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Reseñas recientes de Stevie

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Crashes near constantly. Tried both the Windows version and the Steam version. Don't expect help from support. There's a bug that they have to fix that they'd rather just be able to ignore support tickets about.
Publicada el 29 de noviembre de 2024.
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5.7 h registradas
It's a bit boring so far but I couldn't get far enough into the story to actually enjoy it without the game beginning to stutter. Enemies frame-lag around like they're connected via the internet and sounds don't play properly. A patch supposedly fixed "stuttering on some CPUs" but I'm still having the issue when a lot of enemies show up. I've got an 8th gen i5 and it runs games that look better than this without stuttering. It almost makes you wonder what else they have the CPU doing, especially seeing as this game is always-online.
Publicada el 11 de octubre de 2024.
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0.9 h registradas
This game feels woefully unfinished, unfortunately. The face animations are abominable, there is only one save slot that you can't restart, the tattoos for your character are just overlayed .png images that warp and deform because they couldn't spend the ten minutes to adjust the aspect ratio as it's applied to the character model. These are all easy fixes that most games have done before beta. I played for only an hour and ran into enough minor things like this that tell me they do not care about spending the time to polish or make their game feel complete. Immersion does not exist and for an RPG that should be the main focus. This is all ignoring the DLC and DRM issues. Clearly this game was meant for minimum effort and maximum profit, which is unfortunate because it's obvious the creators wanted to make something great they just weren't given the time or freedom from their overlords that they needed. Gonna be a hard pass from me, thanks.
Publicada el 22 de marzo de 2024.
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59.4 h registradas (4.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
For a game that is so reliant on community involvement you would think the community managers at Arrowhead would be more willing to listen to frustrations and less inclined to diminish, deflect, and denigrate. The first time was a hiccup but it's becoming a pattern. It's a good game but when the game itself requires community involvement to succeed you can't just keep ignoring and denying genuine concerns from said community.
Publicada el 20 de febrero de 2024. Última edición: 3 de mayo de 2024.
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373.8 h registradas (100.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Literally endless possibilities.
Publicada el 12 de enero de 2024.
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468.4 h registradas (28.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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It's not technically amazing or impressive but everything it attempts it does just right. The atmosphere, music, art style and general vibe are perfect for the type of game it seems to try and be.
Publicada el 23 de febrero de 2021.
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129.3 h registradas (32.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
A lot of unique factions with different playstyles both in-battle and on the campaign map. Brings the Warhammer Fantasy world to life very well.
Publicada el 7 de febrero de 2020.
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20.1 h registradas (10.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Learning curve makes it so that only people who sink an inordinate amount of time into the game are going to actually end up enjoying it. I was hoping I could hold my own long enough to have fun even as a beginner but when you have to lose 95% of duels to people 70 levels higher than you for a couple hundred hours just to improve there's no fun factor for me anymore. If I wanted to get styled on over and over I could have stuck with Chivalry.
Publicada el 27 de diciembre de 2019. Última edición: 27 de diciembre de 2019.
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3,175.7 h registradas (1,640.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Eh, it's alright.
Publicada el 4 de agosto de 2018.
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124.8 h registradas (113.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I enjoyed this game a lot previously, especially when it was first out and I was learning it. However, now with all the changes and additions, the game has become a lot less fun. I'll give my opinions why.

If you play mostly on slow speed you'll be playing for ages just to get to the interesting late-game technologies, which to be honest don't actually add a whole lot of fun replayability. In the meantime 80% of your time spent is surveying star systems, building corvettes, and upgrading tiles. That's how the first hour or more of every game starts regardless of play speed or game size. Compare this to the Civilization series, and in a small game on quick speed an hour means you're probably half or more into the game.

Then you have the option to play on fast difficulty so you can get to and enjoy the later technologies more. This means you'll be constantly stopping for alerts, be they research, special projects, diplomacy alerts, anomalies, unity tree perks, or any of the other numerous things that can vie for your attention every 10 or 20 seconds. The more surveying ships you send out, the more planets you colonize, the faster your research speed - the more alerts you see. Very quickly you will be unable to respond to each alert before the next one appears - ad infinitum. This means the more efficient you get at playing the game the more annoying the game gets to you (I'm not saying I'm amazing by any means).

There are simply so many windows popping up to interrupt you that it feels like you have to fight your way through them to play the game, despite them being part of the game itself. Then there are the numerous pirate fleets that will raid you during the early game. Admittedly handleable, but they aren't really enjoyable and only serve to further divide your time.

In general, it seems like your entire game and playstyle is decided at map generation. You pick your empire, pick your map, and then once you start you have to play by a script in order to succeed - compared to most other strategy games (like Civ) where you have so many more options from that point on. Every custom empire has the playstyle that will work for them and if you stray from it the penalties are crippling. This is not to mention the fact that the usage of forced hyperlanes now means that without the galaxy backdrop this game has very little resemblance to actual space. The past few times I've played this game I've gotten a good two or three hours into a game before I realized I was mind-numbingly following a flowchart in my head. The game sucks you in and keeps you busy, but only a small percentage of the time are you actually having fun.

I would make an analogy:
Most strategy games are like chess, you make the best move available out of several.
Stellaris is like having someone else play chess for you, but constantly ask you what you think is the better of two available moves - you either make the better move, or don't.

I can't recommend Stellaris. You may really enjoy it for a while, but now every time I find myself closing it, I realize I hadn't been having fun for the past hour. You'll spend the first 30 hours learning the game, the next few enjoying it, and then it's all downhill from there. The price isn't worth the replayability, and there is simply too much stuff getting in the way of having fun.
Publicada el 14 de mayo de 2018. Última edición: 16 de mayo de 2018.
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