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Senaste recensioner av Mars Bar

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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
25.7 timmar totalt (15.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
i love playing with me and my friends worms
Upplagd 1 augusti.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
31.4 timmar totalt
the idea was good. thats the only thing good about this game
Upplagd 27 juli.
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52.9 timmar totalt (41.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Although its a well made game, but it gets insanely repetitive. so i 50 percent dont like the game and 50 percent like the game.
Upplagd 30 juni.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
5.6 timmar totalt
When i looked at videos of this game, it seemed like a blast, and it was, untill all the hydraulic parts. the tutorial is unclear as it shows you how to do it, but it doesnt tell you why what your doing is actually working, you cant just do something for the player and them automaticlly understanding it. Even youtube tutorials are unclear.
Upplagd 27 maj.
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18.0 timmar totalt (16.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
funny water game
Upplagd 16 maj.
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26.0 timmar totalt (4.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
If you have ever played lethal company, its that, but instead of searching for scrap metal and running from monsters, you instead film monsters and run from them and upload them to "spooktube" Personally lethal company got kinda boring for me, so this is a good new change of pace! Sure its heavily inspired by lethal company, but its not copied! its like 7 dollars if i remember correctly, If your bored of lethal company, Try this! 9.5/10
Upplagd 14 april.
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25.0 timmar totalt (3.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I mostly stick to short reviews for a game, for instance just saying "good" and thats it, but this one DESERVES fully fledge detail review, Note, this review doesnt contain Any spoilers, So, lets get into it. The Game centers around a fishermen who crashed into an island (somehow) even though Their was a light house there, Then, the mayor puts you in debt like any good capitalist would do in return for giving you a fresh new boat (the old one got destroyed in the crash) it turns out he hired you to be a fishermen to prevent them from going hungry! He then gives you a fishing rod, Warns you about Going out for to long at night, And leaves, You then go catch some fish and its great! However, there is a mechanic in this game that makes it go to a Relax game, to a straight up HORROR GAME. If you stay out in the dark for to long, you begin to get more and more paranoid/paniced, sure you can ignore it, but the more paranoid/panic you get, The more dangerous the world becomes, Spawning Scary monsters that will do everything they can do have your boat for dinner., you cant fight them. you can only run from them, however, Its not that bad! you can equip better lanterns on your boat to reduce panic, or rest/sleep by docking at a near by island with houses on them, neat! but, if you want to go out in the night without worrying about monsters, they recently added a "passive" mode that makes monsters ignore you and not attack, But, if you choose to not use this, i will only give you 3 pieces of advice. DONT. GO. OUT. IN. THE. DARK. YOU. WILL. DIE. and for the second piece of advice if you choose to ignore the first piece of advice, IF THERE IS ANYTHING BIG, COMING YOUR WAY, RUN. and for the last one, DONT GO NEAR THE FELLOW BOAT. Happy fishing! :)
Upplagd 9 april.
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47.3 timmar totalt (30.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd 28 februari.
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36.3 timmar totalt (16.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
cut tree, get wood. wood good. zombie fight me. zombie bad. kill zombie. triumph. life good.
Upplagd 17 februari.
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1.4 timmar totalt (1.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd 8 december 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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