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Neue Rezensionen von Denny Crane

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Ergebnisse 51–60 von 103
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11 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
96.0 Std. insgesamt (31.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
What should have been a fun successor to the Plants VS Zombies video game of the first, comes a video game that relies too much now on the random chance approach. Where your victories and losses are NOT determined by your own skills but by the roll of a dice. This is a growing trend from the Liberal-Left that cannot take responsibility for themselves so program their video games so you have no control.
Video games are played to practice and achieve via your hard work and skill. Now-a-days, video games seem to be relying more on random chance approch under the guise of playing. Think of it like gambling but with the illusion of control instead of honestly telling you you have no control.
Verfasst am 13. März 2018.
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320.2 Std. insgesamt (18.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Upon further review of this video game I am forced to change my review from a positive standing to negative. It is unfortunate but it is a necessary step to take, as all steps of righteous and good. I've noticed a trend that I think is actually culture. Suffering. The masochists. A growing trend in video games. Impossible scenarios until you stumble upon a card or trinket that ALLOWS you to progress. It is an illusion of a video game, and only an exercise in suffering to give another illusion of purpose in life.
There are fat nerds and other such losers that have no purpose. Sometimes their God-give purpose is to pump my gas but they turn their backs on said purpose. So as they wallow in their self imposed misery, they convince themselves their suffering is a source of joy. This leads them to find other sources of suffering to compound their joy. Enter video games with no actual skill required except one's tolerance for pain.
It is this philosophy that drives this video game. The player cannot win until they have suffered enough. I am no masochist and now that I see how this video game works, I refuse to participate. I'm taking myself off the wrack where once I was blind. Don't put yourself on it. Denny Crane.
Verfasst am 28. Februar 2018. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 10. November 2023.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
3 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
64.6 Std. insgesamt (34.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
You get to run around shooting hippies, ACTUAL hippies. I mean, they call them "Rebels" but what's the actual difference? They're dirty, ignorant, vote Democrat, AND they want to censor free speach. Shoot hippies (Rebels) and engage in fast paced battles. Denny Crane.
Verfasst am 24. November 2017.
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16 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
6 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
253.2 Std. insgesamt (210.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Denny Crane here, and I cannot recommend this video game. Here are the reasons. These reasons will also stand for the first three versions of this one video game and shall be posted accordingly.
1. Sloppy copy and paste approach. The took the first three video games and just combined them "loosely" into one giant video game. The problem is, they changed a few things, but at the same time, left other things in that have zero affect upon this version itself that affected the original three chapters.
2. Your ghost lady companion is designed only half a-s-s-e-d. First, she stops gaining new levels after 60, which quickly makes her become obsolete later in the video game. She also has a tendency to just stop attacking enemies as if nothing is wrong. This makes certain parts almost impossible to complete unless the video game "decides" she should attack again.
3. When you design a mode of the video game that is only beatable by cheating, that is a bad design choice. There is a mode called "Hardcore." In this mode, if you die, the whole video game is over. You have to start fresh, anew, creating a whole new character. My office IT guy showed me away around this so that I can bypass the limitation. But that still means the only way to beat this mode is to cheat. There are COUNTLESS times when a simple swipe or random chance that kills your guy with one hit. Can you imagine being so far into this video game, only to HAVE to start all over again?
4. Spelling errors. I know this video game was not made in the good ol' US of A, however if you are going write for a video game English, get someone who knows how to read. There is a series of clothes that are named "Wicth Hunter..." and every time I read that, my head hurt.
5. The items in this video game do NOT scale well as you get further into the video game. Eventually, you just are unable to find anything that is better than what you are wearing... when you still have a 3rd of the video game to play. This could be off set if your ghost lady companion would still level up.
6. The same button to move your character is the same to attack. So when you are trying to attack something, you accidently run towards it and get yourself killed (have to start all over again). That is a terrible choice for controls.
This video game does have some nice things to it but not enough to make up for the frustrating playthrough. I will be posting this review on the other three versions seeing as they are just 1/3 of the same thing.
Verfasst am 15. September 2017.
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Diese Rezension wurde wegen Verstoßes gegen die Steam-Nutzungsbedingungen von einem Steam-Moderator gesperrt. Es kann nicht vom Verfasser bearbeitet werden.
5 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
7 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
711.3 Std. insgesamt (9.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
(Text der Rezension versteckt)
Verfasst am 26. Mai 2017.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
10.3 Std. insgesamt
This is the weaker of the two video games in the series but not by much. A unique feature of looking through the lens becomes a source of detachment unfortunately. Attempting to build from the first, this entry only creates bland attempts. With all that said, it was still a fun video game. This isn't "hillbillies" but just a secluded town. There are some negative things to say but Denny Crane knows when something is worth the price. This is.
Verfasst am 27. April 2017.
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18 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
14 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
335.7 Std. insgesamt (84.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
What was supposed to be a new kind of Orcs Must Die (OMD) turned into a watered down half-assed Orcs Must Die 3 (OMD3). Orcs Must Die: Unchained (OMDU) was supposed to be a new kind of OMD in the franchise. Player VS Player (PVP) was the original game model. The "Unchained" were the Orcs now led by a new high queen reinvading yet again. But this time you could play for the other side - Good VS Evil. Some namby-pambies said they thought PVP was too mean and not hippie enough so PVP was removed. This collapsed the whole model. Now Good and Evil were fighting along side each other against their own minions?
The worst part was what replaced PVP at release (with no way to critique, because critiquing is mean apparently) - Sabotage. In today's society, children are being raised by children. Sissies and Democrats are overcrowding the streets leaving no room for development but instead leads to regression. Sabotage is the most passive-agressive mode one can play. Instead of looking a man in the (digital) eye as you attack him, you just chose some randomly chosen ways to hinder the enemy team, without ever actually confronting your opponent. Confrontation is being taken out because people are getting more and more sensitive. We wouldn't want to hurt their feelings (video game developers and players alike). Do not play this video game. Just play the first two (OMD and OMD2). Hell, 2 has a co op feature for the main story.
Verfasst am 18. April 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 19. April 2017.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
14.1 Std. insgesamt (11.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I don't understand the obsession with the Japanese culture. With that said, this was a fun little game. Fixing a broken system of society (Democrat majority) is what this video game is all about. A little too ♥♥♥ looking for my personal taste and the controls are a little awkward.
At first I gave this video game a negative review but after giving it another chance I am glad I did. Still don't like the ♥♥♥ look to it but it was fun and has potential for a sequel. Denny Crane.
Verfasst am 30. Januar 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 26. Juli 2017.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
19.5 Std. insgesamt (19.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Combat is few and far between but overall this video game was fun and detailed with a nice twist ending. Having ghost powers is fun and openly exploring Salem was a treat... although that is not the layout of the real Salem. Living in the great state of Massachusetts, residing in Boston itself, I can speak for the real town's layout. Reading people's minds, fighting demons and solving a murder all while you are the victim. Buy and play this video game. Denny Crane.
Verfasst am 29. November 2016.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
137.6 Std. insgesamt (94.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
An Emo/Goth's wet dream. Honestly, fun. I play a Democrat vampire sucking everyone dry. You WILL have to download patches made by nerds. If you can't figure it out, have your IT guy do it for you. Denny Crane.
Verfasst am 24. November 2016.
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Ergebnisse 51–60 von 103