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Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

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Divide et Impera Official Submods Collection
Collection by Dresden
This is a collection of submods to be used with Divide et Impera. The main mod can be found here: Note: Do not use all of these together. Rather, pick and choose. Some submods may cause multip
Divide et Impera
Collection by Dresden
- New 1.3.1 Update has been released: More information on our website! Please consider donating to support the mod, thanks! Divide et Impera is a total overhaul of Rome 2 that seeks to provide a challenging, historically authentic, realistic experience of
Dresden's Rome 2 Total War Mods
Collection by Dresden
This is a collection of all my mods available on the Steam Workshop. Some of these are small changes, others are larger in nature. A few of the mods will not be compatible, especially when attempting to do the same thing. For example, the 2TPY and 4TPY mod
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