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Senaste recensioner av xSamhainx

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1.7 timmar totalt
Amazing and novel concept - and I found it quite fun to build my own colony of... cthulhu cultists?

Yes, it's true. A Lovecraftian city builder. Unfortunately, the demo ended just when I was summoning my first demon, after eating some poor family's dog. I had fun with it

Definite buy, i can see myself spending a lot of time with this one
Upplagd 23 augusti. Senast ändrad 23 augusti.
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126.1 timmar totalt (60.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
You think productivity is a game??

Well, now it is. And an adorable Lofi-assisted one at that.
Forget your tough guy macho BS for one cotton-pickin' minute, and give this tool a whirl. Within you'll find a list, task timer, and a journal. Something else too, i'm forgetting but I dont use it.

Tick off tasks, hours go by, tap your foot to the tunes, and additional spirits will show up. Also, you earn points which you can spend on different outfits for your main pet. I think it's supposed to be an avatar of me, but that's not how my brain works. I see it more like another spirit that works (or rests) alongside me all day. What it does also attracts additional spirits to our little kawaii biosphere.

And about those spirits - they're creative and hilarious. I've been tempted to look at a wiki for all the methods of summoning, but resisted. Finding them myself by doing things has the side effect of, welll... me doing things.

The soundtrack is Lofi to the max, with a lot of good tracks. Of course those will get old, and you can also supposedly connect to Youtube and play tracks thru there too, but I dont bother. I just have Youtube minimzed in browser.

Fairly cheap, good for a chuckle, and an unexpectedly cute productivity boost. Hang w/ the spirits and get things done. Recommended

Upplagd 28 april.
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10 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1.1 timmar totalt
Maybe I'm just getting old, maybe I've played too much Diablo in the past.
I've played them all, and the pinnacle was II - then began the DDD
(diablo dopamine decline)
D4 dopamine was a mere trickle. This monkey was hitting that pleasure button, but it just wasnt flowing.
Trash loot. Another level. Skill tree. Enemies explode. Repeat. Another level?
An hour into the copy/paste experience, i dont even care enough to try another class.
Yeah, it's over. The king is dead.
Upplagd 7 januari.
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0.9 timmar totalt
Unrepentant blaspheming of prominent Marxist saints.
Lots of LOL's packed into a pretty short game.
Worth the 17.76 Get it while it's still legal
Upplagd 5 januari.
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10.7 timmar totalt
Great victorian-era thieves guild board game, wherein you're trying to defeat the enemy guild before they defeat you. This is one of those games I almost uninstalled out of frustration, at first, but i decided to come back for another try. There is a definite rhythm to the gameplay, and if you dont strike that groove, you can get annihilated quick.

I recommend reading the player-made guide here on steam, it has some of the finer points and advice that may frustrate beginners. The aesthetic is great, and thru the scenarios you'll guide street urchins, gangs, thugs, and eventually even a sisterhood of assassins in your quest to rule the gaslit streets.

The missions are varied enough to make you change your play style between scenarios, and a skirmish mode w/ random maps is waiting after you finish the campaign. The campaign is only 11 scenarios, and I've seen complaints on the forum about it - that doesnt bother me. By the time I rounded the corner on scenario 11, I was feeling like I'd done what I wanted to do.
There's a randomized map skirmish mode that you can keep playing, if you want more, and I've put a couple games into it since then. The AI is smart enough to keep you on your toes, and there's a harder difficulty available if you want to ratchet up the challenge.

I picked it up for ten bucks, and I consider that a fair price, and really even full price at 15 isnt a stretch for the good time I had with it. This is one of those games, like Armello, that I can see coming back to occasionally for the weekend just to play random maps. Good game!
Upplagd 14 november 2021. Senast ändrad 14 november 2021.
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60.8 timmar totalt (4.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Good for what it is

Basically a chill little task timer w/ an assortment of calming music. The music does get quite repetitive, as there's only a few tracks and they sometimes repeat fairly soon. I'm starting to let it go around once, and then turn on a lo-fi video from youtube in the background for the music.

Could use some variety on the little character, her house, and pet - but for free cant ask for much more
Upplagd 12 februari 2021. Senast ändrad 2 mars 2021.
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6 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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21.4 timmar totalt (12.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I'm really liking this game.
It's complex enough to get pwned if you rush in without thinking about tactics, yet at the same time, I'm not grinding away on some mission for 3 hours. I'm also not doing the "traveling salesman" thing digging thru bags of loot every session trying to figure out what to sell, what's junk, and how kit everybody out perfect. Loot is sparing and it's up to you how involved you want to be. When you win a battle or complete a mission, you get money - here, go buy what you want. I'm not spending my time selling piles of rat tails, tin cans, broken onyx, etc.

Upgrades are the same way - here's a page of upgrades, when you get enough XP, check the ones you want. No agonizing over this build, or that. No tedium

Another thing that's great, is that your warriors develop traits as you play, depending on what happens to them in battle. After a while, Lucas or Rufus (or whoever) become more of an individual due to their traits, equipment, & upgrades.

The game is not going to win any awards for graphics - it's 2D sprite-based fantasy art, and it works just fine imo. The writing is kinda funny at times, and it's basically there to string you along a series of turn-based battles. Along the way, you build up your castle, recruit different minions, and adventure around the kingdom. I'm playing the human campaign, you can also choose to play the opposite side (undead) as well.

I dont know about you, but I'm so damn tired of the savegame puritanism these days. Here you can save before a battle, or even save halfway thru a battle if you want. Wonderful

Overall, it's a fun indie RPG-lite turn-based tactics game, that has a lot of TLC from the devs.
Upplagd 30 januari 2021. Senast ändrad 30 januari 2021.
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7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
47.7 timmar totalt (13.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
What a great game.
Harkens back to Commandos, but with a couple Ninjas, a Samurai, a wise old sharpshooter, and the prerequisite plucky waif. All fun to play, and if used right they are very deadly against overwhelming odds. Every time they introduce a new tool or ability, it's useful. You will use it, there are no "filler" abilities here.

It's one of those games where I stare at the assortment of enemies before me and think "there is no way..".

And yeah, it may take a while to get thru the level. It may take a couple sessions, but that's the point - you need to think while you, creep, stab, snipe, and sometimes just go balls out and try something crazy. Take a chance.
When it pays off, it's worth every minute. Very satisfying gameplay.
Upplagd 24 november 2020.
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3.6 timmar totalt
I've always been hentai-confused.
Never really liked anime, and while I do like some of the artwork - I've never really quite known what to do with it.
Not enamored enough to collect, or get into it. Not particularly titillated, so cant really "use" it like a proper perv would.

Therein lies the beauty of Hentai Jigsaw Puzzle 2.

A relaxing puzzler featuring various hentai maidens, in various states of undress. You get a choice of clothed, partially, or nude for each puzzle. Choose your quantity- from a few puzzle pieces to a whole lot o' puzzle pieces, depends on how much time and effort you want to spend.

Finally, I have a reason. 10/10 for what it is
Upplagd 8 november 2020. Senast ändrad 8 november 2020.
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6.1 timmar totalt (2.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
"Just one more puzzle..."

Bought on a whim, while drinking my morning coffee, I thought I'd give it a try. I'm glad I did, it's a surpringly chill puzzler.

The artwork is okay, it's Luis Royo-ish fantasy art, and you can choose from a 12 to 384 piece version of each puzzle. So, a few minutes to about an hour or so, the choice is yours. I tend to take the middle road - 96 pieces is enough to give me enough of a challenge, and have it done fairly soon. There's a demonic sounding voice, chiding you on, that sounds right out of a 1980's metal concert advertisement. It can be amusing, I havent disabled it yet

How does jigsaw puzzling work, in this format?
There's some limitations:
-There's no "side piecing", like putting together pieces off the board. Everything has one spot it fits, in the frame
-No piece rotation, so you're not going to be spinning pieces finding the right angle
-You can "get lucky" sometimes, and drop in near and it'll snap into place

...but overall, I'm finding it well worth the few bucks it cost me. I've felt the challenge, and satisfaction of pieces plopping into place w/ the telltale click - that's all I can ask of this game.
Upplagd 11 oktober 2020. Senast ändrad 11 oktober 2020.
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