Dorian   Pau, Aquitaine, France
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Oblivion, the game from the Elder Scrolls series that is often criticized these days. You will hear a lot of people say, "Take either Morrowind (Elder Scrolls III) or Skyrim (Elder Scrolls V), this one is not worth the trouble."

It is true that Morrowind is undoubtedly the most successful when it comes to the role-playing aspect, character customization, a very "connected" world where your actions influence the many factions, a huge lifespan, an unusual and very immersive world, and a feeling of unparalleled character progression.

It is true that Skyrim has the most advanced graphics, very cinematic, very beautiful, and a more dynamic gameplay than its grandpa Morrowind, with a very lively world where you will find little surprises and astonishment all over the game map, whether it is a sacked merchant's cart, a giant monster corpse, references to other games or folklore ....

Well Oblivion, it's just the middle ground between these two. This is the Elder Scrolls whith the best balance between the role-playing aspect, character creation, progression, quests, addicting scenario and the visual aspect and playability, with graphics nicer than those of Morrowind, a world more active and lively (the NPCs have a schedule, talk to each other and do not stay stuck in the same place indefinitely as in Morrowind, not to mention the FULL dubbing of all the NPCs in the game, of all the lines of dialogue!) .

Oblivion is the middle in the Elder Scrolls series. If you are looking for some old school RPG you won't be disappointed, if you are looking for an action game you will get that too. Oblivion, it is also a very classic environment. Where his predecessor proposed a twisted world, with strange monsters, giant mushrooms, houses built in shells and where his successor offers a Viking, Nordic universe, CONAN THE BARBARIAN and in that genre ... Oblivion offers Europe in the Middle Ages, with a fantastic appearance. Nothing more, classic and déjà vu, but classic well mastered, while adding its own touch. You will get lost in the oak forests of the west of the country, or in the immense golden plains of the coastal region or in the stinking marshes of Blackwood.

Oblivion is choosing not to choose from the Elder Scrolls series, and being sure you won't be disappointed.

And it is without mentioning the DLC, which are excellent, in particular Shivering Isles which is undoubtedly one of the best expansions out of all the Elder Scrolls to date.
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