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Nylige anmeldelser av Vuyek

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28 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
446.9 timer totalt (61.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Brand new player.

Game is awesome. Lots to do, lots of stories with voice acting, game is fun for trekkies and not.
Imagine a free KOTOR; there you go.

The grind is not as bad as many other games, the only problem is that the game does not explain very well all its mechanics (and it is a lot).

Recommend watching some youtube vidyas.
Publisert 20. oktober 2022.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
16.9 timer totalt (1.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
So here I am, I have just added a fan to my "radiator" and, since it was not working, installed SMARTFAN (tm), configured that b...ch, and now my comp is no longer melting. Hooray.

Installed 2nd disk drive, of course, cant clone it because my 1st HDD is bad sector central (but thanks to BOOTGENIUS (TM) and some magic (and internet searches) it somehow is booting up again (no idea how I fixed it - magic!).

Now, gotta clone the bad sector HDD somehow to the new one (mission impossible, truly). HDCLONE (TM) is no go, because it recognizes 1st HDD as... "it works based on magic and wishful thinking, 10% bad sectors).

So, DRIVEIMAGE XNL (TM) also no worky, but wait! If I switch 2nd drive to MBR from GUID, it can copy! I lose 2TB of disk space, but can use MBR2GPT even though it is WINDOWS STONEAGE VERSION (TM).

Or at least that was the plan, until DRIVEIMAGE XNL (TM) said whoa dude, your 1st HDD is.... wtf is it dude? How it still works?

So now playing this game, because it is FUN (TM) and checking up SMARTFAN (TM) to see if my GPU temp of 65 Celsius is OK or if my PC is melting.

So, uh.... game is.... gud.... and stuff.
Publisert 22. juli 2022.
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6 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
25.8 timer totalt (11.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I am impressed. This is a solid RTS. There are multiple strategies you can choose.
Not exactly rock-paper-scissors, even when strategy is countered you can overwhelm with numbers.

All in all, I HIGHLY recommend this little gem.
Publisert 28. juni 2022.
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21.9 timer totalt (21.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)

must play at least once
Publisert 11. april 2022.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
19.0 timer totalt (15.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Crashes!!! Lots of crashes!!!

Bugs!!! Lots of bugs!!!

Loading times!!! 3-5 minutes on HD, 30-40 seconds on SSD (LOL)!!!

I had fun playing it, it is roughly 20-30 hours of entertainment, half of which was loading times.

Nie wiedzialem ze Fiat 126p aka "Maluch" jest taki popularny na Route 66.

Review/ocena: japrdl.exe
Publisert 17. oktober 2021.
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En utvikler har svart 3. apr. 2023 kl. 8.32 (vis svar)
3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
44.7 timer totalt (24.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Damned Good Game, this is. Highly recommended.
Logistics and politics are king and queen, with combat a distant third, as it should be in a war.


I was as surprised as you probably are.

Very RNG, very map dependent (what kind of map you roll) - but if you get a map you don't like, you can just restart and reroll, no problem.

On Regular, AI is challenging, and while at start you will be building water towers ("water works" in game) to get Political
Points to be able to afford your units, and delivering UN supplies to make the villages like you more (and like enemy less)...

...very soon militia will spam mines ("IED") all over the place, and engage your Husky anti-mine vehicles, talibs will engage your helicopters with AAA missiles, and villages will fly the red (opium - militia) or white (talib) flags which show you their allegiance.

Solid, challenging game - and this is from a guy who HATES beer and pretzel games, and loves monster grognard "no life" like War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition.
Publisert 27. august 2021. Sist endret 15. januar.
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6 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
46.6 timer totalt (27.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
So let me write what I wrote in a review.

I am ambivalent about this game. You WILL have fun at the beginning, first 20 hours or so. After that, you MUST like CCG grind in a CCG free to play game setting.

Do you like gimmicky decks?
Total cheese?

Because that is what you will play once you reach the rank of corporal (1-5 days, depending on how hardcore per day you are).

And once you reach Corporal, you will discover that your decently made up deck will be up against decks of multiple super OP gold cards, which will take away your cards, spy on your hand, punish you for attacking an enemy, totally obliterate you, and generally cheese you.

Most "pros" look up the most "super pro meta" decks online, and grind them.

Then you, the casual, once you reach Corporal, will ONLY encounter these tryhards.
And lose every game.

EVERY. Game.

There is no going back from Corporal level, which would alleviate the depression for a "not pro 3l33t player".

You are stuck there, grinding for your OWN cheese OP meta deck of the day (before it is nerfed).


You will NOT have a nice experience once you reach Corporal.

Incidentally, played vs spitfire deck. What are the chances that on turn one he gets RAF Ground Crew (bonus to drawn spitfires, +1 +1) and then each turn after he gets nothing but Spitfires. This beggars belief, as the hand is made up of 40 cards, and there are not that many Spitfires one can buy.

Of course this is MY viewpoint - I hate gimmicky decks with OP mechanics which decide a CCG game. I very much enjoy a match in Kards where both players are slugging it out, back and forth, with some non-OP abilities used (orders). But that kind of a match where both players slug it out without an OP gimmick is maybe 1 in 10......

Publisert 9. juni 2021. Sist endret 10. juni 2021.
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227.9 timer totalt (190.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
one of the greatest games ever made

do GET the Fajeth mod for it
Publisert 20. januar 2021.
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15.2 timer totalt (4.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang

Do you like to suffer? Do you like to feel bad? Do you want to be frustrated every few seconds?

Do you like unintuitive User Interfaces? Ones where you cannot find anything you are looking for?

Do you like arcane rules, such as security desks not connecting to airport stands, because.... reasons
PROTIP : go on google. type in "airportceo security checkpoint". see the 1st suggestiong google suggests for your search completion.

Do you like the people in your airport to get stuck on random pieces of furniture, walls, sidewalks?

Do you like connecting all, ALLLLLLLLL your airport taxiways, airport stands, runways one by one, dot by dot, so that your airplanes know where to go?

Would you like to know more about airportceo? Because there is more, it's just that I don't want my blood pressure to explode.

If any of the answers to these questions is a YES for you, congratulations!

You are a masochist.
Publisert 21. november 2020.
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319.9 timer totalt (288.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)

I love this game. It is one of the greatest games I have ever played. So why the negative review?

1) Memory Leak. Game has a memory leak, and the longer you play, the more the game lags until it stops working

2) You can optimize the game in the server.ini file which is made for every galaxy (save) you create. Which is awesome. For example, changing the setting aliveSectorsPerPlayer=500 to 100 or even 10, literally stops the lag. Makes the game FAST.

Unfortunately..... the game reverts the changes you made in server.ini with every jump into a system (which happens every minute or so). So all the options you set in server.ini to optimize your game and tailor it to your liking are useless - because in a minute game will default to aliveSectorsPerPlayer=500 and game will die on you.
Publisert 11. november 2020. Sist endret 12. juni.
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