Alayners   Brignoles, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
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Review Showcase
3,790 Hours played
Okay. After 2700 hours of playing this game, I will finally give my honest opinion.
I hope that Bandai Namco France falls on it.

First, it concerns me that the updates that we receive are little less than a year apart.
What's wrong with you Bandai?
You release unnecessary updates, and release ONE character that you sell between 5-7€?
I thought that at the beginning of 2020, we would not have any more?
So unless its to piss off the modders who make your game much more beautiful in terms of graphics and gameplay, or to continue to take people for idiots by offering them DLC, then I dont know what you're really up to.

Adding Chronoa as a playable character is a good idea. However, her move set is just bugged on the PC version.
You are unfaithful to make a real PC version because all you did was copy and paste by using ctrl + C and ctrl + V from Xbox version.
By the way, you should check all rosters moveset, because I've noticed many bugs (even in offline, so don't say It's due of lag).

Today, we have a new update that proposes : a new bot to change our cac appearence.
FINE! Shenron is now useless unless it to change eye color.
Or did you steal that from some modder who already did that bot?
Or is it the same with the Broly wig that you have stolen to make it look worse?
And that's just some of the things I noticed.
And I just checked your Pikkon from Legendary Setpack, You're ok guys ?

In the end, Bandai, your game is very cool. But not on a vanilla game :

- Many bugs, and as time passes, there are more bugs to be found with each update.
- Mostly PvE but many players are still staying around for PVP waiting for a true dedicated server? Or maybe it's too expensive for the little Bandai Namco entreprise?
And I don't talk about Conton City dedicated server of course.
- Many updates that are useless, can be more usefull just by patching existing files.

So, sorry for now Bandai. But I do not recommend your game as this moment.
Keep patching FighterZ. Which is much more beneficial to you, I guess. Obviously E-sport makes money, doesn't it?
You are right on all points, Bandai. Keep it going (that's ironic).

One last point, next-gen graphism (something wrote on Steam Page) ? This is true next-gen guys :
You should check back your graphics engine, and your game engine as long as you do!

Conclusion : I'll keep playing your game for PvP, or my own modded version that is more optimised on PC. But I don't really like how you try to take peoples money for crappy updates (especially on PC). What is the next-step? In-game market (don't forget EA with BattleFront 2)... Ah no, I forgot, on console you can pay for TP medal... Shame on you!
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Alayners 8 May, 2023 @ 5:22pm 
Thank Konri!
Konri_8 7 May, 2023 @ 12:11pm 
Alayners 28 Aug, 2022 @ 12:57am 
So just understand its because we maybe live far from each other --'
And to be honest, I don't really care about what you're saying.
Keep using Archipel, keep playing same spamming gameplay, hoping we'll meet on official tournament with skill and soul restriction, just keep in might if I win agains't u with your gameplay, I really think I'll beat u more easier on official.
Blanketsu Putaço 27 Aug, 2022 @ 2:21pm 
yes because i never used lag switch
Alayners 27 Aug, 2022 @ 2:05pm 
Hmm Blanketsu, is it a simple revenge of what I wrote at some days ago on your wall ? :D
Blanketsu Putaço 27 Aug, 2022 @ 9:43am 
stop using lag switch on pc