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Опубликовано: 15 июн. 2021 г. в 5:47

Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
Rising Lords rises the tradition of Lords of the Realm I&II again. managing little feudal countrys, to get a thriving economy going. feeding the people, gathering construction materials, smithing weapons, and finaly conquering all the lands, while you hold your peasants at bay.

the game is in a very playable state, all important elements seem to be there, and function properly. bugs are quickly eliminated after the reporting. the devs took a lot of heartblood in this game, which is nicely done in every aspect.

dont expect a global strategie game like Total War or Crusader Kings here. instead enjoy a comfortable the settlers, with a lot of boardgame like elements.

I absolutly recommend this game, and hope their will be more content soon.
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