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116.1 ore înregistrate (28.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Game is fun but I encountered annoying bug (colonel) so the review will reflect that until fixed :D
U know its bad when bugs are know on forums for 4+ years and are getting nicknames instead of fixes.
Postat 3 iunie.
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I dont understand why this blew up. AI is terrible, game is buggy, with all potential realized it'd be fun, maybe, but right now its a make sure to unstuck ur pals from under/over the ground simulator, to then watch them wind up for a charge that will get stuck on a corner or a rock . Ur not choosing pals to beat the type ur choosing the least dumb attack paterns, that have a chance of hitting.
Postat 5 februarie.
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Annoying in ways it does not advertise. Combat is fun, traps are not and there is at least one chapter with a lot of traps. Also the placement of 'bonfires' is pretty annoying, usually before you loose all your money dying to boss you get to spend some of it, only usually.
Postat 4 iunie 2023.
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I liked the original, did not expect ill get this for free, nice move there. But oh my, i never felt so phisically attacked by a game. Just attemted a challenge that involved using wanna see rune a lot and i had to stop cause i was getting nauseous and my eyes hurt. The camera moves so much, so fast and out of player control its tiring with this rune especially but even in city view between every dialog window it will zoom all over the place. Artstyle is less readable than the original and feels unneccessary, I'd rather play the 2d version again.
Postat 19 aprilie 2023.
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11.5 ore înregistrate (7.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Similar to Return of the Obra Dinn but fresh enough to be its own thing.
Postat 2 ianuarie 2023.
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Base game is well worth its price and I'm hoping community created content will push it even further.
Postat 11 decembrie 2021.
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Această recenzie a fost banată de un moderator Steam din cauza încălcării Condițiilor de utilizare Steam. Nu mai poate fi modificată de către autorul recenziei.
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40.2 ore înregistrate (11.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
(Textul recenziei a fost ascuns)
Postat 7 decembrie 2021.
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37.0 ore înregistrate (27.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Devs seamingly dont know basic rules of deckbuilding games. Hard to pull off synergies and combos have barely better effect than just playing a card of that same cost.
Balance of abilities for different animals range from: "i can only use it if I have incomplete party, but why would I handicap myself for no ingame benefit", through: "i might use it once in every 4th battle if perfect conditions apply" to: "oh if I have 4 weasles and one of them rolls 'sharp' perk I can win most battles by turn 2 without even playing cards from my actual deck".
Sprinkled on top with gems like:
"Weapon and shield counts as dual wielding for bonus effect of one card but not another"
"'Hit once and than 2 more times if dual wielding' and 'hit once and than 3 more times if opponent is alone in the rank' sound similar, but one will apply bonus from 'charge' keyword to all hits and another only to the first. Can you guess which?"
"You can pick additional starting challenge that makes you loose if one of your party members dies. Its a fun change that kinda fixes positive feedback in games of this kind. But why then can i also pick "when someone in your party dies, the rest looses willpower" challenge? Why are there ingame events that will apply bonus for the risk of punishment if someone dies if the run ends anyway?"
Calling the game unfinished is generously assuming they plan on fixing it.
Postat 15 august 2021. Editat ultima dată 15 august 2021.
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29.9 ore înregistrate (16.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I'm giving a negative mostly because a bug just soft locked me and will force me to replay half an hour of terrible dialogue and boring exploration in ugly looking and lifeless town. Combat is fun, dnd5e is fun, and the game offers more verticality, with climbing, jumping and flying than any other isometric rpg i've played. But it just feels so unfinished, with core and basic systems like talking to NPC's and resting feeling awkward and broken.
Postat 31 mai 2021.
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2.5 ore înregistrate
Fun, but short
Postat 15 octombrie 2020.
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