Bagheera Magaro
Not Telling   Washington, United States
No information given.


I was gonna provide some numbers detailing how many of my cheevos shouldn't count (because shovelware I got with 90% off coupons or just wanting to see if cheevoware can actually be good (because I'm a hopeless optimist)), but then I realized that Steam should just provide a :srnuke::srnuke::srnuke::srnuke: way to remove trash games you don't like from your stats. I will say that I counted as many as 2907 cheevos I wouldn't mind not counting. even if it did drop my Perfect Game count. Granted, trash games have their place. Sometimes I miss AOL games from when I was a little kid and those are roughly the similar. Sometimes. But Steam seriously needs to address this whole "can't even get this off my stats if I refund it" nonsense.

So, in short, numbers are lies here. And they will continue to be until players can actually "trim the fat", so to speak. Though I guess they'd still be lies even then. Maybe have 2 sets of stats? "All vs What I cared about"? Except the stats for removed games (coughLegend of Korracough) don't get counted except sometimes, which is stupid.

Holy Natch, they actually gave us a way. Gonna enjoy having representative numbers...soon, cos I ain't a beta tester. Got enough instability in my life already.
Latest News
Never, EVER underestimate the importance of staying hydrated. EVEN IF YOU STAY INDOORS!

My New Year's Resolution: Remember to set my status to "Away" when I need to go step away from my desk while I'm farming cards.

Wanted: the return of Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper to the state of Washington. undying gratitude? Will that be enough?

I am always up to help with co-op cheevos on Borderlands games. But, if you're going to ask me for help, make sure to try communicating first? --> Random friend invites are way too sketchy these days. Also, if I look online but don't respond, I probably left a game running to collect cards while I do chores/work/study/use other game consoles/sleep/etc. (This honestly happens a lot.) Also, if you're going to ask for help with BL3, I'll need time to reinstall it unlike the other Borderlands games.

Games shouldn't own their players, players should own their games. Hence why I'm mostly quitting MMOs. Mostly. I will be available in them sometimes, there are still a few things I want to do in them (coughcheevoscough), and if you wanna hang out and do stuff in Wakfu I will happily do that (though I refuse to be beholden to time limited events, though I guess if you are then yeah sure I'll help), and I can definitely provide assistance with stuff to save friends the suffering of (for example) gaining ranks in Crafting/Harvesting in Wakfu or providing access to the Dojo Research Plans that have been completed in the Group Dojo. (Ask how you too can get a free Hema from the Group Dojo!...because nobody should have to suffer like that. Like, DE, seriously? Give the old timers...idk a medal or a Hema Wraith Dojo Recipe or whatever, but 5000 Mutagen Samples is dumb and awful and I say that after having finished that.)

Q: Do I Wishlist every game I see?
A: I have Ignored 14000+ games so far (and that was 13000+ before Valve "permitted" AI content on Steam around 1/12/2023, we'll see if any can actually obey the requirements and how many villains get exposed (not) trying), and no I did not pick which to ignore randomly. So, no I don't wishlist every game I see. I do sometimes get trashware to remind me of the bad old days of computer gaming, but that's only if it's an honest effort.
Q: Why even HAVE so many games?
A: Partly because I couldn't resist an extremely high discount from a bundle, partially because I've been signed up with Humble Bundle since idk when, and partially because I'm studying games to try to figure out game design.
Q. Do you even try to organize your Wishlist?
A. I have tried. Recently, in fact. I wanted to move some things to the top but every time I tried to just change the number Steam stops responding. I'll try again later when I feel up for dragging items manually.
Q: Do you buy ALL your games in bundles?
A: No. Years of experience has revealed that some Brands, IPs, series, etc just don't put their games in Bundles. But since I have a backlog...I tend not feel any particular urge to just buy a game normally. Unless it's REALLY compelling or I really want to study it.
Q: What will you do when you complete 100 games?
A: I'm going to Disney World! If Baldur's Gate 3 has its Photo Mode AND is stabilized (which could be a while) then I'll play that. If not, I'll probably focus on the impending Crisis that is Nintendo Shutting Down Online Services for the Wii U and 3DS.
Q: Why has it taken you so long to get to 100 Hundos?
A: Illness, Warframe, illness, Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links, illness, Wakfu, illness, Fortnite Save The World (Not that Battle Royal stuff that showed up out of nowhere), illness, moving, Pokemon, moving again, school...have I mentioned I've been sick? A lot? I'd go into detail, but there's no way to do that without it looking like an extensive rant, so I won't. I'll just say that brain fog (and illnesses that cause it) can REALLY make it hard to do anything fun, especially when they give you anhedonia too. Oh, and the next time you play a game with In-App purchases and a massive time cost, remember to think about how many other games you could have enjoyed instead.
Q: I never hear you talk. Do you even own a microphone?
A: Nope. Probably should. I'd say I'll try to get one this Black Friday, but I said that last year and the year before. So...*shrugs*.
Q: What was your 100th hundo?
A: AFAIK, it was Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin but I'm pretty sure that isn't technically accurate since stuff got removed from the Steam store and thus dropped my count. And I probably removed some utter garbage from my library when Steam granted the ability to private games, tho I forget if I did that to any hundos. But I like Psychonauts, I enjoyed Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin, and opening the next 100 hundo quest with a VR game seems cool too. So it's the 100th in my heart.
Q: When are you going to stop with the Steam Trading Card collecting?
A: When I can use every possible Showcase.

Favorite Emotes: :srnuke::next::zero::ccoin::crossedfingers::cstome::pp::otrgiveabird::ily::slowmoitem::ditrustlove::pink_donut::kopi::imrich::dangerzone::firerapid::flashoflightning::wetfloor2::esc_skull::fodphoto::missing::FredericNote::melon::shovel_war:::RedArrow::crown1::conwayshrug::SmilingPoop::SadYellowFace::myst_pirate::jgthp::watchman::speech::madonna::shocked_hero::TanBird::StandingChicken::STUFFED_BEAR::trophy::amaterasu::earthish::os_pancakes::OvercastLantern::loadingtruck::prize_ribbon::partymask::water::suiskull::warningred::RBGoodluck::DogFromLake::neon_happy::ginhappy::skull_rolleye::dd_catch::ibrain::chic::icebeam::TheBone::srskull::ticktick::happybag::signull::BillyHatcher::staxelCat::noway::cleandino::smg::cleanfloppy::SBchicken::sbhappy::spurk::crtlightning::2017stickydrink::summer2019boost::tenrow_first::HandAgony::whitegoat::shiva::redhot::2019headphones::2016imnotcrying::get_out::txphorns::unity::landsers::toriel::CatacombSkull::yazdsmile::yazdwink::_Play_::ritonaangry::nuke::zombiefist::boombomb::crtstressed::orwell_check::100percent::roboquestion::iceye::Mark_m::ggcc_fireball::cqlol::ss2sparkle::MindballGo::CapSta_Cow::100percent::28_eye::adjapan::evillaugh::ridden_thumbsup::blut::sherlocked::crykit::wryncheer::bcm::cqlol::caster_wink::num3::num5::randomchip::necroshovel::cqwork::deadlycoffee::DG::vinylrecord::devade_e::devade_d::level_completedSD::d_skull::coffeecup::moreexclamation::pointless::wellplayed::JasonMask::Bloodpuddle::EngLang::47_thumb_up::47_thumb_down::Mark_2::47_suitcase::Wow_Love::parHoPiKo::pleasedmask::komneutral::lunaearth::mb2sweat::stronk::romance::JoyPixel::AngryPixel::chic::TheBone::snaggletooth::happybag::slayawayaxe::sta2hp::keyz::AWTPause::AWTPlay::prayer::get_out::Looooool::bigcloud::devade_a::prayer::purpleeye:

Favorite Emote Sentences/Phrases:
Let's :srnuke::nuke::shiva: this cheevo! This game is :SmilingPoop:. That's :pp:. :orwell_check:,:next::warningred: Let's :_Play_:! W:prize_ribbon:NNAR! :otrgiveabird: this game! :ggcc_fireball::ritonaangry: Quick, take a :fodphoto:! :iceye:s on :metarget:. Good Morning! :neon_happy::pink_donut::kopi: I need a :2017stickydrink:. :2019headphones::FredericNote::FredericNote::FredericNote: Soooo pretty! :ditrustlove: :LitFirePlace::LitFirePlace::LitFirePlace: Everything is Fine. :LitFirePlace::LitFirePlace::LitFirePlace: Oh, uh, hi! :partymask::handagony: :redie:dy:2::MindballGo::roboquestion::devade_d::devade_e::devade_a::devade_d:
(because Steam doesn't give me a good way to track this knowledge and I cannot remember any of the name
Multiplayer Stuff
Will (possibly, depending on what it is) gladly Do Multiplayer Stuff, especially helping with Co-op only cheevos, including:
1. Any Borderlands series cheevos
2. Left 4 Dead 2...and I guess Left 4 Dead 1 cheevos? (I'm still learning it though.)
3. Warframe stuff, though definitely ask first
4. Wakfu stuff. Especially going for cheevos. (I'm waaay out of practice currently though. In the process of relearning the game after a multiyear hiatus. Much learning to do.)
5. A Hat in Time Co-op Cheevos! (Fun game so far. Haven't hundo'd it, but I'm working on it.)
6. Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle Co-Op cheevos. (That's a quick one, btw. More ppl should get it.)
7. Other Co-op-only cheevos by request! Just ask!
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Yes, I am the real garry! - Event Hub Group - Відкрита група
This is the central hub for the next public achievement event.
2 237
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My first outdated/antique mod restoration project! Over on the Starbound forums, there is/was a mod by winterbraid that provided planetary clocks (found here ). It came complete with: 1. A comprehensive alarm function that can activate the clock's wire nod
Оцінок: 36
Автор(и): Bagheera Magaro та C0bra5
Вітрина майстерні
Made this because allergy medicine told me to. Idk, my head hurts. Push button, receive liftoff. I guess if you want to help me get the up vote cheevo, you could upvote this? Do ppl still do that? Edit: I guess they do. There's a group/guide/workshop thing
Оцінок: 70
Автор(и): Bagheera Magaro
Вітрина майстерні
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8 309
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Операцій обміну
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Emotes for emotes I don't already have. Also, 1 free background (if I have a dupe of it) for any friends who don't have a background of their own. But they have to use it.
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7 829
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Вітрина знімків екрана
While I freely admit that this is far from my best heart drawing, the quality wasn't the main idea this time. The main idea was: can you use a stylus for this? So far, my Goodwill Salvage'd Bamboo trackpad-thingy that I unearthed from the moving boxes just
6 5 1
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Yep. Finally did it.
3 2
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Вітрина рецензій
26 год. проведено
That was fun, enjoyable, and worth the time and money. 9/10, would buy again. (Deducted a point for not having a way to buy copies of rares in the shop. Everything was good tho, even the Puzzle Final Boss. Yes, the "Final" Boss is a puzzle, not merely an OP cheater. Figuring out tactics you probably weren't using to defeat them is a test of you mastery of the game.)
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Buy this. Srsly, buy this. I keep going back to this soundtrack and I enjoy it every time. It's really good!
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Автор(и): Bagheera Magaro
Оцінок: 120
Do you hate unnecessary screen distortion and lag? Do you just want to enjoy old arcade games without nonsensical distractions and distorting "aesthetic" additives? Me too. Let me show you how to fix this mess. It's easy!
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Автор(и): Bagheera Magaro
Оцінок: 1
Do you use Inverted View Controls? Are you unable to Invert the X-Axis of the Remote Baterang? This guide is for you!
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1 815
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3 661 год. загалом
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1 109 год. загалом
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