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202.2 h en tout (40.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

If you love the survival horror genre, I would absolutely suggest picking this one up. Basically, the premise here is that these "Zeds" (the zombie-like creatures within the game) are failed military experiments wreaking havoc across the UK. Players are assigned with the task of eliminating these creatures under the role of special agents dropped into these Zed hot spots.

The typical game progresses in waves of Zeds, each wave ending with a trip to a weapons trader who will move from safehouse to safehouse during the progression of each round in order to keep the Zeds on the run. Players choose from one of seven different classes (or Perks, as they're referred to in the game), each including weapon specialization "perks" for picking the class, which include Medic (armor/speed/healing), Sharpshooter (handguns/sniper rifles), Firebug (flamethrower/fire resist), Demolitions Expert (basically anything that explodes), Support (shotguns/welding), Commando (grenades/stealth sight/assault rifles), and Berserker (melee weapon-using close quarters combat specialist). However, your class does not restrict which weapons you can use within the game. It simply gives a boost to your ability with the weapons which fall under that Perk's specialty. Also, each Perk is improved through a leveling EXP system.

The cool thing about this is that you can level any Perk at any time, depending on your current weapon. EX: Hacking Zeds with a melee weapon will increase your Berserker EXP, shooting off heads in the distance will warrant Sharpshooter EXP, lobbing a grenade into a group will award Commando EXP, and healing a fellow teammate will increase Medic EXP. All in all, this game is great for online and solo play.
Évaluation publiée le 28 novembre 2013.
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20.7 h en tout (18.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

When you hear about zombie game, you're probably thinking about Left 4 Dead or Resident Evil: games when you slaughter thousands of zombies and you have fun from it. But "The Walking Dead" is not another zombie shooter. It's not even zombie game. Yeah, it has zombies in it, but like the great comics the game is based of, they are just reason tu push story. They are not central focus of the game, human nature is. Mr Kirkman said when releasing Issue 1 of his comic series that he doesn't want to scare anybody (although if he manages to, that's great), but he wants to make people think who they'd be in the face of the extreme situation.

This game lets players find out even more if they would be able to hold on to humanity, or maybe pure survival would be only thing that matters for them?

5 episodes we are getting in this price are roughly 10 hours, but the experience is unbelievable with every minute. If you like happy endings, this game probably is not good for you. Very little things end perfectly in "The Walking Dead".

Story is amazing and for that alone, it deserves a golden medal. Artistic design, inspired by work of magnificent Charlie Adlard who draws for comic book, is beautiful, and although technically graphic engine is quite old, it still looks great, considering that the game is based on graphic novels. Gameplay in this game is very simple, it's combination of Quick Time Events, dialogues, cinematics and very simple riddles. Player can influence the story in every dialogue, and though most of these choices have very minor meaning, it still feels like it's your story. Voice acting is also outstanding - all cast memebers have done their job very well and gave the life to their characters.

Now I can't wait for Season Two!
Évaluation publiée le 28 novembre 2013.
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97.1 h en tout (41.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

Ever wanted to play the bad guy? Are you a fan of crime movies like Reservoir Dogs? Or hell, do you want a shooting game that isn't about war, space, or zombies? Then Payday 2 gladly delivers and then some!

Payday 1 was a fun shooting game that gave us a taste of being in the action of a heist movie or story, while reapplying some of Left 4 Dead's mechanics to change the zombies into an aggressively suicidal police force. While the sequel keeps the overall foundation established, it also strives to improve on the formula and also share more little touches to each level in Payday 2.

What does that mean? Well, for starters, if you were to choose the same heist twice, you'll find that several factors may have changed. More or less security guards and cameras may be posted, new openings and doors may be available or be closed off to you, and most importantly, your goal's location and escape route can be shifted around the map. With the sequel's expanded number of available heist, the possibilities are nearly endless. While your ability to be stealthy or swift has a factor in how a heist may play out, sometimes good old fashioned luck may bless you or throw a wrench into your plan, just like on the silver screen.

Even when stealth fails or you're forced to brute force your way to a goal, the game is kind enough to give you a richer variety of skills and modifiable weaponry to fight the hefty police assaults. Unlike Payday 1's level system that rewarded experience through completing challenges and offered only four linear skill paths, Payday 2 gives experience and cash based on completing the heist itself and lets you earn skill points per level to buy into abilities you want and build up a class' tiers. You're welcome to mix and match as you like as long as you have the points and cash. The new system still lends itself well to people who like to be a jack of all trades, but also works for those who just want to specialize in one class. Hence, you're not just locked down to being a pure medic with Mastermind, you can also be a stealthy Ghost who can also make security surrender, or a heavy armored Enforcer who doubles as a Technician with drills.

On top of all the mechanics however, a game needs a good setting to paint over all the variables and Payday 2 delivers. While I would have liked to see a few more of D.C.'s iconic locations, I appreciate the better variety of environments in the game and look forward to what they give us in future DLC. Sound and music design are excellent, doing a good job of getting you in the mood whether it's the soft stealth or casing themes or the action packed assault tunes that build up until the police burst in. Most of the original voice actors return as well for the sequel with our four money hungry robbers returning under the enigmatic Bain who now runs Crime.net, a service for criminals to find various contacts for big jobs, or to just find vulnerable banks and jewelry stores to break open for a quick Payday. There isn't much story beyond that, but the characters have fun in their roles and help get you into action fast. On the plus side, the game also features mask crafting, allowing you to take the occasional materials you win after a heist and customize your favored criminal how you want.

In a way, your mask acts as your avatar for the game's fantastic multiplayer. With everyone's special abilities complimenting each other, it's clear Payday 2 was designed for and works best as a co-operative game and is wonderful for a group of friends.

However, that also brings me to my few problems with the game, mainly the single player. Why? For starters, the friendly A.I. is rather dumb and half the time will charge out into heavy gunfire only to fall in a terrible location that would be suicide to reach and help it. You're also limited to only two friendly A.I. instead of three, denying you a full team if you wish for a round of offline fun. Add on the fact that they can't carry equipment, nor loot, and single player just feels like a chore compared to multiplayer.

However, if you go in realizing that this was meant for multiplayer, you're going to have a great time. Despite the lower price, you're getting triple A quality out of this game. The developers clearly wanted to expand on what they did with Payday 1 and succeeded, giving shooters a nice change of pace. With their active updates, news posts for the community, and the promised DLC missions to come, I see Payday 2 as a very lively game and I look forward to how it grows over time. If you loved other shooting games with RPG elements like Borderlands 2, then this is a must buy.
Évaluation publiée le 28 novembre 2013.
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803.5 h en tout (687.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

Being a huge fan of zombies and a huge fan of the original Left 4 Dead, I couldn't wait to get my hands on this baby. The amount of different types of game can be staggering (single player, offline CO-OP, campaign, scavenge and survival) but there's enough in there so that if you don't like all of it, you'll still find enough to do to keep the interest.

The characters in the original L4D were all well and good, and I've heard some people moan about how they didn't like the way these new characters; Nick, Rochelle, Ellis and Coach, didn't seem to get on. This isn't exactly true - the more you play the game, the more new dialogue you're presented with showing the characters' relationships to one another. Nick has issues with Ellis, who occasionally takes a shot back at Nick, but Ellis gets on great with Coach, who treats Rochelle like a little sister, who is almost flirtatious with Nick. They're really interesting, funny characters with much better voice acting than the first, and I personally can't get enough of them.

The campaigns in the game are linked by a lightweight story of the four trying to get from A to B to be rescued. Do not hold any misconceptions about L4D2 - there's not meant to be a backstory. The goings on and character build up are cleverly presented to you in the world around you; all you have to do is simply look. Read the graffiti. Listen to the characters, it's all there. It's a zombie apocalypse, what more do you need?

I think the only problem I've had is the people online that I've come across. There are some real idiots on the versus/scavenge games who take things far, far too seriously. In this case, I would find friends to play with, or go on a forum where you can meet decent people before you add them.

Even if you haven't played the first, it's a fun, intense, gory, silly game that will make you laugh, jump, freak out and have a great time. Especially if you find a frying pan.
Évaluation publiée le 28 novembre 2013. Dernière modification le 29 juin 2014.
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103.7 h en tout (84.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

Taken from the site where i used to review my games to.

Where Fallout 3 started softly by born of your character and safe childhood in the depths of the vault. New Vegas starts by your character getting shot in the head. Nearby smalltown doctor patches you up and pretty much after that you are own your own. Questions rise up in your head, who shot your character and why?, and what was that platinum chip so important that you've gone through all this. Answer lies in New Vegas,but the journey is long and eventful and the game doesnt end upon your arrival to New Vegas, it starts there.

The world itself ain't larger than in Fallout 3, but it contains more to discover and there's always a monster or two trying to end your life. In Mojave's desert the recivilization is under rapid construction.

I found the best things in the game is the liveliness and realiness of npc's. Eventhough the earth is destroyed, it's filled with different sides with their own goals and problems. Everytime you journey to somewhere new, you'll probably end up having handful of quests that lead you to a yet another new location, it seems the exploration never stops.

Mainplot in the game consist New Vegas and the control of that specific area. Of course you are in the middle of it and will be the final judge to decide the fate of the city and the surrounding areas.

Engine might run a little old already, but game's content compensates this more than satisfyingly.

All in all. Gameplay is fun, you get to roam free just to shoot anyone or complete tons of sidequest to your liking with great storylines and npc's in a complex and harsh but beautfiful world. What more can previous player of Fallout 3 or even a new player wish for?
Évaluation publiée le 28 novembre 2013.
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7.3 h en tout (0.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Fallout was 1997’s best role-playing game. It was released in a time where people had been waiting years for something really groundbreaking to come by in an RPG, and Interplay didn’t miss the mark.

In order to survive a great nuclear war in this futuristic game, the survivors of humanity sought shelter in underground vaults to escape the nuclear fallout (hence the title). The character is in one such vault, but escaping the wastelands is not the only problem. This vault’s water-recycling chip has malfunctioned and the leader of the community is asking the player’s character to go to a neighboring vault for a replacement. If only a journey in the wasteland were simple.

Players find that there are communities on the surface, and they’re scraping the bottom trying to survive just like those below. Gangs that resemble something from the Mad Max series roam the wasteland preying on those struggling to make a living. Some people have undergone transformations; so have some animals. Finding a water chip or other suitable drinking water is not going to be an easy task.

The game system takes some time to get used to, but not so much that it detracts from the enjoyment of the game. Mostly a mouse-driven game, players have cursor options to select actions, conditions, and manage inventory. Taking care of said inventory isn’t a comfortable process, as players are forced to manage all loot in a single columned interface.

Fallout does some things quite well. Character creation is quite thorough, including optional traits and perks to enhance characters’ starting abilities, making him/her unique. Fallout’s creators also attempted to implement a system of “right and wrong,” and player interaction with NPCs is affected by Karma. As two more examples, sound and music both compliment the story environment without going over the top.

Like games of the time, there are some things that greatly under-perform. Most roaming NPCs are fairly useless for more than a grunt, snide remark, or comic relief. While players can recruit companions, they have no control over them, allowing for situations where the recruits will shoot players (and other NPC companions) in the back or block the path. They do not target what the player targets most of the time, and players will notice when trying to do something nefarious that combat will provoke NPCs to target other people, including children, which just cause one’s Karma to bust. Also, players’re forced to trade with them to provide them any resources. They don’t wear armor or gain levels making them weak and pathetic in the end-game.

The presentation of the story is both humorous and enlightening. The previously touched-on story is set in the future, but most everything looks like it came out not long after World War II. What’s left of civilization is surviving under the tow of two-headed cows while rusting autos and modern technologies similar to our era are strune about. Bottle caps are the currency of choice and iguana sticks are to die for.

All things being said, Fallout is still one of the best RPGs ever made for the PC and sparked a great trend. It is true that it came out around the same time Blizzard released Diablo, but Fallout breaks the mold.
Évaluation publiée le 28 novembre 2013. Dernière modification le 28 novembre 2013.
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47.5 h en tout

Alan Wake is an amazing game, very well written and with a great ambience and characters, however that doesn't mean it's perfect.

First of gameplay, the basic combat mechanic for fighting is very interesting at first, basically you need to use a flashlight to drain the enemy's "shields" until you are able to take him down with a gun, but over the course of the game it grows a bit stale and repetitive, with little to no change at all. Trying the different weapons and traps whoever is pretty fun, you'll spend a lot of time trying to find creative ways to take down your enemies, although sometimes it is better to run. Ammo is scarce, which is nice for a thriller game and the way the story develops in game is pretty interesting (like finding the pages).

Now for story, this is where the game truly shines. It's incredible, worthy of a book even. Wake's story place nicely as a psychological action thriller that is well paced and keeps you engaged, the game also features some pretty interesting plot twists, making even the chapters in between battles pretty thrilling. The dialogue and characters are very well written, I can even recall several quotes now.

If you are a fan of Stephen King esque novels than this is the game for you, sometimes it may grow repetitive but that can be easily forgiving by the engaging story and amazing atmosphere.

Alan Wake is a game that proves to be more than what it seems, truly defining that "It is not a lake, it's an ocean".
Évaluation publiée le 26 novembre 2013.
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40.2 h en tout (17.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

Arkham Asylum is simply put: a superb start to the Arkham series of games. It also brings back Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill who were the voices of Batman and the Joker respectively in Batman: the animated series and they both bring their 'A' game to this game.

The combat system is nice and fluid and also perfect for the PC for keyboard and mouse users. With a few clicks of the mouse you will end up taking down groups of enemies like they were nothing. The boss encounters are also varied with appearances from several of Batman's enemies and plenty of gadgets to keep any fan of the bat happy.

Very few games actually make you feel like you are playing the Superhero of the game. And this is one of those games that will make you feel like you are batman like everyone who has played this.
Évaluation publiée le 26 novembre 2013. Dernière modification le 28 novembre 2013.
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80.2 h en tout (74.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

XCOM puts you in the shoes of a base and battlefield commander, taking on missions around the globe with a team of 6 operatives to combat the unknown alien threat. It is equal parts turn-based strategy and base operations planning, the former being a glorious slugfest against ever increasingly potent enemies and the latter an easy to understand base set-up game that encourages planning ahead to maximize building adjacency bonuses and tech tree unlocks.

The game is infinitely replayable thanks to alternative upgrades, dozens of maps, mutators to the campaign, and variable difficulty modes that are mitigated somewhat by the ability to quick load a save every time an operative bites it.

Your choices on soldier abilities have impact because choosing one route usually locks out the other. You have limited funding and have to juggle weapons and armor production and research and base expansion.

With the upcoming Enemy Within expansion set to release, now is a great time for anyone who fancies turn-based action RPGs to hop in and see what the fuss is all about.
Évaluation publiée le 2 juin 2013. Dernière modification le 28 novembre 2013.
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