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Recent reviews by Porpoise

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169.7 hrs on record
I do not like how the system works. It is too dependant on commander abilities and the whole game is just a spawn point possitioning. Do not mind me wrong the game could be super fun if both sides have comparable commanders and squad leaders, but it happens in 1 of 5 matches. Also the unlimited spawns makes fighting really silly and you can just suicide your squad until you get the desired spawn location which allows your team to advance further. As I said I do not like the system where enemies can spawn everywhere with no penalty from dying.
Posted 28 December, 2024.
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227.4 hrs on record (193.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Everything concerning Evrima in beta state.

Without moderated servers with rules, the environment is just completely broken. Herbivores are incredibly easy to grow and they are possibly even better in combat then the carnivores. Combined with superherds camping 1 are, because herbivores just cannot starve to death and they do not compete for food. Carnivore gameplay is just about finding big group of carnivores and if you are lucky they will not kill you and then you have chance to actually survive for a while. Even if you manage to kill a herbi, then the superherd is going to camp the body so you are going to starve to death. Not to mention carnivores have very little stamina and herbis tend to chase you arround whole map. Current state of game favours non competent players stick arround with broken mechanics.
Posted 6 February, 2022.
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46.3 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Generaly fun, but :
I think this game needs region lock. Mostly played by Chinese with 400 ping and desync. Too fast paced for me, but you can have fun sometimes. Definitely not a game to main, because it lacks content, it is repetitive and I dislike the Gate game mode seriously.
Posted 4 December, 2021.
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242.0 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
+ great gunplay
+ best sounds I have ever heard in any WW2 game
+- fun is very dependant on your team

- stutters and FPS drops on some maps
Posted 28 January, 2021. Last edited 7 February, 2021.
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60.8 hrs on record (59.2 hrs at review time)
Škoda, že hra ukončila provoz. Byla to zábava. Někdy byl lov opravdu vynikající. Problém byl v tom, že málo lidí chtělo hrát monstra. Monster Hunter World přišel s cooperací proti AI příšerám a je veleúspěšná.
Posted 1 January, 2019.
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131.3 hrs on record (91.3 hrs at review time)
Velice dobré hardcorové RPG ze středověku, která si dala velkou práci s rekonstrukcí dobových reálií. Čekejte spíš výpravnou cestu do minulosti než akční hru. Drobné chyby se taky najdou, ale celkově doporučuji.
Posted 27 December, 2018.
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481.0 hrs on record (15.6 hrs at review time)
Výborná coop akce. Velice dobře optimalizované. Člověk do hry pronikne rychle.
Posted 25 December, 2018.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries