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150.6 hrs on record (149.0 hrs at review time)
Changed my review from negative to positive.

Sony reverted their terms of access. Arrowhead ftw.
Posted 5 May, 2024. Last edited 6 May, 2024.
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6.2 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Throughout all the variety in this game, no weapon is stronger then the pistol and assault rifle that you start with. Maps are subtle deviations of famous existing maps, so they feel new for 2 matches or so and thats it.

Cannot recommend.
Posted 23 November, 2021.
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1,104.0 hrs on record (551.3 hrs at review time)
December 19, 2017: You would think after the amount of money they've made from early access alone they'd figure out how to handle latency issues and how to deal with rampant hackers, but hey, I don't run a business, so who am I to judge?

January 24th, 2017: An ocean of chinese hackers comes spilling over the hills, hooting and hollaring in their red shirts and lack of pants. They fear nothing, because when the screen snaps in any given direction, that means its time to click and fire. Snipers fire without the need to lead their shots, for their bullet travel time is exactly 0. One valiant squad shores up it's defenses and puts up a fight, knocking a few chinese chargers to their knees, but despair sets in as their comrades heal them without need of the 10 second heal delay. They spam 8 bandages in a matter of 2 seconds.

The tide rolls on, no end in sight.

They don't care about chinese hackers because, in China, its acceptable. Which apparently means its acceptable that they come to NA servers with their endless third party programs, hacks and scripts and pile that on top of their already outrageous ping advantage.

Region lock China. Thanks for taking my money.
Posted 19 December, 2017. Last edited 24 January, 2018.
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680.8 hrs on record (418.4 hrs at review time)
You can pick from 3 different factions. Terran Republic (Speed [fast and small fighter planes] and pissing rounds[mini guns, tanks with 2 shells before reload]), The New Congolmerate (Sturdy main battle tanks with shields and Power per shot [lots of damage on slow firing weapons, shotguns on fighter planes, shotguns on MAXs, lots of shotguns]) or the Vanu Sovereignty (Alien laser technology, hovering tanks, independance day looking fighter planes, plasma photon pods instead of firing dumbfire rockets [also little/no bullet drop]).

Step 1: Figure out the class that will reap the most XP for you and purchase the necessary equipment. Granted, some of these can take an insty-bitsy amount of time.

Engineer: Repair any vehicle in the game for experience, throw down ammo boxes to replenish ammo for friendlies, set up turrets that you can mount and fire, upgrade to be able to throw down auto-fire turrets.
Pro Tip: Double up by upgrading a Sunderer with the ability to passively proximity heal all friendly armor while you throw down ammo boxes nearby to friendlies firing their guns while you're on foot healing armor with your repair gun while your deployed armor repairing sunderer is acting as a mobile spawn unit for friendlies to spawn on = profit (you're a pro engineer support now).

Heavy Assault: Turn the corner and come face to face with an enemy soldier, activate personal shield and piss bullets at him with your high magazine LMG. You had a shield, he most likely didn't. You win. Unlock auto-lock on rocket launchers and blast enemy fighters out of the sky for 700+xp or shoot pesky fast moving harassers. Unlock the ability to use C4 and throw it on top of an enemy Sunderer that you snuck up on and damage it --> then shoot it with your rocket launcher to score a Sunderer kill (700 xp).

Infiltrator: Hack enemy terminals in bases that you fight in. Enemy runs up to vehicle terminal to jump into a Main Battle Tank. Oh wait, you own the terminal now. You come out of invisibility and shoot him with your x2, x3 or x4 scope of your choice on your semi-automatic sniper rifle. Oh wait, you went with a x12 bolt action 1 shot kill sniper rifle, nevermind. Oh wait! You came out of your augmented stalker cloak invisibility (stay stationary stealth permanatly) and unloaded a SMG magazine into his side. He died. Thumbs up.

Medic: An ally outfit or platoon you're fighting with decides to MAX crash a point (swarm control point with hulking robots). You follow behind the tide of steel and bullets and constantly revive any poor wittle MAX or soldier that got gunned down. 100xp per at least. You can heal yourself and any other soldier (not MAXs, but can revive them). You catch up to the control point and bodies litter the area because of heavy fighting. You casually toss in revive gernade and it hits 9 people. They all rez and get up and fight again. You deploy small shields that help recover allied depleted shields. Its only been 2 minutes and 47 seconds since the MAX crash swarmed out of the spawn and to the point. You acquired 107 certs.

Light Assault: You have jetpacks and can scale over mountains people can't walk up. You're officially better at getting places you probably shouldn't then your average Skyrim player. Enemy Sunderer is spotted on other side of massive rock outcropping. Enemy keeps running around it to get to the other side to fight. You flew over it and pooped out some C4 on the roof of the Sunderer. You detonate and blow it up and surrounding players. 1000xp+. You've moved on enemy tower to try and capture it. You jetpack to the 2nd level while everyone takes the stairs. Enemy is in the stairwell shooting down while your faction tries to fight up. You shot everyone in the back and continue to jetpack to the third floor. You fought on 3 different floors in 8 seconds.

MAX: Hulking robot with guns for arms. You outfit both arms with anti-air flak cannons and spot an enemy ESF (Empire Specific Fighter[Fighter planes]). You tear through him like toilet paper. 300xp+ You then max crash your own control point that is infested with enemy softies (enemy infantry that arn't MAXs) and unload into the room with your double-machine gun loadout and piss 200 rounds in 7 seconds. Helpful good guy allied engineer bro is behind you repairing your suit and giving you ammo. You go to reload guns while enemy is right in front of you. You melee him with your robotic arms and killed him. You're a bully.

Ground vehicles: Insane amount of combinations to choose from. Sturdy and strong main battle tank, fully equipped to prevail against all other armor with its full anti-armor loadout, including its secondary turrets mounted on top to help support you. Fast/solo piloted Lightnings with guns ranging from rapid fire viper to anti-air flak cannons to the armor piercing to infantry wasting explosive shells. Or the 2-3 manned harasser (essentially a go-kart with a gun) that can outrace most projectiles and side-swipe an enemy vehicle or deployed sunderer surrounded by enemies before people can react or get a lock-on(if piloted correctly). Man a Sunderer and fill it up with a squad of 12 people and unload it in an enemy base, then deploy it an act as a mobile spawn center where every spawn grants you XP. Oh, want to go pick a fight? Upgrade its armor and turrets and turn it into a battle sundy that can also heal nearby allied armor. Your short-bus now has some style.

Air vehicles: Pilot the single person ESF and decide whether to make a bomber or an air superiority fighter. Guns range from dumbfire rockets to air to air lock ons. (Oh! and dumb-fire proximity lock-ons!) Or pilot the biggest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ vehicle in the game called a galaxy and upgrades 4, (yes, four) turrets and make it a flying fortress with some UMPH. Complete with a horn that sounds like a whale (oh and run over the smaller planes in the sky!)

Its hard to write a review for this game. Theres so much you can do. 10/10 would put in 400+ hours and only be level 53 out of 100 again.
Posted 2 September, 2015.
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1.4 hrs on record
Created a character, completed the tutorial. On a suggestion from a NPC guard right inside the city, I went to the graveyard to kill undead for gold. I killed 3 walkers and accidentally looted a player's body right next to the walker's corpse because I thought it was the walker's corpse. I looted fast because of Full Loot mechanics and thieves everywhere. Became a criminal for having a player's head in my inventory and get immediately cut down by a player in blue steel armor and wings on his back.

11/10 would spend more time installing game then actually playing and dying to a runescape wannabe player again.

Serious post-humor EDIT: After spending 30 minutes trying log into the game and only recieving 'Contacting server. Verifying...' and then nothing happens, I probably should have given up. After attempting to create a character and getting stuck not being able to click out of reading ancestry bios because I have no way of changing my resolution or windowed;full windowed mode, I should of given up. After spending 10 minutes running from one tutorial quest NPC to the next and then getting stuck on a rock on the ground the size of a small turtle, I should of given up. After spending another 10 minutes running through the city asking for directions to the graveyard and looking for signs to it listening to old-school morrowind-ripoff-esque music and looking at bland morrowind-looking graphics, I should of gave up.

After getting killed in a well known noob area of the game outside of the starting city to toxic, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ veteran players, I gave up.
Posted 2 September, 2015. Last edited 2 September, 2015.
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