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Análises recentes de Wall Street

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233.4 hrs em registo (107.3 horas no momento da análise)
It's Pokemon for people who think there should be death and psychological scarring in bloody combat.

Get used to the fact people will die/become too damaged for resources your favorites or better, stronger heroes in later runs and you will have a great relaxing time.
Publicado a 19 de Maio de 2022.
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28.4 hrs em registo
Welp, it's been almost 10 years and I still remember that this was supposed to be much more than what we got. The reviews are glowing possitive though so either people stopped giving a ♥♥♥♥ long ago like I did and forgave it or plain forgot. Or more likely people stopped treating it like what it's title says it is; Bioshock, and rate it based on what it is: A pretty to look at, mutant bastard offshoot of a faithful reimagining that was simplified and trimmed of all but the essential fats and and given a family name instead of making up its own.

My first playthrough back at release, I remeber being grumpy and just rushing through it after realising what I was in for so most of it's a blur. The only things I managed to remember was heavenly americana late 1800's city, time period apropriate racism and labour laws representation and oddly missing sexism; female soldiers and swimsuits less modest than than their hubbies? Not 'til the day I see you vote let alone carry your own coin purse, dear.

My second playthrough, now 8 years later. I took my time, ate every snack, opened every thing that could, noticed Elizabeth scatman spaz out and teleport around enough times to just start justifying it with; It's her time and space powers so there's about a 100 of her with me at all times. My overall expierience was just as bland and forgetable as then.

Lame, but knowing they had to cut back on so much content and gameplay. What we got is...A mediocre action shooter with rigid and minimal impact arena resource manipulation: Weapons, meds and turrets instead of saaaaay a train, crowd or a path like we see Elizabeth do in non-combat scripted scenes.

The rushed pace of the story really kicks you in the groin if you have a love for multiverse/time travel story telling. It flashes quite a few cool things that the..ummm, genre(?)....has, but leaves it at that or plain disregards it like they do all of main cast. The story uses too many instruments and skips far too many notes to be forgiveably good. It's a passable story not because it shows or tells it to you, but because you already know what it's trying to tell you by knowing the genre and thus filling its blanks for it.
Publicado a 15 de Fevereiro de 2022.
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16.0 hrs em registo
Seemingly much more stable than Bio 1 remaster, but that's a coin flip for everyone and barely worth mentioning.

Story, character arcs and its mechanics feel unrealized as the only real choice is still if you eat or bless the child.

MC's background is just bland flat boring: Solo Diver Badass. Which is just to explain why yer moving through the city like a fire in a barn.

Combats the same on all dificulties as enemies die in 2-3 shots and so do you, but with a buffer "critical" health imunity state which just means "heal efficiently now". Plasmids all stun and can 1 shot entire groups of enemies at tier 2.

All in all get this game on sale if ya loved 1 and NEED more Rapture. Otherwise skip it and get a more stable and realized game incarnation of this formula like Dishonered, Prey, Deathloop.
Publicado a 14 de Fevereiro de 2022.
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30.4 hrs em registo (15.0 horas no momento da análise)
It's Payday. BUT in space; With dwarves; Fewer incompetent AI's(Lookin' at you Molly, Boscos okay (mostly)).

Alright, alright, so it's more like Minecraft; BUT with bombs and and guns; And less crafting; And all ya do mine, for loot.

SO, it's actually Monster hunter; BUT you play as Brick-house-buff-dwarves; With the Swanson and not anime waifus.

But in the end this game's just Dark Souls; If ya crank up to max difficulty and play without the flares; It's Dark; Pretty too.
Publicado a 13 de Novembro de 2021.
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12.7 hrs em registo
Eh it's alright. Chapter 1's a show stealer (the stuff ya see in the trailers) and the rest while lacking the same haloween spooky wibe add extra mechanics which change the gameplay loop up just enough for you too keep playing it to the end.
Publicado a 27 de Outubro de 2021.
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0.2 hrs em registo
Too BIG brain, stick smash no work
Publicado a 14 de Agosto de 2021.
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17.0 hrs em registo
I get the apeal, but don't understand the praise. The game is a buggy mess that will brake and crash on every playthrough.
Publicado a 3 de Novembro de 2019.
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45.1 hrs em registo
Fun game. Needs salt.
Publicado a 14 de Julho de 2019.
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17.0 hrs em registo (4.5 horas no momento da análise)
Well, after replaying the third level for the fourth time because the game decided to chu-chu-choke and die for jack knows what reason, I can confirm this is a busted remaster that as far as i can tell only qaudruples the file size and adds nothing of note.

Great game though, find the stable original version.
Publicado a 13 de Fevereiro de 2019.
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6 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
0.0 hrs em registo
Black death event starts. Get infected immediatly. Lose my ♥♥♥♥ and have jew doc heal me with experimental methods. Cuts my balls off, fails to cure me (have 4 kids, don't care). See people die of plague every 2 days. For no aparent reason get cured. Jew's considerred a traitor for ball thing, can't thank him with cash and praise, have him engaged to my 4 year old daughter and promise to turn my empire jewish and create Israel as thanks. Jew doc shows symptoms, gets plague, dies in a week. Get stressed trait from being locked in my castle with dying and underfed friends and family, die next week. Three year old heir and peasents blame jews for plague, the pope agrees and tells me to get rid of em', expel all jews, plageu ends very next month. Neat.

Oh and-uh, torture mechanics suck. Torture them once and they get released, can't keep them regarless of crime or nationality or how much they want still want to kill you, which they very much want to do.
Publicado a 7 de Janeiro de 2019.
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