Joshua   Canada
beware my bark isnt as bad as my bite
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EvilCanis 23 Dec, 2019 @ 8:06pm 
the steam site is a goof who prevented me from playing cossacks 3 online for informing them about pedophile activity they provide our youth in grand theft auto 5 in such a way for the child never to find wrong when subjected to the offence or done to them or at all but to find only humor entertainment and amusement and comical to it instead i.e to call a person named lester mol and to tell the air force to go diddle themselves in grand theft auto 5 but i went to gog.com and loaded cossacks 3 from their and it worked same sign in info and all but when i tried to use steam online it would say info you have been kicked from cossacks 3 online but not ever use wrongful language or rasisim or break the law i.e. freedom of speech or commit a felony steam is aware and allowed it to happen and continue they are to me a pedophile company and all companies who are in the wrong like the banks