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总时数 17.5 小时
Cuphead is a great example of putting large amount of work into detail and it pulling off. A "run and game" game set on using cartoon look of the 1930s and doing such good and hard work to make it feel smooth and the animation is most likely the best 2d animation you will ever see in a game. They hand drawn every frame to the last detail and it just looks killer. It is however a tad short, I cleared it about 15 hours but I also tend to play a lot of rouge-likes and hard 2d games like this. Though judging from other review time records, seems 15-30 hours is the average time when someone puts up a review so I'm assuming they clearing around that time as well.

Game-play itself is a challenge but not an impossible one. All about finding the patterns of the fights and using that dash to avoid attacks which most would compare to dark souls but it's a tad more easy and likely to clear some (early level) areas without dying. Debatably easier with an 2nd player as you can bring each other back to life but the bosses health is larger as well. There is no online mutiplayer however you can use steam's remote play, parsec, or sunshine / moonlight to play this over the internet with a friend and said friend doesn't need to buy the game as well.

This game is worth the full $20. Honestly with the amount of work put into it and even added DLC not to long ago, it's worth more then that even though the game is a bit short. A very good game that everyone should play themselves.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 23 日。
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有 71 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 1.1 小时
Last update in 2020. Developer sleeping on this and let the hype die. For a game that was estimated for 2 years of develop time, it's now going on 4 years with 2 of them with not a single update or sale given. It's unfortunate as the game concept is great and the detail given so far (other then the menu's and ways to connect) is done nicely. Game play isn't bad and the overall system is smooth other then the menus.

Just without progress, room for adjusting the price down as $25 USD is way too much for a early access game that has not moved in years. There is no proof this game will finish and the developer is showing that and that's a clear red flag to not buy this game. If you need examples of what is a good early access game price, look at games like Vampire Survivors, Project Zomboid, and Phasmophobia.

Overall, avoid. Very little chance this game will finish and doubt the developer will reconsider and turn things around.

EDIT: As of 7/25/2023 this review stands and developer has not proven me wrong yet. Had a full year from this review and still not a single update.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 23 日。 最后编辑于 2023 年 7 月 26 日。
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一名开发者在 2022 年 7 月 24 日 上午 4:37 作出回复 (查看回复)
总时数 208.9 小时 (评测时 136.8 小时)
I gave this to a friend and watched his life slip through his fingers.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 23 日。
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总时数 83.7 小时 (评测时 82.3 小时)
Personally the only fallout game you should start and only play. The rest of the fallout games cannot compare to the story, gameplay, or choices you make in this game. Truly the best RPG FPS style game of it's time that still holds up strong to this day.

Don't let the graphics of it's day fool you, it truly still holds up on everything else and if the graphics bug you that much, mods exist.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 23 日。
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总时数 90.1 小时 (评测时 87.5 小时)
Very simple concept, easy to learn hard to master strategy space game that you can choose how you play. You can choose to use the pause function to RTS it or only when things are dire or not use it at all to feel the game in real time.

There are many ships and weapons and other types of systems and such that all factor in each ship fight and scenario that you most likely won't have the same encounter twice in your life time, making it a good rougelike game.

For $10 this game is worth every penny but it's also on sale often so if your one of those people who are still unsure, wait for a sale.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 23 日。
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有 21 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 13.3 小时 (评测时 4.1 小时)
It is a short bad mobile game port that is very repetitive and short. It does not have much to it at all.

The game plays exactly like this every time.
- Roll dice and move game piece
- Play a minigame (which is the same minigame but different target / goal sometimes) where you match items to defeat enemies before time runs out
- Repeat until someone reaches end of game board

That's the game. Saved you $10

EDIT: They changed the gameplay a bit now to where it's a card system instead of a swap and match. The game is a bit more bearable now with friends and not as random / requiring button mashing for dumb things now but still the same as above at the end of the day. Roll, play the same minigame, repeat.

Only diff is the minigame is a bit more fun but I still can't fully recommend this game, at least at full price and by yourself. Wait for a sale and get a group together (max 4 players) to play this with you and even then, at least watch a video or another review before considering to buy.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 23 日。 最后编辑于 2022 年 8 月 13 日。
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总时数 262.9 小时 (评测时 212.5 小时)
Game itself is fine and good, the company Ubisoft itself though is ♥♥♥♥. 7+ years and still haven't fix connection issues, not adding support for other platforms even though it's already there and most of the work done for them, known to have a toxic work culture, and has pulled other games (even single player ones) off of shelf's to the point they aren't playable as they DRM locked them with their own service.

Only playable with friends as the community is toxic as hell. Not sure about the balance of things as I don't play ranked but I'm sure someone out there has a meta list of what to use.

Source for ubisoft being a toxic company. Note, this has been going on since late 2019, just this article is the newest on the info: https://www.svg.com/768721/ubisoft-employees-claim-things-arent-getting-better/
发布于 2022 年 7 月 22 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 213.9 小时 (评测时 127.4 小时)
One of the best single player open world games out there. Single player story along with the game play with it is one of the best out of all of rockstar games. Sadly, that's half the game and the other half is online which I cannot recommend at it's current state.

Online has some good elements about it. Some missions along with the online story missions are done will. Hunting and fishing is top notch along with other jobs like bounty hunting and brewing your own moonshine. Issue is that's about it when it comes to online. That and some of these jobs require gold bars which can be bought with real money or earned very slowly which adds to a grind wall to get into some of these jobs which some pay more then others. (Bounty job pays the most gold bars so best to start with that one) Content to the online part of this game is enjoyable but lacking and thanks to rockstar, will always be lacking since they give up on making more content for the online part of this game. Add on top of known online bugs that will always be there is also annoying.

That and hackers on top of the fact you can do the most enjoyable parts already in single player make online sadly something you want to avoid. Since there isn't much extra content on online to do and trying to avoid hackers in an zone where developers do not care nor watch anymore, half of this game is not playable or worth diving into which is sad as online when it was in it's prime was one of the most enjoyable things you can do with a group of friends. Now it's sorta impossible without getting into a private lobby which is hard to do as it locks you out of most jobs and joining a public lobby is suicide since hackers roam free and know nothing can stop them since rockstar doesn't give a ♥♥♥♥.

Because of half of the game basically not being playable, I cannot recommend this game. At least not at full price. If your looking for a good single player cowboy type title, this is one of the best out there, just not worth paying $60 USD for. Wait for a good sale.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 18 日。
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总时数 20.0 小时
I really want to like this game. The artwork, concept, and story is the best points in this game and the shop system it has is one of the most interesting sell item system I seen. Unfortunately, that's the only good points.

One of the major problems this game has is bugs. Though this game still seems to get bug fixes once in a while, it seems it's mainly to fix crash bugs with other system's that isn't PC. The overall game play hitboxs feel funky and the creatures sometimes will randomly hit you if your too close despite some of them not having melee damage. When it comes to the store, 70% of the time, an npc will buy an item or emote on it but it won't log on your book. It's quite clear this is a bug as I took a few in game days to sell many single copys of the same item and adjust the price almost every sale and it took 2-3 days before a price got registered to the book. This makes the book almost feel useless to the point you have more luck using a notepad to write down the prices or just accept some lost of money. These are the ones I seen the most but judging from other people making entire bug lists and most of them still not being fixed 4 years later, the annoying bugs alone will cause you to rage quit harder then elder ring. Here's an example of a list I saw on another review: https://steamproxy.net/app/606150/discussions/2/3428846977642797713/

The other problem is the shop system. Yes the entire game theme is based on it but it's clear every item has a set max price you can sell. You can't just take a early game item and raise the price based on supply and demand like IRL, your keeping that item on a price you found that gives the "happy" emote and nothing lower or higher or else you make no profit. Also every addon for the shop is sorta useless other then the one that raises tip %. The overall theme and idea of it is great, just it's sorta clear that it's just a complex way to haggle sell items to an NPC.

The last problem is the combat. There is a few weapons to choose from but it's clear you have to use the bow and fists. Later levels (specially starting at the fire level) you run into foes that you can't reach. The last boss (though very disappointing I might add) clearly needs the bow to even fight him as getting close is just not an option unless you want to get hit a lot. You also need the fists so you can roll faster without getting stuck in an attack animation as you don't get much response time to react to attacks (more bellow) and it's charge attack is just easy for clears. I didn't have nor played this with the DLC but from what I understand, the DLC weapons are very overtuned and make the rest of the normal weapons useless.
There is also no way to do this game without getting hit. It's just not possible as some of the enemy's attacks will hit you before the animation goes off. You might get hit by just the tip of an fire or lightning animation right when it got started and bam lost 40% of your hp. It's worse when your using heavy armor so it becomes clear you have to use the armor that gives you movement speed or you will just get DPS to death. It's hard to tell if bug or not but it becomes very clear at the tech level that you need to get near max hp and have full heal potions before even thinking about doing the full clear of that level which is a shame since the boss of that level is honestly the most easy boss in the game.

Overall, good idea, bad execution. The bugs along with the flaws of needing to play with specific weapons / armor, enemy attacks just hitting you despite their animation hasn't started and/or randomly, and the shop clearly having set prices on items. The game itself is short (I finished it in under 10 hours and got the achievement with it. Don't let the current hours fool you, I had to restart from the beginning due to pc crash) and the DLC apparently makes the bugs and balance issues with weapons even worse. I haven't used nor going to use the DLC but just from the large negative reviews from the DLC alone makes it a clear avoid. It's even more clear since I picked this back up in 2022 and these issues existed since release back in 2018-2019.
发布于 2022 年 7 月 2 日。
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总时数 53.2 小时 (评测时 52.5 小时)
It's alright. Good diablo alternative, specially for free but expect to at least throw $20 for some stash tabs if you want to play this game for a long time.
发布于 2022 年 6 月 19 日。
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