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650 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
18 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 59.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 41.0 saat)
After having completely finished this game and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 100% achievments I'm a bit torn on how to rate it.
Having grown up with playing Dynasty Warriors, seeing all those characters I love and getting a new take on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms story might skew my perception a bit, but either way, these are my thoughts on Wo Long.

First off, Wo Long is a Souls-Like game and Souls-Like games have a reputation as being "difficult".
However I wouldn't say that Wo Long is a "difficult" game, and I don't think that's a "good" or a "bad" thing since it's very much a subjective point to make, and it all depends on what YOU specifically are looking for.
However when the first boss in the game is the one thing I struggled with the most out of everything else in the game, it not only sets false expectations of what to expect, but it also makes the other bosses feel really unsatisfying and lacking in comparison.
Basically what I want to say is the hardest challenge I faced was the first challenge in the game and that is, in my opinion, objectively bad game design.
Sure, maybe after that boss I had learned how the games mechanics worked but whatever.
As for the other bosses, they were all flashy and unique and while most of them were fun to fight, only around 3 of them actually felt satisfying to beat and weren't beaten on the first try.
My issue with that is that even though most of them were fun, all except for the first boss and the 3 other are incredibly forgettable.

Now to summarize how I felt about the difficulty in general.
Like I wrote earlier, Wo Long is, by Souls-Like standards, not a difficult game.
Most of that comes down to the morale system I believe, and I won't explain how that system works in this review, but basically as long as you don't die it allows you to easily snowball and become stronger than every enemy on the stage fairly quickly.
On top of that, on most stages you will have one or two AI companions with you, and if you don't, you can spend an item to summon them yourself, and because of these two things I can't say that there was a single stage that was challenging at all.
Again, the game not being "hard enough" is not a bad thing and personally I still had fun playing through most stages, and if you're not used to Souls-Like games the game might be pretty difficult.

Onto combat.
Most of combat will revolve around managing "spirit".
You can think of it as your mana and endurance both neatly packed into one bundle.
You get spirit by either deflecting blows or attacking, and you lose spirit by either casting spells, blocking, dodging or doing heavy attacks.
Once you loose all spirit you won't be able do any heavy attacks or cast spells and the next attack you take will stagger you for a second, but you can still deflect blows and do light attacks to build it back up again unless you get staggered.
The system keeps the pace of the combat up by promoting you to play aggressively and stay in the fight or weave in and out if you're a spell caster, rather than waiting for a stamina bar to recharge or chugging potions to cast more spells.
Honestly I really like it, good stuff!
I forgot to mention when I first wrote this review that it's a deflect/parry based combat system so no matter what build you choose you're going to need to deflect/parry at least sometimes.
[Edit end]

RPG elements?
You've got a character creator and fairly early into the game you'll be able to completely change your characters appearance if you don't like how you look.
As for the stats, it's based on the Chinese philosophy of the five phases.
In other words, you've got 5 stats you can pick and choose from and you could probably say that it's a dumbed down version of a stat system but honestly it's fine as it is.
Sure, you don't have as many stats to put points in but is that really a bad thing?
Look at which of the five phases works best with the weapon you like to use the most or the spells that look the most fun and put points into those stats.
If you want to try a different weapon or set of spells you can always just re-distribute those stats later on.

Quick note on the story.
Wo Long is based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms so if you know your Chinese history you basically know the story of the game.
I don't know if I really liked it's implementation though, I liked the story (probably due to my bias) and most of the game felt like it had a good pace to it but then the ending just felt really rushed...
The ending was also incredibly unsatisfying and I think it's partly due to the story of the last part of the game feeling really rushed but also how the last couple main bosses just straight up were some of the most boring and easiest boss fights in the game, even though they felt like the most hyped up ones.
The last main boss fight was alright though, but since it came a little out of nowhere it felt like the game didn't have any momentum left and as such, it just felt like a chore to do.

As for the graphics and the sound I don't really have much to say.
It's a really beautiful game and I like the art direction they've got going.
The music is really nice and the sound effects sound really nice too.

Lastly a quick note on the state of the game.
Wo Long needs more time in the oven, there's no other way to put it.
Even though I enjoyed playing through it and don't regret buying it, it shouldn't have been released in the state it was released in.
Now don't get me wrong, the game is in a playable state...
Aside from one map that's basically guaranteed to hard crash every 10 minutes, most of the game runs just fine and doesn't crash THAT often.
Sure, a couple of times I'd get a lag spike during a critical moment where I'd need to dodge and basically at least once every minute I'd get a white flash and in a few places the lighting effects are non-existant but other than that it runs fine.
However, because of that lack of polish I can't really in good conscience give this game a good review.
It's a 69,99€ game for Christs sake, had it been half that price I could probably overlook it being unpolished but not with this price tag!
So until they've polished up the game to a standard that reflects the price they're asking for I'm going to leave this game a negative review. (Ooo, scary!)

Buy it if it seems interesting and you've got the funds to spare.
Or don't.
It's your money, why would I care?

It's an easier Souls-Like game that's fun but towards the end of the game it feels rushed.
It's also really unpolished and needs more work from the developers.

So apparently there are issues with keyboard+mouse.
I did try to play through a stage with it and aside from some weird button placements like dodge on tab (which you can change in the settings), and having to manually go into settings and switch from controller layout to keyboard+mouse it seemed to work fine for me.
Maybe I'm just lucky, maybe I didn't test it enough, maybe they recently patched it but either way, from what people say the game might be completely unplayable without a controller.
[Edit end]
[Edit 2]
According to patch notes the keyboard+mouse problems should be fixed but as I haven't really confirmed it myself I'm letting my previous edit stand.
[Edit 2 end]
Yayınlanma 7 Mart 2023. Son düzenlenme 10 Mart 2023.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 10.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 10.3 saat)
It's pretty good.
Yayınlanma 29 Kasım 2022.
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