10 people found this review helpful
37.7 hrs last two weeks / 9,092.6 hrs on record (3,499.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Jun, 2017 @ 5:05pm
Updated: 1 Sep, 2018 @ 11:12am

Updating review to say this game is still my addiction after 18 months and over 3500 hours played. I have played FPS games since 2008 but this is different it has alot to learn don't get me wrong it's not like you will hop in and instantly dominate there is a fairly steep learning curve and you have to lvl your mechs skills to improve the mechs stats. There is alot to learn and the mech moves upper and lower torsos seperately which takes a little getting used to, you can just load it up and fire like a mad man there are things like slots tonnage and heat managment to keep in mind aswell. The game is free to play and seems to hold events regularly that you can get items that would ussualy cost money to get for free so it's also free to win. If you have ever played FPS or Tank type games and enjoyed them I highly recommend trying this game out.
See you in game my in game name is
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RQS-devine 10 Jun, 2024 @ 8:50am 
Been playing over 7 years now and over 9K hours played. Still loving and playing the game.
XC3758 23 Jun, 2017 @ 9:36am 
Three months ago?
Just saying:
That works out to just under 12 hours a day EVERYDAY for the 90 days you have been playing ..
good job and good hunting Mechwarrior