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4.9 timer registreret i alt (3.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
this games a 5/10 at best.
Skrevet: 5. september.
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48.0 timer registreret i alt (44.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I'm not making a PSN account to play this game, I dislike that I am being forced to make a PSN account to play this game.

playstation network required.... bait and switch.. guess its time to get a refund.

♥♥♥♥ you Devs.
Skrevet: 3. maj.
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2,654.6 timer registreret i alt (1,358.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Honestly.. game was great.

Now? after questionable update after questionable update, no.. its not fun or enjoyable anymore.
Skrevet: 17. august 2022. Sidst redigeret: 22. maj 2023.
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182.3 timer registreret i alt (10.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Updated for IE.... Still a broken messy poor excuse of a game. endless Dull Sieges, AI spamming towers, a long slow slog to win any and all battles, I actually miss field battles, the AI runs away and wont leave their settlements and so many LL's from Warhammer 2 have been NERF'd into the ground, the Game is a mess, The game is dull and boring and i wish i could get a refund of the 40 hours ive wasted on it and of the money ive paid.

Well Done CA.. you made a crap game worse.. Morons.

So after 10 hours of game play, what have i learned? ,,, i would rather play Thrones of Britannia and i despise that game.

All the old bugs are still here, the ones CA cant be arsed to fix, supply lines, enemy lord effects not ending when they die etc to name a couple.

The new siege? awful mechanics, layouts that make no sense and even more AI cheats than usual.

Field battles? .. somehow seem worse than TWWH2.. the new maps are dull, uninspired at best, AI field battle cheats? shooting beyond their indicated range, magic missile level tracking of their projectiles, mass spell spamming, immune to magic damage, ignoring leadership, and after watching 1 unit of miners hold off and kill half my army.. on normal.. pass.

Auto resolve is busted as well, but that;s nothing new, in who's negitive IQ mind does a stack of basic knoblers get shown to have a heroic win vs 17 rank 7 plague bearers? on normal..

a positive, UI is pretty?

New factions?.. you can tell who CA loved most and where appeasing.. will give you a hint,, Global Coordinates: 35.8617° N, 104.1954° E

game feels like it could of done with staying in the overn for about 18months.

sadly played to long to get a refund at this stage.. maybe they will fix it eventually but i have better things to use the HD space for
Skrevet: 21. februar 2022. Sidst redigeret: 24. august 2022.
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32.0 timer registreret i alt (10.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
"easy Anti Cheat" ... a good reason to not bother with this game.
Skrevet: 1. november 2021.
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160.8 timer registreret i alt (64.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
So.. i played abit more, even got the DLC for this game because i had some spare cash after some really awful game buys on the summer sale.. and all i can say is the game is still as god awful/broken/unbalance Pile of crap it was back in the day.. the Diff Scaling, the Grind tastic upgrade path, the BS RNG for gear and "one viable" build poor design and so much more! but this time! its been dialled up x10 .. how i can go from 1 part of a map to another.. same story mission and sudden get 1 shot from Melee goons who now spawn instantly behind you.. where as in the room before.. it tool them at least 2 hits..

AT NO POINT DOES THIS GAME? MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE A POWERFUL ALTERED.. you're just a bum with a gun. unless you play Technomancer then you can one shot everything.. See one viable build comment

Wait until its had at least another 18 months of patches and dev time and when its on a steam sale for £5 and buy a porn game instead you'll have more fun.

1st patch, Nerf'd 3 out of 4 classes and left the most under powered class alone, just made the others worse.

if you like games where enemy mobs can jump 100 meters and smash you around causing you to stagger and unable to do anything until you die? this is the game for you!

Do you enjoy AI being able to spam attacks and abilities over and over and often multiple at the same time, forever being stun locked you until you die? .. this is the game for you! ... at least in Dark Souls you knew and understood how it happened,, Outriders?.. nah you'll die from off screen BS

Taking damage that had no viable source or the best 1, you dodged out the attack zone ( red markings on the round ) but you still get hit by the attack!.. or you dodge or run to evade it.. but.. the AOE is larger than you can roll out of or run out of in the time it takes for it to cast.

If you're not life leeching and able to heal faster than you get hit because taking cover is pointless.. you will die.

but then.. most enemy's can and will 1 hit you off screen from the other side of the map as you progress into end game.

Snipers...want to die instantly while doing expeditions, before the starting count down has left the screen and the gate have opened? Outriders gives you!! snipers.. of all the nerf PCF are doing.. these guys need looking at.. 90% health lost from 1 shot + a DOT that hits instantly.. and they can rapid fire, perfectly tack your dodge and knock you out of cover.. and still hit you while using your movement skills/evades.. good times..

accept that your attacks will never stagger the enemy, their assault rifle can and will interrupt your every move and attempt to use a skill every enemy can and will stagger you while laughing if you try to return the favour!

Enemy hip firing from 50 meters with the accuracy of a sniper?.. this is the game for you!

after a new level of bullet sponge and rampant out the blue random difficulty spikes? you'll love this game!

want a game with 4 classes! each with 3 skill paths! and only 1 viable build ? .. look no further! but as soon as you have fun!? itll get nerf'd to hell because fun isn't allowed.

I cant be arsed to write more this game isn't worth anyone's time
Skrevet: 9. april 2021. Sidst redigeret: 29. juni 2022.
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5.4 timer registreret i alt (1.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
So far its the most fun i have had in a game for a long time, a weird and wonderful blend of Tower defence, twin stick shooter, RTS, hack and slash and hits that gaming itch in a way i haven't experienced in years.

Good times, cant wait to play and stream the full game when its out \o/
Skrevet: 2. oktober 2020.
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14.5 timer registreret i alt
Games just dull and boring and after the main game ends it just turns into a very long pointless grind.

Very little hope for it to be more than a really poor game.

does look pretty in places but if i wanted what this game is offering i could go play Path of Exile for free and actually have fun.
Skrevet: 9. april 2020.
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25.3 timer registreret i alt (3.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
Review changed based on the game as it is now.

Sadly this game is now on a downward spiral of poor updates, questionable "Balance" changes.

Its one thing to challenge a player, the recent patches and updates are not it.

Would i recommend it to anyone in its current state? No.
Skrevet: 18. februar 2020. Sidst redigeret: 26. januar 2021.
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