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Évaluations récentes de Troll Armor LvL 32

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248.6 h en tout (154.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
That's the game.
Évaluation publiée le 12 octobre 2021.
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32.5 h en tout (7.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Since 1993, ID Software has set a line of excellence, with the Doom series, that every other game in the fps genre looked up to. Fast gameplay, adrenaline flowing, and the simple fact that you have to shoot a lot. Doom Eternal continues the evolution, from Doom16, adding more speed, more variety of tools that are not rebundant, but just perfect to clear the waves of demons. Skill curve is here, and it's not immediate, because you just can't shoot, you have to launch granades, to shift out, to change weapon, set the monsters on fire... and you have to do it fast (at least on Nightmare difficulty, you have).

Mentioning the terrific work done by Mr. Gordon with the music, it's just unbelievable how it captures the essence and enhances every corner of the maps, real good work on this.

Story side... story? We really need this? It's clearly a confusionary narration, but it's a artistic choice for sure, it's not left at random, as many people think. I'm not bothered at all, honestly I don't even need a background excuse to kill demons.

I have not already tried the multiplayer, I'll edit my review when I will.

For now: 10/10, must have.

PS: absolutely no performance issue at all. 144fps all the time, on ultra settings, and i'm not running on a killer spec.
Évaluation publiée le 21 mars 2020. Dernière modification le 23 mars 2020.
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