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0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 32.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (12.8 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2020. dec. 11., 15:38
Frissítve: 2020. dec. 11., 19:07

Cyberpunk 2077. Now you might be looking at my review and being like, "Is this guy serious? He's making a good review? He must be really brave to be this honest", Whether you agree with me or not that's your choice and yours alone.

Gameplay? I'll vote this at a 7/10. Why? The gameplay is good but it's not groundbreaking or something to celebrate. You got your guns, your knifes, katana's, grendaes. All of these are fine and all but it doesn't stop there. You can craft, you got your map. It's no GTA 5 but it certainly feels Deus Ex like. If I were to compare it to a game. You can kill civilians, you can shoot cars, and raid gang hideout; the future is grim.

Main Campaign/Side Missions? Okay, I'll rate this at a 7.5 with the main missions giving it 2 points putting it at 8.5. These are pretty well done to the point it surprises me at each turn. First you try and steal an important artifact, then your jumping off a building while the entire army fires it's gun at ya. It's a wild ride, and it keeps letting you know it's wild as you venture fourth until you encounter the BBEG himself or the Big Bad Evil guy to be exact. Your actions and choices DO matter, unlike certain other games that say "they matter" when they don't. To be exact, you will not get the same ending every single time. It's going to be different between your playthrough everytime.

All in all. Guaranteed a good game. It may not be the game of the century, but it does well to uphold it's good written story.
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1 megjegyzés
SlashingHades 2020. dec. 11., 18:32 
Might want to cut out that last paragraph as it's a spoiler.