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Évaluations récentes de BadCrow

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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
7.8 h en tout
So after long consideration I gave this game a go excpecting to get basicly another MDW1 clone like the previous games have all been. What i got was a fast paced dynamic shooter with good map design nice progression and a vertical gameplay that allowed for more skillbased playing.
Now the graphics are not stunning and the explosions simply suck but the gampelay makes more than up for it. Its enjoyable and has only slight balancing issues (which i suspect will be gone pretty soon). The entire loadout system is nicely done and lets you design your character as you want him to be. killstreakes have never been my thing and in this game you can actualy disable your own and get yourself more perks to spend on your weapon attachments.
Now as a non CoD fan i have to admit the game is nicely done and worth buying if you get it a little cheaper (For the price of 50€ the game lacks the finetuning)

edit: after some weeks of gameplay more and more lags become obvious and it seems the servers lack the stability to sustain the game some technical problems also dim the experience quite a bit.. still it is fun enough to play
Évaluation publiée le 24 décembre 2014. Dernière modification le 19 février 2015.
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31.3 h en tout (27.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Interessantes Spiel gute Idee dahinter doch leider ist die community nicht ganz darauf eingestelt uns so findet man immer wieder leute mit T8 waffen auf den niedrigeren Tiers was die matches ziemlich versaut
Évaluation publiée le 13 novembre 2014.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
128.0 h en tout (81.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
If you are in need of massive online battles as you have never in your entire live seen them before then give this a shot.

Vehicles: heavy tanks, light tanks, transporters, light land vehicles (armed), personal land vehicles, Troop Plane with heavy armor and guns, Gunboat against land vehicles, jets for aa combat and slight ground support.

There are classes but you will get into tha once in the game. Graphics are nicely done especialy at night (awesome light show)

Teamplay is the key of success.

Battles take place with numbers of over 600 players in one place therefore a good pc is recomended (those battles are not usual to happen but they happen noetheless).
normal battles are with about 100 players.

and a tipp if you want to realy enjoy the game join a team/clan/outfit because like this you will have people explaining the game to you and have the full experience.
btw my clan is always recruiting so join Trident (Server: Cobalt Faction: Vanu)
just join one of our platoons (we have one up almost always)
Évaluation publiée le 28 juillet 2014.
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0.8 h en tout
The game is scary: 30min in the game a barrel fals to the ground and i nearly peed myself and had to go outside of my room to a place with more light 10/10

now seriously the game is scary as ♥♥♥♥ witha heavy atmosphere and well chosen gameplay
Évaluation publiée le 28 juillet 2014.
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117.7 h en tout (115.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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In my first match i saw two of my german collegues riding a bike together into battle. After a few meters they got shot and crashed their bike into a wall both of them died while I witnessed an american soldier getting beaten into a pulp by someone with a shovel... 10/10...

or so i thought... after a lot of time the game is worse than it was at the beginning. Balancing is gone, there is more waiting than playing. And they finaly need some matchmaking... like seriously.
the game is not worth it
Évaluation publiée le 21 juillet 2014. Dernière modification le 8 aout 2016.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
192.5 h en tout (37.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I have been playing guns of icarus now for quite a while together with some old friends and some new ones i found through the game.

Now after about 35h of game time I can without a doubt say the game is one of my most favorite team game I have ever played. With the roles of: Captain, Engineer and Gunner the essential part of the gaming experience is the teamplay. As one team consists of two to three ships (which by the way also have unique roles like tanking damage or sniping) it can be a very challenging game for those of you who want to battle other players with unique tactics and crazy ideas.

If on the other hand you dont want to think about your every move but rather set the enemy on fire or destroy them with a swarm of rockets this game will absolutely rock your day too since you can join a crew as a gunner and blast the enemy to hell with a quite impressive arsenal of weapons (all picked by the captain).

Now if you want to help the captain to keep the ship afloat and help your team by not only repairing the ship but also buffing specific parts to increase performance and allowing the captain to outmanouver the enemy. Then the engineer is a class well suited for you. But dont worry every good gunner knows his way around a gun to help out his gunner colleague.

As a Captain you will have little time to use a gun or repair the ship since you will be busy managing not only your ship but also knowing where and when to strike to fully utilice your crew and ship. As I mainly play this role I can assure you it is not an easy job to do but one worth every second doing it if you successfully flank an enemy, catch them of guard after an well planned manouver or scaring the crap out of them if you burst guns blazing out of a cloud singing a song of doom and destruction.

Now to the technical part:
The game looks nice but is not a graphic festival. The effects like explosions are well done and the textures are well chosen and of good quality. The game runs fine on about any pc (if you have a notebook which is very old you might have laggs inside of clouds or if the enemy is burning you with a flamethrower). The servers run fine and a ping up to 150 is about not noticable which makes finding a server alot easier.

Well done even though i miss sprinting
The ships fly nicely and i like the time it takes them to react to your command (feels more real this way). Gunplay is good though a bit hard to learn for long ranges since you and your target are mostly moving at a very fast pace.

Well balanced weapons even though at the moment the flamethrower seems to be a bit strong since they render weapons unusable fairly quickly (like i said its not like they are overpowered they are just a hinch to strong in my opinion)

the AI cant gun for ♥♥♥♥ = you need a lot of people to play the game with the most fun (3-4 people at least) but since the community is pretty nice you almost always find good team to stay with for a while.
certain ships need each other ( flying a spire(good damage oriented ship) together with another random ship will most likely end badly since the spire needs to be protected and not everybody knows that.

Fun game to play with friends. almost everyone finds something he/she wants to do. Pretty difficult at the beginning since you have to learn a lot in action. Nice community. Cool developers who will fight with and against you and are good at the game. A lot of future stuff planned like coop missions and an entire mmorpg world ruled by players . Decent graphics nice gameplay and a lot of thinking to do. Very team oriented gameplay the team with the better teamwork nearly always wins (exceptions will occure with harpoon squids). You have the ability to simply mute annoying players.
Évaluation publiée le 17 juin 2014.
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20.3 h en tout (15.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Fast action mech-shooter.
The game is well made, has decent graphics, good game mechanics and is free to play... What else do you need to know?
I have read that a lot of people consider this game pay to win. In my opinion that is not realy the case of course you have an advantage if your mech is spect out but teamplay and strategie is way more important than a bunch of good mechs. Furthermore if you know the advantages of your mech and engage the enemy accordingly you will easely win against any other mech.
The thing not realy perfect about this game is that the latency is quite high ( at least in europe) but that is only a small point and it's not like the game becomes unplayable because of it
Évaluation publiée le 28 mars 2014.
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1.2 h en tout
Das Spiel nimmt sich selbst nicht zu ernst und wenn man selbst auch in der Lage ist über das zweifelhafte Thema des Spiels hinweg zu schauen und ein fach nur etwas Spaß haben will dann hat man hier ein recht amüsantes Spiel.

Wenn man als böser Nazi-Dino einmal gegen Micky Maus und Charlie Chaplin in den Krieg zieht so war es zumindest für mich etwas schwer mich auf das Spiel zu konzentrieren... (bei so viel Nostalgia...)

Das Spiel hat keine Kampagne doch kann gegen mehr oder weniger gute Bots gekämpft werden oder natürlich diverse online Server.

Meiner Meinung nach ist das Spiel nich übel wenn man es mit Rabatt kauft denn 10€ sind vielleicht etwas viel (das Spiel ist zwar nicht schlecht aber meiner Meinung nach etwas veraltet und so nur bedingt 10€ Wert)
Évaluation publiée le 6 février 2014.
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