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Recente recensies door Ghost Nappa

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1-10 van 39 items weergegeven
1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
125.7 uur in totaal (49.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
tbh leaving this game a bad review leaves a sour taste in my mouth because the game is FANTASTIC but their are WAAAAY to many dcing issues rn with the new update. rn if u use the arc thrower or any electrical attack based weapon your game will crash. its inconsistant. but if your the host using an arc thrower ppl just leave ur game cause they know u as the host if u dc because of that weapoin we all dc. they need to fix this problem yesterday
Geplaatst 24 maart.
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9 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1.1 uur in totaal (1.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The game keeps crashing after completing missions and I have researched everything I can to stop it from happening.
tbh the games not even that good anymore. If you have played 1 & 2 you have played 3.

only get the game if you are interested in the story thats gone on through the 3 games.

im uninstalling and returning until its on sale and has a price tag making it worth it to deal with all these problems
Geplaatst 28 januari 2022.
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10.3 uur in totaal (0.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
if they dont change the lvling up process in multiplayer I wont even purchase the actual game.

Halo was a winning formula and to divert from that tells me someone at 343 is smoking the dankest crack
Geplaatst 22 november 2021.
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7 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
4 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
2.8 uur in totaal
If I wanted a history lesson I would go read a book.

This is just a watered down version of AoE 2. Graphics are an obvious improvement but that doesn't make it worth the price tag.

AoE 2 is still a better game BY FAR.

wait for a sale
Geplaatst 28 oktober 2021.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
0.7 uur in totaal
I actually got into the servers rather quick. im giving the game a bad review cause it deserves it.

I played the beta for hours. its garbage. this game should have been LOTR online 2.

Amazon needed a game to go with the engine it designed for LOTR after the Tolkien family pulled out.

This is what we got.

Amazon. get your ♥♥♥♥ together and stick to delivering to my house.

Also they automated the ban system so if enough people report you the system auto bans you and you're done.

Amazon just wants you're money they don't care about you're experience.
Geplaatst 29 september 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 15 oktober 2021.
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132.1 uur in totaal
is it a good game? Yes

is it better than the first one? No
Geplaatst 10 september 2021.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
4 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
194.7 uur in totaal (186.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)

you succeeded in making vehicles in your game even worse.

pull an OWI and just revert the changes. This is terrible.
Geplaatst 29 juli 2021.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
0.0 uur in totaal
What an absolute crown of a DLC to pave the way to the third game.

without this your game will feel like it suffers. The Beastmen have never been more prepared to pave the way for the true threat.


Geplaatst 16 juli 2021.
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11.6 uur in totaal
Im not gunna lie Ubisoft. Its been almost a decade since this came out.

Im really hoping you have something new coming *cough* Rainbow Six Vegas 3 *cough*
Geplaatst 25 juni 2021.
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14.1 uur in totaal (8.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Games dead on day 1

people didnt like that they couldnt progress their campaign in multiplayer so the community vanished

Games surrounded in bugs. Why do I need to leave a party after a successful mission? even if I leave and rejoin I still cannot ready up in the lobby their is no option for that

I dont think these devs did a damn thing since their play test months ago. the game isnt finished. the drought for good games continues
Geplaatst 18 juni 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 20 juni 2021.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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1-10 van 39 items weergegeven