Janne Kloster   Aalborg, Nordjylland, Denmark
Hi there, are you in the mood for reading a novella just for a chance to get to know me? Well then do read on. I am such a nerd or geek or both, that I need geeky and nerdy friends.:devilpoke:

I just love my RPG's, I grew up with Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate and Fallout, what's not to love? As the game world continue to evolve, my taste for games grew in the same pace, so as I now enjoy the simple action of a good FPS, threw myself at a RTS like Civic (Which seems to get better with each edition), or the simply but hair rising horror games. I have grown as the games have, and I always look forward to the next advention to throw myself into. (I mean who knew I would ever get around to playing Assassin's Creed or FarCry or Civic for that matter) :joker:

When not playing around with Greyfax (I have always named my PCs, for the time I spend with them, the company they keep me and for the hours of joy they give me, the least I can do is give my PCs a name. The latest edition from 2020 is thus named Greyfax (A charecter from Warhammer 40K), you will usually be able to find me with my nose stuck in a book (Mostly reading books from Black library, biographies, histsory books or historical fiction) or graphic novels/comis that's my newest hobby I have gotten into. Why it took me 38 years before I discovered graphic novels is a mystery to me. I mean Jonathan Hickman has been out there, writing these fantastic stories and I just came across them a couple of years ago, it should be a crime. I am thankful that "Pax Romana" opened my eyes to this wonderous world. :comm:

I usually read while watching a good sci-fi series. Series like The Expance, Babylon 5, Westworld, Star Trek (TNG, VOY, DS), Battlestar Galactica (Preferable the new, but the original series has it's charms as well), Andromeda, LEXX, Red dwarf, Starhunter Redux, Doctor Who (The new series) Farscape... Gods I could go on forever with listing the sci-fi I love. If not sci-fi then British crime shows like Prime Suspect, Vera, Poirot... Well Columbo is not Britsh, nor is Criminal minds a british series, but I love them just the same.

Perhaps you will find me painting my warhammer 40K miniatures, or writing real oldtime letters to my penpals around the world, when not doing any of the things mentioned above.

So I guess I'm just your regular nerdy geek taking up space in Aalborg (North Jutland, Denmark) along with my partner and our three cats that keep us as slaves. :WEECat:

I'd love to make some gaming friends or just nerdy friends that share some of the hobbies that I have, so that I can chat with you about all and nothing, so do feel free to write me.
Currently Online
What you should know
I'm a nerd! Why, you might ask. The answer is really quite simple.
I'm a Trekkie, been so for 30 years, apart from that, I love Sci-fi, I love to watch it and I love to read it. I am way deep in comics, I spend hours playing computer games and even more hours painting and playing Warhammer 40,000.
That and more........
If you want to know more, feel free to contact me.
Favorite Game
Screenshot Showcase
Dogmeat to say the least
Review Showcase
I am new to the world of Assassin's creed, not really knowing why I even bought this game (well except for being a history buff)
I finally completed the main storyline and the DLC's and as you can see it took it well over a 100 hours, mostly becuase I often got sidetracked with things to watch, experince and solve.
Since there is a lot to be said about this game, I will simply do a pro/con list maybe with some notes in the end. It does have good things in it

- The map is HUGE, there are a ton of things to do and watch.
- The cutscenes are beautiful
- The main story is great (Though at times drawn out)
- I LOVE how I can control an arrow from the predator bow, just wish it had a longer reach
- I never get tired of the leap of faith
- A lot of playable hours in this game, more so that many others (Like Wolfenstein, only took me around 30 to complete)
- How can you not love gliding down a pyramid?
- Senu is awesome to help you get the lay of the land and mark targets throughout
- The amount of side quests are immense.
- For a first time AC player it was actually pretty cool.
- The fighting is easy to learn once you get the hang of it (and set your keyboard so it fits better, because the way it is set up at start is just insane, how are you to use one hand over the whole keyboard?)
- Did like the DLC The hidden ones as the main game does not give you closure to the relationship between Beyak and Aya, and The hidden ones also gives you the last tips to the origens of the brotherhood.

- Many of the missions are fetch missions, and many, A LOT of them are the same, go kill that person, go find my stuff while killing this person.
- I experinced some gliches where a NPC stood in the way and would not move (like in a cage firing a arrow at nothing, but not moving, meaning I had to restart the game and the whole misison, AGAIN)
- Loadtime when fasttravelling between places far apart seems to take forever.
- Sadly the port to PC is not that great when playing with keyboard and mouse. You need a ton of keys just to control stuff.
- Some of the main story is really drawn out, having to kill off those of the acient order is just, well after the first 3 or 4 it gets repetative and you really just want to get it over with.
- Cameracontrol is one area they need to work on, often i stared into a rockface or a carpet, again showing that the port to PC is close to bad (or maybe I haven't played consols to tell if the same occurs there)
- Some areas needed more fast travelling points, one dessert didn't even have one, yet it was a desert the game forced you to return to again and again, tedius having to spend several minuts riding to get to the place.
- The leveling system does take a bit getting used to.
- Having to set your keyboard so it fits better, because the way it is set up at start is just insane, how are you to use one hand over the whole keyboard, that is just stupid.
- The DLC Curse of the pharoes is just.... Well a waste of time in my eyes.

On a note
it would have been great with a introduction to the gameplay, much I had to find out, with the help of Youtube, which shouldn't really have been nesessary. Ubisoft could have made it easier for newcomers to learn how the gamemechcanichs works, but instead you use hours to figure it out and figuring the best setting of the keyboard.

But still, despite the repetative nature of the game, I really loved just hanging around in the game, enjoying how they made ancient Egypt come to life.

Would I recommend you pay full price? Hell no, go find a good offer somewhere.

Even though you buy the game on Steam you still need a UPlay account, which I stil haven't understood.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
GuberDK 3 Jan, 2021 @ 10:56pm 
Finally completed updated and messing around with my profile, it surely needed it. Now I just hope I can get around to finding time to play the two games I got for Christmas from my brother "Empire of sin" and "Watchdogs 2", Plus I also need to put some time into "Assassin's Creed Valhala" because it can't impossibly be as bad as the first 10 hours I have put into it tells me it is.

Firstly however, I think I will take a little morning nap, before I have to get on with the days work (read relaxation once I do get home from downtown)

Hope all had a great new year, despite the terrible conditions many suffers under.
GuberDK 24 Nov, 2020 @ 4:09am 
With such a huge backlog I never really can decide on what to play, and new games keep getting added all the time :inquisition:
GuberDK 2 Jan, 2020 @ 7:34am 
Disco Elysium might just be my new favorite game. It has the possiblity to be this decade's new Planescape Torment.
If you haven't you seriously need to buy the game, 'cos it just lots of fun while you try to solve a murder.
Bjørn 14 Jun, 2019 @ 10:38am 
if you wanna try something that is even more boring than Son of Ryse, try Disillusions Manga Horror. I got it for free, completed the entire game in about 37 minutes. never opened it again.
GuberDK 25 May, 2019 @ 5:43am 
Civilization V is a time eater, a whole just disapeared
GuberDK 22 May, 2019 @ 4:50am 
Now I know why I put Son of Ryse away shortly after having bought it.


I've removed the game again having played a little under two hours. Hopefully next time I think about intalling it, I will remember why it's not installed to begin with.