Victor noh   Lac-au-saumon, Quebec, Canada
The bouwgeoizie gannot exizt without gonztantwy wevowutionizing the inztwumentz of pwoduction, and theweby the wewationz of pwoduction, and with them the whowe wewationz of zociety. Conzewvation of the owd modez of pwoduction in unawtewed fowmz, waz, on the gontwawy, the fiwzt gondition of exiztence fow aww eawwiew induztwiaw cwazzez. Conztant wevowutionizing of pwoduction, unintewwupted diztuwbance of aww zociaw gonditionz, evewwazting uncewtainty and agitation, diztinguizh the bouwgeoiz epoch fwom aww eawwiew onez. Aww fixed, fazt-fwozen wewationz, with theiw twain of ancient and venewabwe pwejudicez and opinionz, awe zwept away; aww new-fowmed onez begome antiquated befowe they gan ozzifwy. Aww that iz zowid mewtz into aiw, aww that iz howy iz pwofaned, and man iz at wazt gompewwed to face with zobew zenzez hiz weaw gonditionz of wife and hiz wewationz with hiz kind.” ― Kaww Mawx, The Gommunizt Manifezto:zagshock:



Wife de shouxe / Chien d'apex

Ancienne team :
-> Eg / Trojan team ( 3 ratio cc, best awp esl)
-> K.O.S ( 1.5 ratio lgz )
-> Sg-1
-> What gaming ( <3 Les meilleurs)

-> Cs go : Poly/ Low [Sherif]
-> Css : Poly / Low+
-> Lol : Jungle / Gold
-> Hots : Support / carton 5

->Quart de final amateur CS:GO Dreamhack Tours 2015 (W/ ngc.fr et des bailles surtout ah ah)
Зараз не в мережі
Улюблена група
Gay Gamer Dads - Відкрита група
19 638
У грі
2 760
У мережі
У чаті
Вітрина знімків екрана
Sexy Holmes 2019
Остання активність
70 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 23 верес.
67 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 10 верес.
1 288 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 10 верес.
uuraka342 10 верес. о 18:52 
Cevanth 9 берез. о 17:03 
I wouldn't say that I'm right winger because I'm from Chile, but I would call myself a South American Libertarian. So, am I supposed to feel bad about that? Better than to be from Canada or getting mad by my review of a demo.
Hellboy 30 жовт. 2023 о 18:44 
Poisson 25 груд. 2022 о 14:47 
KorinHost 23 груд. 2022 о 20:41 
Xavier54 18 груд. 2022 о 5:45 