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Reseñas recientes de Jasmin

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A 14 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
8,077.4 h registradas (4,960.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
So after many years with this game this is the day i move on. It have been a good ride. But after bad decision one after the other GGG is a shell company of what it once was. It is easy to feel and see the influence of Tencent. Chris and GGG have made it clear that i am not a part of their targeted playerbase.

Elitism is what matter know. Not part of the top 1% well then you are trash. Sad to see the decline of this once great company.

If you can't play this game as your main job or stream it for 18 + hours a day then don't bother. Maybe if you like HCSSF give it a go. But the amount of bloat of items have become insane so people who say this is a F2P... sure if you want to play it really ♥♥♥♥♥♥. You need to buy stash tabs or you are ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Hope for a better future for this game.
Publicada el 17 de abril de 2021. Última edición: 17 de abril de 2021.
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0.6 h registradas (0.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Can't even get past the intro because it runs so poorly. My Fps is in the dumb and the fps is the same on max graphic as low... No idea what is going on.

If anyone have some help please do write to me. I really want to play the game. But until then this is a negative score for me.
Publicada el 13 de febrero de 2020.
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A 11 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
8.1 h registradas
One of the best AC without a doubt.

But i can't recommend it since the drm on drm is tanking my cpu. So sad for could be the best AC ever

And one more thing... the MC is soooooo bland and boooooring. All the support characters is so much better
Publicada el 1 de noviembre de 2017.
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