63 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 10.7 hrs on record (8.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 May, 2014 @ 8:28am
Updated: 3 May, 2014 @ 8:35am

Timeshift is the prime example of a good concept (time manipulation) badly rendered. The story in itself is utterly slim and unattractive (and with quite the erratic narrative) : a scientist, Krone, decied to found his own empire in an alternate timeline and you go after him. The end. No surprises, no twist, no incentive to continue.
The hero is a soulless mute, joining the Resistance just because and being ordered around, while nobody bats and eyelid at a suit guy appearing from nowhere and able to manipulate time around him.
There's a grand total of two timejumps !

But well, story is not meant to be the strongest point of a FPS. Problem is, the gameplay is also lacking. Not that it plays badly- on the opposite, it plays quite smoothly. But the game is far too easy. Your ability to slow time, combined with the quick regeneration of your health and a genous cooldown for time-controlling abilities, makes you near-invulnerable if you stay cautious. The game compensates by unleashing hordes of brainless soldiers, but it just makes the fights longer, not more interesting.
The puzzles are short of anything creative. A puddle of electrified water ? Stop the time, the water is solidified, go unscathed. The bridge is collapsing ? Activate return, walk on it as it goes back in time for your needs. It won't challenge your intellect, rest assured.

The weapons feel good, especially the explosive crossbow, but in the end you feel like you spend most of your times pushing buttons and going back. Cooke, the leader of the Resistance, yelling at you every twenty seconds in some sections till you accomplish the objective is quite unnerving.
The game is mercifully rather short- about 8 hours, without replay value. In a way, it's quite soothing because you stomp the ennemies with your arsenal and slow time capacity, but it was really clunky and uninspired at the time, it's not better now.
If you want a FPS with the Time them and a good dose of humor, try Time Splitters : Future Perfect. Else, even Singularity is more convincing than Timeshift : at least you interact with the world, you're not a mute puppet in a suit.

Surely Saber Interactive is doing better now, but then they have also produced Battle Los Angeles... Not the brightest past.
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Aronaar 2 Feb, 2016 @ 5:11am 
I am pleased if you found it useful. Always nice to have feedback- I wish those disagreeing with reviews would do it more.
CachoTognax 2 Feb, 2016 @ 3:09am 
I owned this game on cd, bought at a fair(now i know wat to expect from games in fairs). It felt meh all the time. The story seemed very (and badly) copy pasted inspired from HL2. Once i tried to use my time powers in a creative way: in the part where you acces a terminal and accidentaly triggered the allarm i try to use my time powers to rewind before, but wasn't possible and would have prevented me from proceed in the game, since that event opened the only exit door. Then i see this on a discount: very positive review... ok. I won't buy this just to help fix this, all I can do is thank you for your deep review
Endalrin 7 Sep, 2014 @ 10:28am 
I love PC but there's always those few jems you miss out on that are on console. Used to have a GC, it's at my mom's house when I moved. I still miss it.
TS:FP was amazing. My disc got ruined so i eventually got a new one.
Aronaar 7 Sep, 2014 @ 4:24am 
And thank you your for your kind comment. I try to stick to the facts most of the time, wich does not appeal to everybody. Singularity is better than Timeshift, the puzzles are dull but at least there are more timejumps and it tries to have a decent narrative, and even offers a slight horror vibe.
Future Perfect on PC with online features would be awesome !
Endalrin 7 Sep, 2014 @ 3:58am 
Just one flaw with your review. TS:FP (which I LOVED) Is not on PC.... :(
I would have suggested singularity.
Thanks for an honest review though. :)