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Motoko_Takai 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 34.2시간
This game...

If some believe the art of exploritory linear story driven games is dying, then they must play this game (and all the DLC, cept maybe the skybattles). There were scenes in the game that were interactive visual masterpieces. The main game is just amazing and engaging. The second DLC was not only alot to take in (more so then the main title) but very visually emotional. This game is a extreamly positive step for the industry as a whole; meaning all devs and aspiring devs need to play this to exeriance the correct standards of a linear interactive narrative.
2014년 5월 9일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 21.7시간
This game... First of all Part 2 plz ^^
Gem of 2013: some disliked it, some liked it the more they played, some found it to be overlooked; and I am and the far latter.
Single Player narrative beat em up; best music Ive heard in a game to date (dynamic music btw), linear, platforming, fighting, puzzle solving, qt events (eww but few)... was diffucult! (1rst playthrough on hardest intial difficulty). Graphically; well, hats off to artist/design team, look at some screenshots...just wow, polished and optimized.

Story... well written mystery that was unpredictable, interesting chars and avatar. Envoked emotion, had social (yes progressive social) elements that were not forced on the user... just given. Games like this I welcome very much. 9/10
2013년 6월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 19.4시간 (평가 당시 17.3시간)
Well for starters 5.5/10 overall, I like it but theres some things...
- Nvidia unopimized, built for AMD gpu's, they tried tessalated hair for the PC and it works fine on AMD but is nerfed (seemingly intentionally) for Nvidia drivers, the TressFX hair can crash the game to reboot.
- They should have called it Far Cry staring LC (or RamboCroft), as it plays like a linear Far Cry, the sandbox feeling is very nerfed.
- Dev said they would take the re-boot back to its roots... but "raiding a tomb" in this game is a short mini game, 80% of time you are COD'ing it against very stupid AI.
- Hunting feature is kinda useless, skill points is well implemented
- Story is B rated action movie, LC can take some serious injuries and "walk them off" in some very nasty doodoo water :P
- I want Part 2... but i want it to be...um how shall I put this? YOU RAID TOMBS and search for intersting stuff and fight or flight dangerous exotic animals... not shoot men with guns :P
- They had the right tracks... you climb, solve puzzles, explore stuff... but then guys come out and.... blah blah, been there done that, got the T-Shirt
2013년 5월 8일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1,919.8시간 (평가 당시 8.4시간)
This game is EYE CANDY x10..... teams of 4 or less destroying factions of aliens/humans....

They have this whole samurai honor thing going in some futurific spacfaring society...

Utilizes mild PhyX and DX10, very clean and smooth game.... does not support surround super high resoulutions... sound could be better and more proffessionalized.

Combat is simple, violent, and repeditive but not grindy (yet)....

Good game for free, can kill hours very easily
2013년 5월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 19.4시간 (평가 당시 10.1시간)
My Favorite game of all time... ALL TIME

This game is the kind of game that I like to see produced. It has a very modern enviorment and feel, the artistic value of this game is simplistic and minimalistic allowing its user to focus on the abilities and task of the player. The platforming experiance gives a feeling of freedom and challenge as the player's charactor is mortal but highly skilled. I wish dearly to see a 2nd edition to this game but It seems unlikely as many pervieved this game to be too resourse intensive or too difficult.

There is a PhyX edit to this game that makes it run like butter; goto :Binaries:PhysXLocal -> and delete/rename the file there... done
2011년 11월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.6시간
Where do I begin at this game? Many players found it to be too linear, but with all the open ended sandbox games available, a linear game can be welcomed so you can focus.This game is (deceptivally) resource intensive. With PysX on and w/out editing a .ini file and/or a dedicated card, prepare for low fps, as this game utilizes maximum PysX. Edit the .ini file and take the fps cap off of 30 and be prepared for eye candy. This is how you do it: http://physxinfo.com/news/5883/gpu-physx-in-alice-madness-returns/. This edit makes the game simply gorgious. PC is the way to play this game as it is meant.

Now the story can be a bit melodramatic but very intersting. The music is creepy and alignes with the enviorment. Combat is very much like the Shinobi games for Ps2 w/out chain kills. I found the level designs to be perfect and enveloping, but it is linear. I HIGHLY recommend this game if you are a entusiast, GPU geek, or a fan of well designed and thoughtful games.
2011년 11월 3일에 게시되었습니다.
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