlessly. Well played Zojoi. Well played.
Публикувана 2 ноември 2016.
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401.2 изиграни часа (4.2 часа по време на рецензията)
I personally don't see why they release this. I would have much rather they have taken the resources and make a new DLC or something. Or putting it into making the next TES game amazing. From where it stands now, it seems roduntant. Sure, it looks nice. I'm not going to argue that. But that's all it is. The issues I have with this game.

1. Old mods don't work. I have very heavily modded games and some not so heavily modded. The ones that are heavily modded are unplayable. Sure, there's some mods avalible, but it's slim pickings. It would have been very nice if there was a way, maybe in the creation kit for the special edition, for modders to take their old mods and make them work on Skyrim Special edition. I know nexus is working on something, but not all mod authors care enough to take those steps.

On the plus side, I do have a lot of Harry Potter cloaks of invisibility... and I don't think it's intentional.

2. Bugs. Need I say more? Bethesda games are always riddled with bugs upon release. I get it. But considering Skyrim is a 5 year old game, having all these bugs is terrible. It's like a major step back. I almost wonder, with it being such an old game and other projects, whether bethesda would even take the time to fix said bugs.

3. It feels like this was relase entirely to see if they can develope a modding system for console. And that's it. Put a pretty bow on it, and people will try and complain about it.

So overall. It's not terrible. If you got it for free and don't have a trillion mods, then it should be fine. If you didn't get it free and have the original, don't waste your money on this title. It's not $39 better than the original skyrim.
Публикувана 2 ноември 2016.
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22.5 изиграни часа (11.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Wow. This is one of those games that will bait you with the promise of a glorious hero soldier on an honorable mission to save civilians, only to hit you upside the head with the harrowing truth: you're not a hero. In fact, there aren't any heros in this game.
Публикувана 30 юни 2016.
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