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35.0 timer registreret i alt (9.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
this is better than the HD versions, trust me.
Skrevet: 16. september 2020.
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4.2 timer registreret i alt (3.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
way too clunky, janky unwieldy and unstable at its current state
graphics were blurry even when all graphical options were maxed, movement felt stiff and unresponsive, being unable to do anything while proning and aiming down the sights can and will get you killed.

if you want a good realistic WW2 shooter, i suggest Red Orchestra/Rising Storm
Skrevet: 20. juli 2020.
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0.7 timer registreret i alt
it's a good game but city-builders are just not for me
thanks for the free weekend tho
Skrevet: 12. juli 2020.
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2.9 timer registreret i alt
this is just fallout 4 but worse in every possible way and no mod support. STAY AWAY
here is how i experienced it in my free weekend

turns out that it just takes 25 years for nuclear holocaust to subside and now Applachia is a paradise again
the first minute i get out of the vault - the FIRST ♥♥♥♥♥ MINUTE i get attacked by these chinese robot spider things, couldn't even peacefully talk to the first human NPC's you meet

from some reason Vault Tec thought its a good idea to let all the vault dwelllers out with not a single peace of gear to defend themselves with, have to rely on some rusty old mechete that a random settler gives you after you beg for a weapon.

get a quest to build a sign and broadcast in the radio about a treasure to bait some bandits, completely ignoring the fact that it could lure god-knows how many people that will all get mad after they'll realize the broadcast is fake

some A-holes were griefing at the Wayward bar, they built a camp right next to it, so you have to run like 200 meters so you could build up that stupid sign.
and another jerk was AFK at the front door, effectivly blocking it. after nudging around him i managed to click on the door and enter, but when i exit, i got stuck inside his player model unable to do anything except for terminating the game

no way to play this game in singleplayer, gotta pay 100$ a year just to access such a basic feature via private servers, so on top of griefers you also have to deal with the fact that lots of areas are empty because other players previously cleaned them up

saw a firefight going on between a couple of players and a bunch of protectrons, "neat" i thought, time to actually benefir from this multiplayer aspect and help them out - the robots detected me even though i was sneaking behind them, they all instantly focused fire on me, my guns did bugger-all damage to them because they were 5 levels higher than me.

died from looting a corpose of a fire-breathing mosquito thing, realized that these game also lacks saving and loading the game and you can't pause to apply health items.

morty said the bandits were dangerous because they were able to clear out the lumber yard from super mutants, but when i found these mutants they were very easy to kill, so the threat was all fabricated
super mutants shouldn't even exist because the FEV had absolutly no reason to be in Applachia, let alone merely 25 years after the bombs fell.

finally got to the lumber yard, entered without any stealth because NPC dialogue suggested i could reason with them, nope, they all open fire as soon as they see me, no questions asked.

sneak my way to find their gang leader this one is actually not hostile even though i just killed like 10 of his gang members, asked him if i could join his gang.
he said he'll agree only if i find him this treasure that's tons of food, meds and guns, which is absolutly moronic since i wanted to join spesifically because i wanted to find this stash.
also why would he think anyone would share the stash with him if someone finds it alone?

so i decided to kill him to end the quest. gang leader dropped like a fly, his buddy though - was a bullet sponge, and managed to kill me even tho i sunk like 100 bullets into him with my pipe rifle.
so yeah, with such an amazing game expreince no wonder this game has this reputation.
go ahead a tell me how you actaully able to enjoy this piece of crap, when you can just get FO4 and mod it for a fraction of this game's price

Bethesda - "enjoy your dissapointment"
Skrevet: 18. maj 2020. Sidst redigeret: 19. maj 2020.
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340.2 timer registreret i alt (17.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
so when i started the game i was like "meh, Witcher 2 was better, don't know what's with all the high praise"....
but then....
i started the questline for the Bloody Baron, and all i can say is HOLLLLLLLY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this game is amazing, the writing for this game is phenomenal, the characters are all too real and you are completely immeresed in this world.
without spoiling, all i can say about the Bloody Baron questline - never in my adult life did i feel so much raw and genuine emotion in a video game.
this game deserved every single bit of praise it got.
Skrevet: 10. maj 2020.
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1.6 timer registreret i alt (1.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
way too much mining, and when combat does happen eventually, it feels bland and unsatisfying.
if you like co-op combat this game is NOT for you.
this game is mostly for people who like exploration, platfroming and digging
Skrevet: 1. marts 2020.
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5.1 timer registreret i alt (3.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
a 30$ game that has 60% of its playable characters locked behind a paywall.
you can unlock 2-3 MAX by grinding for hours with in the story mode
i would have been more forgiving to this if all these DLC characters were relatively new to the franchise, but nope, classic chararcters that have been around for more than A DECADE are also locked behind the paywall.

you're a Guile main? Your Favorite character was Sakura? will sucks to be you, cough up the dough.
do not support this shady anti-consumer practice. this game is not worth it, plenty of other fighting games that do it right.
Skrevet: 10. februar 2020.
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8.3 timer registreret i alt (4.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
a fantastic action game that is a MUST for every fan of WH40k
though the melee combat in this game is simplistic, it makes up for it with a fluid combination with ranged combat.
you always need to switch between your ranged and melee weapons. you always need to dodge and proiritize the more dangerous enemies, and there are plenty of fun gimicks like the assault jump packs and stationary plasma canons to keep the gameplay varried
and of course the graphics are fantastic even for a 8 year old game.

sadly the multiplayer is dead and the singleplayer is about 5-6 hours long so less worth getting at full price
Skrevet: 7. januar 2020.
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4.5 timer registreret i alt
combat is just garbage, no nicer way to say it.
i thought the combat in previous elder scrolls games are bad, but this one is just a whole new level of awful.

its unresponsive, slow, clunky, and worst of all - requieres no skill:
just mash buttons and if you have higher stat points than the enemy - you win.

if the game's main focus wasn't combat, it shoudn't have had real-time fighting.
Skrevet: 11. november 2019.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
7.2 timer registreret i alt (4.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
a pretty fun shoot-em-up with lots of enemies to kill and hells of bullets to avoid.
for the asking price its a no-brainer.

if you ever liked playing Tyran, Gradius or Raptor, this game is right up for you
Skrevet: 24. oktober 2019.
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