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12.0 h en tout
Aiko's Choice: A Polished Evolution

TL;DR: If you enjoyed Shadow Tactics: Blade of the Shogun, Aiko's Choice is a refined sequel that addresses many concerns, offering a more accessible experience without sacrificing the core stealth elements.

- Diverse Approaches: Unlike its predecessor, many levels in Aiko's Choice provide multiple paths for completion, adding a layer of strategic variety to the gameplay.
- Improved Difficulty Curve: The game introduces a more gradual difficulty curve, easing players into the challenges rather than throwing them into overwhelming situations right from the start.
- Manageable Levels: Levels are now shorter, more manageable, and less grindy, providing a more satisfying and less overwhelming experience.

Aiko's Choice is a commendable evolution, offering a more balanced and accessible gameplay experience. The improvements in level design and difficulty curve make it a more enjoyable journey for both newcomers and veterans.

Target Audience:
This installment appears to be aimed more at the general gaming audience than hardcore stealth enthusiasts. Despite its shorter duration, it stands as a better-crafted game compared to the original.

A welcome departure from the non-existent and impersonal narrative of the original, Aiko's Choice presents an engaging story that enhances the overall gaming experience.

Duration Consideration:
While shorter than its predecessor, some might argue that Aiko's Choice could have been released as a DLC rather than a standalone title. However, its quality and improvements make it a worthy successor.

Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice successfully addresses previous game criticisms, providing a more inclusive and satisfying experience. With refined gameplay, improved storytelling, and a more accessible approach, it stands as a better game than the original.

Disclaimer: This review was written with the help of ChatGPT 3.5.
Évaluation publiée le 9 janvier.
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23.2 h en tout
A Tactical Nostalgia: Shadow Tactics Review

TL;DR: If you loved the Commandos series, you might find a familiar yet slower-paced companion in Shadow Tactics. As someone not particularly fond of stealth games, the lack of alternative playstyles and linear level design was a bit restrictive. However, the game's impressive execution, especially considering its modest development team, deserves recognition.

- Commandos Echo: Fans of the Commandos games will feel a wave of nostalgia with Shadow Tactics. The tactical approach and planning required are reminiscent of the classic series.

- Stealth-Exclusive: As a slow-paced stealth game, Shadow Tactics doesn't offer alternative playstyles like going in guns blazing. The lack of diversity may limit its appeal to a broader audience.
- Linear Challenges: While bonus areas exist, most levels feel linear, requiring a specific order of guard elimination for success. A bit more freedom in approach would have added depth to the experience.
- Pause Dilemma: A "pause" button for assessing situations before acting could have enhanced strategic planning, providing a welcomed tactical breather.
- Limited "Shadow" Moves: The ability to plan moves in advance is a nice touch, but the inability to daisy-chain "shadow" moves limits the potential for creative and fluid strategies.

Shadow Tactics shines in capturing the spirit of classic tactical games. However, the gameplay could benefit from more varied approaches and enhanced strategic tools, such as expanded "shadow" move options.

The narrative unfolds in short bursts, lacking the engagement and inspiration desired. While not entirely absent, the story fails to leave a lasting impression.

The game's visuals, particularly character animations, show signs of aging. The odd look and walk of characters, especially in cutscenes, can be a noticeable distraction.

Impressive Feat:
Despite its flaws, Shadow Tactics stands as an impressive creation from a small studio and team. The dedication and achievement in delivering a tactical experience akin to classics deserve commendation.

For fans of the Commandos series seeking a reminiscent tactical journey, Shadow Tactics offers a familiar landscape. However, its limitations in gameplay diversity, linear challenges, and somewhat dated visuals may impact its broader appeal.

Disclaimer: This review was written with the help of ChatGPT 3.5.
Évaluation publiée le 6 janvier.
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44.5 h en tout (42.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
A Melancholic Odyssey: Spiritfarer Review

TL;DR: Spiritfarer is a game for those who enjoy long, relaxing experiences that blur the line between a work of art and a video game. It's not for those seeking coherent plots and linear progression.

Spiritfarer invites you to uncover the stories of companions through dialogue and tasks, providing a unique narrative approach. The main character's (Stella) story unfolds as you reveal the tales of each companion, emphasizing discovery over ease.

The game attempts to marry the aesthetics of a work of art, reminiscent of "GRIS," with Metroidvania and base-building elements, all wrapped in cute, cartoony graphics.

- Exploration: Discovering stories through interaction and tasks.
- Artistic Appeal: A beautiful blend of visual artistry and gaming elements.
- Unique Combination: A mix of Metroidvania and base-building genres.

- Length and Grinding: Backtracking and resource gathering may feel extensive, especially for completionists. Moreover, there is no progression in resource collection. The effort it takes you to get a resource at the first 5 minutes of the game is the same as after 100 hours. You don't get more resources per attempt as you progress, it doesn't take less time, it's not automated. You just need to grind and grind and grind to get resources.
- Backtracking Challenges: Limited guidance for missions and backtracking can be confusing. There is no indication of where to go, no arrows or marks on the map, and no ability to choose a mission and have it appear on the map. You only get names of places (sometimes) in missions, and you need to either remember them by heart or look for them throughout the entire map. It's not just 1-2 missions; it's dozens. Some missions only ask you to "bring me XYZ resource" without any indication of where these resources may be found or if you've gained the necessary skill to find them.

The majority of Spiritfarer (about 90%) involves resource gathering, revisiting discovered places, and talking again to people you've interacted with to progress new quests. Unfortunately, this leaves very little time for plot/story or discovering new places. Most of the game is centered around resource management and backtracking after discovering new game mechanics to access previously unreachable areas.

On the crafting side, it's a heaven for anyone who likes crafting. Spiritfarer offers a vast variety of items such as trees, ores, metals, fruits & vegetables, fish & seafood, quest items, and more. You can grow fruit trees, plant seeds, fish & collect mollusks, mine ore and metals, cut down trees, grow animals, and harvest their milk/eggs/wool. However, the sheer variety comes at a cost—it takes a significant amount of time to process these items. You can smelt, grind, saw, harvest, and cook an enormous combination of different products, resulting in a huge variety of food items.

Spiritfarer is a melancholic, heartwarming, and somewhat sad journey with a slow pace both in gameplay and music. The focus lies on enjoying the journey rather than reaching an endgame. The story takes a back seat, as does base-building and resource gathering.

Disclaimer: This review was written with the assistance of ChatGPT 3.5.
Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2023. Dernière modification le 28 décembre 2023.
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4.4 h en tout
Framed Collection: A Mosaic of Mediocrity

Story: 3/10
Graphics: 6/10
Originality: 9/10

Framed Collection consists of 2 games which, in essence, are two peas in a pod.
The variance between the two games is minimal.

The game, in my opinion, falls victim to its own hype.
Despite sporting an impressive originality score, the gameplay, though unique, doesn't quite live up to the hype.

Essentially, it's a simplistic puzzler employing a mere 2-3 mechanics to tackle any puzzle.
Upon successfully completing each screen, you're treated to a cute success animation, and failure offers a slightly different failure animation.

Regrettably, the narrative is close to non-existent.

In summary, it's a charming indie game, but it doesn't warrant much celebration.
The blend of modest graphics and innovative concepts gives it an indie charm, but it's not a standout title.
Perhaps a delightful diversion, but certainly nothing to write home about.

Disclaimer: This review was written with the help of ChatGPT 3.5.
Évaluation publiée le 20 décembre 2023. Dernière modification le 20 décembre 2023.
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0.4 h en tout
A Quick and Unique Point & Click Experience

All You Can Eat is a concise point & click adventure game that offers a unique twist on storytelling through comic book strips. While some reviews may not be overwhelmingly favorable, it's essential to recognize that, for what it is, it's not a bad game. In fact, considering the plethora of subpar games with higher price tags, All You Can Eat stands out in its own way.

The game's brevity is apparent, as you can breeze through the entire adventure in under 30 minutes. This may be a drawback for those seeking a more extended gaming experience, but it also makes the game accessible for a quick and entertaining session.

The graphical presentation is where All You Can Eat truly shines. The decision to convey the entire story through comic book strips adds a distinct and appealing visual element to the game. It's a refreshing departure from conventional storytelling methods in the adventure game genre.

While it might not be a groundbreaking masterpiece, All You Can Eat manages to deliver a short, enjoyable experience with a unique visual style. In a world filled with overpriced disappointments, this game stands as a testament to the notion that sometimes, less is more. If you're looking for a quick and quirky adventure that won't break the bank, All You Can Eat might just be the palate cleanser you need.

Disclaimer: This review was written with the assistance of ChatGPT 3.5
Évaluation publiée le 15 décembre 2023. Dernière modification le 15 décembre 2023.
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12 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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16.4 h en tout
An Evolution Beyond: Dishonored 2 Surpasses Its Predecessor

Dishonored 2 stands as a remarkable improvement over its predecessor, enhancing every aspect of the gaming experience.

Story and Character Choices:
The narrative in Dishonored 2 surpasses the first game, offering a more intricate and engaging storyline.
A significant enhancement is the option to choose between two characters, male and female, each with their own distinct abilities and perspectives.
This dynamic choice injects a new layer of replayability into the game, inviting players to explore both sides of the narrative.

As expected, the graphics in Dishonored 2 are a substantial leap forward.
The visual aesthetic is not only refined but also captivating, contributing to a more immersive and visually stunning world.

Gameplay Changes:
The most notable departure from the first game lies in the gameplay.
No longer can you rush through levels or adopt a brute-force approach.
Dishonored 2 compels players to embrace a stealthy strategy, emphasizing meticulous planning and patience.
It's a game for those who relish the challenge of intricate planning, with each level demanding hours of thoughtful consideration.
The multiple pathways to completion, often involving puzzles, add a delightful layer of complexity to the experience.

Special Abilities and Upgrades:
Building on the success of the first game, Dishonored 2 takes special abilities to new heights.
With an expanded array of abilities, upgrades, and more, the game allows for a heightened sense of empowerment.
A notable addition is the potential to craft new charms, introducing an element of customization to the gameplay.

Exploration and Secrets:
For enthusiasts of meticulous exploration, Dishonored 2 hides secrets and additional layers that I, as someone not particularly drawn to this genre, haven't had the chance to fully discover.
The game encourages players to delve deeper into its intricacies, promising hidden treasures for those with the patience to unearth them.

In summary, Dishonored 2 is a game that both fans of the series and newcomers will like.
It not only improves upon the strengths of the first game but introduces new elements that elevate the overall experience.
While not my preferred genre, the depth and quality of Dishonored 2 are undeniable, making it a standout title in the stealth-action genre.

Disclaimer: This review was written with the assistance of ChatGPT.
Évaluation publiée le 9 décembre 2023. Dernière modification le 9 décembre 2023.
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7 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
8.1 h en tout
A Slow-Burning Stealth Experience with Nostalgic Undertones

Disclaimer #1: Take my review with a grain of salt, as I discovered I don't particularly enjoy the "slow-paced sneaking" genre anymore. I may not be the best target audience for this game.
Disclaimer #2: This review was written with the assistance of ChatGPT 3.5. Please let me know if it turned out too "poetic" or "uppity".

Dishonored has built a reputation for its stealth-oriented gameplay and unique world design.
However, my experience may deviate from the general consensus, as numerous current Steam reviews tend to focus on nostalgia rather than evaluating the game's contemporary appeal in 2023.

The game adopts a slow, methodical approach to stealth reminiscent of titles like Hitman.
Each level demands meticulous planning and execution, providing a challenging experience for those who appreciate a more deliberate pace.
However, the absence of many "choke points" allows for alternative playstyles, such as rushing through levels or confronting guards head-on.
This flexibility adds a layer of dynamism to the gameplay, catering to varied preferences.

Weapons and Abilities:
The weapons in the game range from a pistol (that acts like a shotgun) to a crossbow, to sleeping bolts.
One of the highlights of Dishonored is the special abilities you can use.
These abilities range from teleportation, mind control, to summoning rats to devour your enemies.
They are not only diverse and original but also incredibly fun to use, adding an extra layer of excitement and strategy to the gameplay.

Despite its age (having been released in 2012), Dishonored continues to impress with its visuals.
On a modern GPU, the graphics surpass even the expectations set by promotional videos on Steam.
The art style withstands the test of time, contributing to an immersive atmosphere that enhances the overall experience.
Another cool aspect featured in the game is the death animation when you kill someone.
They are diverse and original, adding a visceral and immersive element to the combat experience.

While the world and narrative present an original concept, the delivery falls short of expectations.
The initial stages of the game are captivating, but as the story progresses, it succumbs to mundanity.
Dialog sequences become skippable, offering little new information and mostly serving as filler.
Even a later "plot twist" feels mundane and fails to spark interest, diminishing the overall impact of the narrative.

Side Missions:
Dishonored's side missions, unfortunately, lack the creativity and excitement found in the main storyline.
Veering towards the mundane, they fail to match the allure of the primary quests.
This aspect leaves players yearning for more diverse and captivating optional content to enrich the overall gaming experience.

Final Thoughts:
My diminished enthusiasm for the stealth and sneak-up genre likely influenced my experience with Dishonored.
While recognizing its positive aspects, such as impressive graphics and an original world, the game struggled to fully engage me due to its slow pacing and less captivating storytelling.
For those who relish the deliberate nature of stealth games, Dishonored may still hold the charm that has solidified its status as a classic.

Remember, individual preferences play a significant role in gaming experiences, and what may not resonate with one player could be a treasure for another.
Évaluation publiée le 8 décembre 2023. Dernière modification le 9 décembre 2023.
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10 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
6.8 h en tout
This game is a bit dated, having been release back in 2009.
So I will discuss both what it was at the time of release, and how it plays in 2023.

A bit of history...
Mid-1990s were the heyday of point & click adventure games, or "quests" as they're sometimes called.
They were in fact so popular, that in the late 1990s they were the pioneers of the FMV gaming, with Hollywood budgets for the top tier games.
However as the 1990s were coming to an end, a new trend in gaming in general started to emerge: 3D.
Instead of having 2 dimensional characters, or pre-recorded FMV, studios started trying to create 3D characters and environments. Which did no go well.
High budget games started flopping one after the other, and the whole point & click adventure craze came to a halt.
There were hardly any adventure games being released in 2000s.
No studio would touch an adventure game with a 12 foot pole.
And no gamer seemed to want to buy/play one.

But as the big studios were staying clear of the adventure games genre.
Some small indie studios were making their first steps, trying to see if anyone still wants to play adventure games.
One such studio was the French Microids studio, whose original game Syberia became an insta-hit in 1999 (in small indie game studio scale). Praised for it's beautiful hand-drawn background graphics and unique story.
And another such studio was the Spanish Pendulo Studios, which in 2001 created a cartoon style game called "Runaway, A Road Adventure".
The fist Runaway game was not a success like modern indie games sometimes are. It didn't sell a million copies within one year.
However it was a huge success compared to the non-existent adventure game genre.
And it was enough of a success, to pull the tiny studio from the brink of bankruptcy, and give them enough breathing space to continue making games.
Which they do to this day.

Overall, the 3 Runaway games sold roughly 1.5 million copies by the year 2010, which made them some of the best selling adventure games of the 2000s.

Now lets fast forward to 2023 and see how the game fares.
First of all, this is not a game from some worldwide mega-corporation - and it shows.
The character animations are a bit rough around the edges. They have a unique cartoony style - but it doesn't feel fully polished. Just unique.
The voice acting is not perfect either. I don't think you'll find any big-shot voice actors here.
And the plot is... frankly, it's a bit silly. In all of the games, not just this one (the last in the series).

Unfortunately, there is no part if this game I can honestly say "If you liked the XXX mechanic in other games, you have to try this game!"
There is nothing it truly excels in.

However, I will give it a positive review, for the following reasons:
1. I am all for promoting indie developers, and this entire game series is an amazing achievement for a small indie studio
2. This game series is one of a handful of game which didn't allow the point&click adventure genre to die out in the 2000s, and allowed it to survive to modern times.
3. The cartoony graphics keep it young, and you can't really tell if the game was created in 2009 or 2023.
4. It's really not a bad game. The solutions may be non-trivial (or non-logical) at times, but it is a fun game to play.
Évaluation publiée le 22 octobre 2023.
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13.6 h en tout
TL;DR Don't believe the hype.

I don't get all the hype.
This game has a gazillion 9/10 and 10/10 scores from various reviewers.
But it's just not that good!

There's a stealth part of the game - which is good
There's a lights/rats puzzle solving - which is also good
The animation of the characters is great. At least the main character.
But there is absolutely nothing that we haven't seen in other games before.
It doesn't invent some completely new genre.
It doesn't set any new standard for existing game genre.

You might think the story of the game is exceptionally good - but it isn't.
The main premise of the game is quite original.
But it is not explained properly.
And the dialogs are really not well written.
Most of the dialogs feel like a benign banter. The characters simply don't say anything meaningful.

There is a bunch of supporting characters, but they are more stereotypes of common supporting characters than real people.
The annoying little sibling... (e.g. Princess Leia)
The quiet giant with a heart of gold... (e.g. Chewbacca)
The random stranger with same gender and similar age, that will inevitably become the best friend stereotype... (e.g. Han Solo)
The villian... (e.g. Darth Vader)
The villian's boss (e.g. Emperor Palatine)
Typical cast of any adventure story...

About the game mechanics:
There is some crafting.
But it's very very limited.
And doesn't have a profound effect on the game.
Same for collecting resources.
Very few resources, and very limited use.

Now I'm not saying it's a horrible game, it's not fun, or that you shouldn't play it.
But it's a 7.5/10 game.
I can even believe it can get 8/10 if I'm being generous.
But it's in no way a 10/10 game.
Not even 9/10.
Évaluation publiée le 5 octobre 2023.
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0.4 h en tout
As you may see, my gameplay time is less than 30 minutes - and my view of the game in this review is going to be from a very specific angle:
Should you buy this game in 2023?

I'm not talking about people that played this game and enjoyed it - if they should play it again.
I'm not talking about people who already own this game - they may try it out and form their own opinion.
I'm talking about people who never played this game.

The answer is a resounding NO.
If you never played this game and have no nostalgic feelings for it - there is no reason to buy it.
You can get Just Cause 3 for literally $3 on sale.
And even the newest Just Cause 4 is less than $10 on sale.

Just cause 2 looks & feels much, much, MUCH worse (more outdated) than Just Cause 3.
So just don't.
Évaluation publiée le 5 octobre 2023.
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