⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 28 Nov, 2022 @ 2:06pm 
Zǎoshang hǎo zhōngguó xiànzài wǒ yǒu BING CHILLING 🥶🍦 wǒ hěn xǐhuān BING CHILLING 🥶🍦 dànshì sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 bǐ BING CHILLING 🥶🍦 sùdù yǔ jīqíng sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 wǒ zuì xǐhuān suǒyǐ…xiànzài shì yīnyuè shíjiān zhǔnbèi 1 2 3 liǎng gè lǐbài yǐhòu sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 ×3 bùyào wàngjì bùyào cu òguò jìdé qù diànyǐngyuàn kàn sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 yīn wéi fēicháng hǎo diànyǐng dòngzuò fēicháng hǎo chàbùduō yīyàng BING CHILLING 🥶🍦zàijiàn 🥶🍦
⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 10 Aug, 2018 @ 1:56pm 
SWAT kicking down my meth lab door: GET DOWN ON THE GROUND
Me (with cat ears on): oh nyoez!!! Sowwy mister gubbermemt ;‘3 I can haz weduced sentence fow compwiance?
SWAT guy: *shoots me in the head*
⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 1 Jul, 2018 @ 7:56am 
ill have you know that i live, breathe, and FRUCKING WORSHIP jesus. who do u think u are cursing in MY CHRISTIAN FRUCKING GROUP CHAAT. dont denie it, i saw that u said “ur mom gay”. ill have u know that my mom isnt gay and UR EXCOMUNNICATED frum this group chat. that will serve u right. loser. ha get shreked i heckin flippin LOSER. hahahahha HAHAHAHAHAHA. nothin personnel kid😎😎😉
⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 22 Apr, 2018 @ 12:17pm 

⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 3 Jan, 2018 @ 12:24am 
and no im not rascist, rascism is a crime, and thats for black people
⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 3 Jan, 2018 @ 12:23am 
speaking of, i wanted to paint my computer black so it would run faster

now it doesn't work.
⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 3 Jan, 2018 @ 12:23am 
why is there cotton in pill bottles?
to remind black people that they were cotton pickers before drug dealers
⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 3 Jan, 2018 @ 12:22am 
why are pills white ? because the work
⎝⧹Spinach♰Sack⧸⎠ 19 Dec, 2017 @ 8:07am 
So I was banging this super slutty chick, yea ?So i am thinking to myself "she probably got AIDS" so i get tested, and guess what, behold, i got AIDS now. This gets me thinking " Where the ♥♥♥♥ does an 8 year old get AIDS ?", "Who has my sister been hanging out with ?"