16 people found this review helpful
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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 253.2 hrs on record (210.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Sep, 2017 @ 4:10pm

Denny Crane here, and I cannot recommend this video game. Here are the reasons. These reasons will also stand for the first three versions of this one video game and shall be posted accordingly.
1. Sloppy copy and paste approach. The took the first three video games and just combined them "loosely" into one giant video game. The problem is, they changed a few things, but at the same time, left other things in that have zero affect upon this version itself that affected the original three chapters.
2. Your ghost lady companion is designed only half a-s-s-e-d. First, she stops gaining new levels after 60, which quickly makes her become obsolete later in the video game. She also has a tendency to just stop attacking enemies as if nothing is wrong. This makes certain parts almost impossible to complete unless the video game "decides" she should attack again.
3. When you design a mode of the video game that is only beatable by cheating, that is a bad design choice. There is a mode called "Hardcore." In this mode, if you die, the whole video game is over. You have to start fresh, anew, creating a whole new character. My office IT guy showed me away around this so that I can bypass the limitation. But that still means the only way to beat this mode is to cheat. There are COUNTLESS times when a simple swipe or random chance that kills your guy with one hit. Can you imagine being so far into this video game, only to HAVE to start all over again?
4. Spelling errors. I know this video game was not made in the good ol' US of A, however if you are going write for a video game English, get someone who knows how to read. There is a series of clothes that are named "Wicth Hunter..." and every time I read that, my head hurt.
5. The items in this video game do NOT scale well as you get further into the video game. Eventually, you just are unable to find anything that is better than what you are wearing... when you still have a 3rd of the video game to play. This could be off set if your ghost lady companion would still level up.
6. The same button to move your character is the same to attack. So when you are trying to attack something, you accidently run towards it and get yourself killed (have to start all over again). That is a terrible choice for controls.
This video game does have some nice things to it but not enough to make up for the frustrating playthrough. I will be posting this review on the other three versions seeing as they are just 1/3 of the same thing.
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Denny Crane 14 Oct, 2017 @ 3:27am 
If you truly "bested" me, then what reason do you persist? Only someone who has yet to achieve persists. Those that conquer move on to the next conquest. Seems you still desire something which you will never achieve.
MR.hyde 14 Oct, 2017 @ 3:25am 
You didn't outsmart me nor anyone. the dunning kruger continues xD

the more rewards I will grant you i bested u, i tamed u, i made u lose ur integrity! and it was very, very easy :yay:
Denny Crane 14 Oct, 2017 @ 3:16am 
It shows a mediocre education which is more than you have displayed. Not much is need from me. You didn't outsmart me nor anyone. You keep persisting with nothing to back it up.
You, like many other people think I am not really Denny Crane. It is common for those that cannot accept reality. But rest assured, I am real. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be talking to you. Do you commonly have conversations with voices that aren't there? Is that your reasoning for assuming I am not real?
The fact that you are not resorting to childish insults and picking up your effort is being rewarded by me. The more mature you act, the more rewards I will grant you, hence my current exchange with you. As long as you keep up - improving yourself, I'll be happy to converse with you.
MR.hyde 14 Oct, 2017 @ 1:41am 
Using actual full English words and in proper form is not a loser thing to do. In fact it shows a higher level of education and attention span.
lel, it shows mediocre education at best and the lack of intelligence to cater the leanred to ur needs also it has nothing to do with attention span...

You did not out smart me
yes i did and we already know that u r a liar and now we also know that u r dumb so... u prolly didnt even realise how much i owned u, well at least not on a conscious level ;D

You came to a boil but I brought you down to a simmer.
dunning kruger at work ^^ dude what happened is that my arguments destroyed u and u used ur very limited power to delete the post xD

ye and i dont wanna touch the "hide behind a fictional character" thing but what happened to ur made up fact that i need attention and that u will deny me? :eng:
Denny Crane 13 Oct, 2017 @ 3:00pm 
Using actual full English words and in proper form is not a loser thing to do. In fact it shows a higher level of education and attention span. You did not out smart me because we can look at your previous comments. The comment that was deleted was where your attempt to be flagrantly mischivious reached its apex. You came to a boil but I brought you down to a simmer.
Pathetic that I am a world famous, undefeated lawyer? Pathetic that I have more money than God? No. What is pathetic is your scrambling to attack and grasping at straws. I know these sad attempts to insult and attack are also fun for you but they really do show the lowness of your character and level of your education.
MR.hyde 13 Oct, 2017 @ 1:07am 
lmao, i seek attention on a review that only 5 peeps check out?! LOL i dont seek common ground?! lel, it's not me who goes, loser typing, loser language, emphasizing loser more then usual just as if u would try to project ur shortcommings in life and gaming on me ;D

u deleted my comment cause u cant handle the truth, cause i outsmarted u, cause u r pathetic and deep down u know it, very very deep down u know! :squirtyay:
Denny Crane 12 Oct, 2017 @ 7:09pm 
Notice I did not delete your other comments. Those are left as testiment to your goal of foolishness for its own sake. In other words, "proof you are an idiot."
Denny Crane 12 Oct, 2017 @ 7:06pm 
No, I deleted your comment because you want attention. You have no rational argument, you don't seek common ground or communication. You seek to screw around and waste time for your only jollies. I won't allow a loser like you to do that on my time nor my Steam Online reviews. Go take your non sense elsewhere.
MR.hyde 12 Oct, 2017 @ 10:33am 
u had to delete my comment cause u cant handle the truth?! :D
Denny Crane 11 Oct, 2017 @ 2:59pm 
So you illegally downloaded a video game? Openly admitting to a crime. Your choice but I do not endorse not sympathize with your situation