Devin Heder   United States
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Review Showcase
274 Hours played
Just join for hearth and home. My small play group comes back on the reg to this game the level system is not on ones character but the workbench,forge,bellows, cauldron and others that you build with your sweat and tears. Build your base defend it from raiding trolls druegar and Graydwarves that plague the land before you. With beautiful simplicity at the surface you will realize quickly this game is not all that it seems. Each situation,enemy, need and challenge will have your brain working and the fun (as well as frustration) ensues losing your corpse half way across the world while exploring will humble you as well as three shotting drakes with your bow will make you feel powerful and unstoppable> hearts all around 4.5/5
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DevoLution 10 Jul, 2023 @ 1:10am 
lol ty
CynicalSly 7 Mar, 2023 @ 6:24pm 
that background though ( . ) ( . )