The Sun God. 태양신 솔라   Korea, Republic of
on everyone's lips.

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Last Updated: February 21. 2025
Is the more experienced, the more conservative?
경험이 많을수록 보수적인가?
The World Rank #1 of Mecha Engine, The World Rank #2 of Total Tours. []
(2019.09.21) Mecha Engine 1,000th Tour Complete.
(2021.02.02) Mecha Engine 2,000th Tour Complete.
(2023.06.26) Mecha Engine 3,000th Tour Complete.

(2019.05.15) Total 1,000th Tour Complete.
(2020.04.02) Total 2,000th Tour Complete. (No screenshot)
(2021.08.04) Total 3,000th Tour Complete.
(2023.05.20) Total 4,000th Tour Complete.
(2024.11.29) Total 5,000th Tour Complete.

★Australium Counter : 134 (오스트레일륨 획득 수 : 134개)★
Number of Australium got in Tour - (Total Number of Australium got) Tour Count : Stuff

☆ 기름 유출 (Oil Spill), (Lv. 3) ☆
Australiums never drops from Oil Spill.

☆ 강철덫 (Steel Trap) x 4, (Lv. 56) ☆
1 - (20) 6 Tour : Force-A-Nature
2 - (76) 30 Tour : Ambassador #8
3 - (84) 35 Tour : Wrench
4 - (86) 37 Tour : Flame Thrower #8

★ 기계 엔진 (Mecha Engine) x 94, (Lv. 3,607) ★
1 - (3) 10 Tour : Grenade Launcher #2
2 - (6) 40 Tour : Tomislav
3 - (8) 157 Tour : Blutsauger #2
4 - (10) 178 Tour : Black Box
5 - (13) 217 Tour : Knife
6 - (14) 234 Tour : Rocket Launcher
7 - (15) 260 Tour : Grenade Launcher #4
8 - (16) 265 Tour : Knife #2 (Double Gold Drop)
9 - (18) 291 Tour : Sniper Rifle
10 - (19) 294 Tour : Ambassador
11 - (21) 329 Tour : Axtinguisher
12 - (22) 343 Tour : Force-A-Nature #2
13 - (23) 344 Tour : Ambassador #2
14 - (24) 371 Tour : Flame Thrower #2
15 - (25) 372 Tour : Ambassador #3
16 - (26) 397 Tour : Tomislav #2
17 - (27) 411 Tour : Flame Thrower #3
18 - (28) 476 Tour : SMG
19 - (29) 479 Tour : Grenade Launcher #5
20 - (30) 496 Tour : Rocket Launcher #2
21 - (32) 595 Tour : Ambassador #4
22 - (33) 606 Tour : Ambassador #5
23 - (34) 609 Tour : Knife #3
24 - (35) 626 Tour : Blutsauger #3
25 - (36) 635 Tour : Ambassador #6
26 - (37) 670 Tour : Grenade Launcher #6 (Double Gold Drop)
27 - (38) 805 Tour : SMG #2
28 - (39) 819 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher #2
29 - (40) 852 Tour : SMG #3
30 - (41) 921 Tour : Rocket Launcher #3
31 - (42) 933 Tour : Force-A-Nature #3
32 - (43) 998 Tour : Ambassador #7
33 - (45) 1,007 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher #3
34 - (46) 1,011 Tour : Scattergun #2
35 - (47) 1,064 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher #4
36 - (48) 1,086 Tour : SMG #4
37 - (49) 1,093 Tour : Flame Thrower #4
38 - (50) 1,136 Tour : Tomislav #3 (Double Gold Drop)
39 - (51) 1,142 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher #5
40 - (53) 1,178 Tour : Force-A-Nature #4
41 - (54) 1,238 Tour : Force-A-Nature #5
42 - (55) 1,270 Tour : Tomislav #4
43 - (56) 1,341 Tour : Knife #4
44 - (58) 1,416 Tour : Tomislav #5 (Double Gold Drop)
45 - (59) 1,446 Tour : Rocket Launcher #4 (Double Gold Drop)
46 - (60) 1,447 Tour : Frontier Justice #5
47 - (61) 1,455 Tour : Minigun
48 - (62) 1,567 Tour : Tomislav #6
49 - (63) 1,569 Tour : Scattergun #3
50 - (64) 1,576 Tour : Minigun #2
51 - (65) 1,584 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher #7
52 - (66) 1,602 Tour : Force-A-Nature #6
53 - (67) 1,608 Tour : Black Box #2
54 - (68) 1,713 Tour : Scattergun #4
55 - (69) 1,733 Tour : Knife #5
56 - (70) 1,851 Tour : SMG #5
57 - (71) 1,884 Tour : Medi Gun #2
58 - (72) 1,888 Tour : Flame Thrower #5
59 - (75) 1,978 Tour : Rocket Launcher #5
60 - (77) 2,013 Tour : SMG #6
61 - (78) 2,016 Tour : Force-A-Nature #7
62 - (79) 2,040 Tour : Blutsauger #4
63 - (81) 2,116 Tour : Sniper Rifle #2
64 - (82) 2,135 Tour : Frontier Justice #6
65 - (83) 2,143 Tour : Flame Thrower #7
66 - (85) 2,209 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher #8
67 - (87) 2,317 Tour : Tomislav #7 (Double Gold Drop)
68 - (88) 2,322 Tour : Axtinguisher #2
69 - (89) 2,329 Tour : Frontier Justice #7
70 - (90) 2,342 Tour : Flame Thrower #9
71 - (91) 2,350 Tour : Force-A-Nature #8 (Double Gold Drop)
72 - (94) 2,499 Tour : Flame Thrower #11
73 - (96) 2,526 Tour : Frontier Justice #8
74 - (97) 2,563 Tour : Eyelander
75 - (98) 2,597 Tour : SMG #7
76 - (99) 2,609 Tour : SMG #8
77 - (101) 2,653 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher #9
78 - (104) 2,736 Tour : Medi Gun #3 (Double Gold Drop)
79 - (106) 2,756 Tour : Ambassador #10
80 - (107) 2,758 Tour : Minigun #3
81 - (108) 2,765 Tour : Wrench #2
82 - (109) 2,860 Tour : Eyelander #2
83 - (110) 2,957 Tour : Minigun #4
84 - (112) 3,101 Tour : Knife #7
85 - (114) 3,175 Tour : Black Box #3
86 - (115) 3,251 Tour : Tomislav #8
87 - (116) 3,305 Tour : Knife #8
88 - (120) 3,423 Tour : Black Box #4
89 - (122) 3,447 Tour : Knife #10
90 - (126) 3,532 Tour : Blutsauger #6
91 - (130) 3,571 Tour : Black Box #5
92 - (131) 3,574 Tour : Flame Thrower #12
93 - (132) 3,592 Tour : Rocket Launcher #9
94 - (133) 3,597 Tour : Sniper Rifle #4

※ 두 도시 (Two Cities) x 18, (Lv. 830) ※
1 - (1) 17 Tour : Medi Gun
2 - (2) 24 Tour : Grenade Launcher
3 - (4) 59 Tour : Scattergun
4 - (5) 83 Tour : Blutsauger (4 Boxes)
5 - (7) 229 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher
6 - (9) 267 Tour : Frontier Justice
7 - (11) 273 Tour : Flame Thrower
8 - (12) 298 Tour : Grenade Launcher #3 (4 Boxes)
9 - (17) 348 Tour : Frontier Justice #2
10 - (31) 403 Tour : Frontier Justice #3
11 - (73) 474 Tour : Knife #6
12 - (80) 522 Tour : Flame Thrower #6
13 - (95) 613 Tour : Grenade Launcher #9 (4 Boxes)
14 - (113) 660 Tour : Minigun #5
15 - (117) 707 Tour : Rocket Launcher #7 (4 Boxes) + ProKs stock Minigun - FH, VV
16 - (118) 721 Tour : Knife #9
17 - (121) 747 Tour : Sniper Rifle #3
18 - (125) 809 Tour : Medi Gun #4

☆ 기기 분쇄기 (Gear Grinder) x 18, (Lv. 603) ☆
1 - (44) 31 Tour : Frontier Justice #4 (Diamond Drop)
2 - (52) 65 Tour : Grenade Launcher #7
3 - (57) 83 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher #6
4 - (74) 143 Tour : Grenade Launcher #8
5 - (92) 246 Tour : Flame Thrower #10
6 - (93) 255 Tour : Scattergun #5
7 - (100) 304 Tour : Rocket Launcher #6
8 - (102) 321 Tour : SMG #9
9 - (103) 323 Tour : Blutsauger #5
10 - (105) 330 Tour : Ambassador #9
11 - (111) 349 Tour : Ambassador #11
12 - (119) 434 Tour : Grenade Launcher #10
13 - (123) 479 Tour : Axtinguisher #3 (Diamond Drop)
14 - (124) 485 Tour : Grenade Launcher #11
15 - (127) 539 Tour : Grenade Launcher #12
16 - (128) 560 Tour : Medi Gun #5
17 - (129) 578 Tour : Rocket Launcher #8
18 - (134) 602 Tour : StickyBomb Launcher #10

★ The count of Australiums each earned. ★
Scattergun : 5
Force-A-Nature : 8
Rocket Launcher : 9
Black Box : 5
Flame Thrower : 12
Axtinguisher : 3
Grenade Launcher : 12
StickyBomb Launcher : 10
Eyelander : 2
Minigun : 5
Tomislav : 8
Frontier Justice : 8
Wrench : 2
Blutsauger : 6
Medi Gun : 5
Sniper Rifle : 4
SMG : 9
Ambassador : 11
Knife : 10
Golden Frying Pan : 0
Artwork Showcase
(2024.11.29) Total 5,000th Tours.
23 12
친애하는 만업 게이머들에게, Dear mvm mann up enjoyers,

mvm이란 건, 인게임에서의 주요 인기 컨텐츠 중 하나임과 동시에, 도박이라는 의미도 담겨 있다.
그래서 투어가 높은 사람들의 경우, 자신보다 투어가 낮은 사람들이 더 좋은 보상을 얻고 가는 것이 부당하다고 느끼겠지.
왜냐하면, 자기들은 힘들게 고생하면서 게임에 임하는데도 불구하고, 그들은 크나큰 기여 없이 게임에 임하기 때문이다.

그래도 인게임에서 만들어낸 이 모드가 비록 도박이라 일컬어지더라도 현재는 주요 인기 컨텐츠 중 하나로 자리잡은지 오래라 새로운 사람들이 유입하는건 앞으로도 계속될 것이고,
불공평한 도박 시스템으로 인해 자신보다 투어가 낮은 사람들이 아무리 더욱 좋은 보상을 얻고 가더라도, 이 모드를 즐겨하는 사람인 이상 아무리 고투어라 할지라도 납득해야한다고 생각한다.

또한, 투어가 높은 사람들은 아무리 지식과 경험이 많다 하더라도, 그것들을 토대로 게임을 하드캐리하기 위함으로 매우 강하게 임한다면, 게임에 기여하지 못하는 사람들이 하나둘씩 생기게 하기 마련이다.
그러나 그렇게 게임을 혼자서 어렵게 플레이했음에도 본인이 아닌, 다른 사람들이 좋은 보상을 얻으면 매우 불공평하다는 생각이 들겠지.
그래서 투어가 많은 사람들은 최선을 다하더라도 100%로 최선을 다해서는 안 되고, 최소한 절반만 최선을 다해야 한다고 생각한다.
그래야 모두가 공정하게 게임에 기여할 수 있는 기회를 만들 수 있고, 본인이 아닌 다른 사람들이 좋은 보상을 얻고 가더라도, 불평불만 없이 납득할 수 있을 테니까.

그러나 치트나 고의잠수 등, 다양한 수단을 이용해 인게임의 시스템을 악용하거나 일부러 게임에 기여를 하지 않는 불성실한 자가 있다면 그 사람은 추방당해야 마땅하다.
놈들은 스스로 협동을 포기했어.
인게임의 시스템을 악용하거나 일부러 게임에 기여를 하지 않는 자들에게는 제아무리 고투어라 할지라도 낙인찍음으로써 그 과오를 보상하게 할 수밖에 없다.
놈들을 지켜줄 시스템은 더 이상 존재하지 않아.

치트를 사용하는 놈들은 애시당초에 사람이라고 볼 수 없지만, 일부러 게임에 기여를 하지 않는 놈들은 사람임에도 불구하고, 자신들이 뭘 잘못했는지 전혀 깨닫지 못하는 경우가 많다.
왜냐하면 어차피 자기들이 나서지 않아도 게임이 쉽게 진행될 거라는 이기적인 생각을 사전에 품고 있기 때문이니까.
본인들이 스스로 나서지 않아도 게임이 진행될거라고 펼친 이기적인 논리가 결국에는 본인들은 쓸모없다는 것을 스스로 증명하면서, 추방당하기에 정당한 사유가 되는 셈이다.

또한, 고투어는 나쁜 사람들이 많다는 편견이 널려있지만 그래도 그 중에는 뜻깊은 사람들도 존재한다.
그런 사람들을 자기 사리사욕을 위해 교묘하게 이용하는건데, 놈들에게 좋은 보상을 얻게 하려니 수지타산이 맞지 않아.
그 뜻깊은 사람들은 자신의 경력과 지혜를 놈들에게 이용당했으니까.

그러니까, 낙인찍어버리는 거다.
놈들에겐 그 시련이 필요할 거야.
쉽게 넘어가는건 용서하지 않는다.
이 모드의 본질인 협동을... 그 영혼에 똑똑히 새겨줘야 해.


Dear mvm mann up enjoyers,

mvm is one of the most popular content in the game, and it also means gambling.
So people with high tours feel it's unfair people with low tours to get better rewards than themselves.
This is because, despite a high tours plays hard, but a low tours plays without much contribution.

Still, even if this mode created by in-game is called gambling, it has long been one of the most popular contents, so the influx of new people will continue,
So no matter how well people with low tours than themselves due to the unfair gambling system are rewarded, I think everyone who enjoys this mode must be convinced, no matter how high tours they have.

Additionally, no matter how much knowledge and experience people of high tours have, if they are very hardly to carrying the game based on knowledge and experience, they will have people who can't contribute to the game.
But, even though high tours played the game hard, if others, not themselves, get good rewards, they will feel that it is very unfair.
So I think people with high tours shouldn't do their best 100% even if they do their best, but they should do their half of best at least. That way, we can create opportunities for everyone to contribute fairly to the game, and also even if people other than themselves get good reward, they will be able to understand without complaining.

However, if there is an unfaithful person who uses various means, such as cheating or intentional idling, to exploit the system of in-game or not contribute to the game on purpose, that person should be votekicked or stigmatized.
They have given up the cooperation, the essence of this mode themselves.
Those who abuse the in-game system or deliberately do not contribute to the game have no choice but to compensate for their mistakes by votekicking or stigmatizing them, even even if they are a high tours.
There is no more system for protect them.

People who use cheat can't be seen as "human" in the first place, but people who purposely don't contribute to the game are "human", but they don't realize what they've done wrong at all.
This is because they have a selfish idea in advance that the game will proceed easily even if they don't play themselves anyway.
In other words, the selfish logic that the game will be played without themselves stepping up is a legitimate reason to be votekicked or stigmatized, proving themselves useless in the end.

In addition, there is a prejudice that there are many bad people on the high tour. But there are still good people.
A people who purposely don't contribute to the game are viciously used such good people cleverly for their own self-interest, and so it's not right to make them get a good reward.
Because those good people have been used by them for their careers and wisdom.

That's why i votekicking and stigmatizing a cheaters and an intentional idlers.
They'll need that ordeal.
I don't forgive them for moving on easily.
The essence of this mode, "cooperation"... we must to engrave it clearly in their soul.
Recent Activity
448 hrs on record
last played on 7 Mar
3,755 hrs on record
last played on 21 Feb
💀 Edmontonian Egg 💀 2 Mar @ 6:32pm 
Actual NEET, the definition of a NEET. 기생충.
Jonas 2 Mar @ 6:31pm 
Jonas 2 Mar @ 6:29pm 
Also ur the reason there's low birth rates in South Korea lol women can't spend time with someone's dedicated their life to a TF2 MvM Tour lmaooooooooo
Jonas 2 Mar @ 6:27pm 
Congratulations on being the world #1 rank in Mecha Engine!!

Nobody cares about this achievement or will remember you for it. It is as an insignificant achievement as the 2 years of your life you spent on this dying game. The game will eventually fall to hackers, lowlifes, and losers such as yourself. Your MvM manifesto you spent writing your heart out about means nothing to no one, and your MvM "accolades" and TF2 inventory translate to no fiscal value. Your digital inventory could one day disappear at Valve's whim.

Maybe consider getting a job?
💀 Edmontonian Egg 💀 2 Mar @ 6:25pm 
you a fan of fetty wap?
Sola 10 Feb @ 9:00pm 
I don't know if your house was on fire then, but no worries.