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Ulasan terkini oleh DerpToll

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Tercatat 32.5 jam
Unable to play. It either gives me a perma black screen and requires a hard restart, or it gives me a wacky resolution and the sound goes out when I change to the proper resolution.
Diposting pada 27 April.
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Tercatat 32.6 jam
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Such a great concept but so hard to execute. The potential kept me playing but its not really getting better.

Enemies take cover and shoot blindly with incredible accuracy. Your guys will not fire back unless the target is in full view. Blind shooting from behind an over turned table? He's untouchable. Dont even think about shooting through objects.
Suicide bombers explode when shot, even if you are undetected. This goes through walls and will wipe your entire team if they are too close.

No ability for you to blind fire, or lay suppressive fire. So often you stand face to face and just dont react. Set up a movement and vision line and your guy will stick to it like glue, even when he see's an enemy. He will ignore the threat, turn his back and move on.
It's just to frustrating to bother playing.
Diposting pada 13 April.
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Tercatat 181.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 15.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
It take the great bones of Vermintide and turns it dark and gritty. It's a solid beta that promises a great game if Fatshark supports it like they did Vermintide.

It has its beta issues like falling through the map, enemies coming through walls and an occasional crash, but it's soooo promising.

Recommend the pickup especially for the price.
Diposting pada 20 November 2022.
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Tercatat 0.9 jam
Spent the money on Pre-Order, played in the beta. Took me less than an hour of real play to request my refund. What they have done is complete unacceptable. Find all of the technical bug and rants from the other posts, I'll limit my 2cents to monetary value. Why would I pay $100 for a completely broken and incomplete game, when in less than a year people will spend much less and receive a much better game.

Biggest Cons:
Lack of two team uniforms. Everyone is the same.
Not ready in any way for launch and seem to be okay with asking full price
Sound. This is the worst sounding game I've experienced in a long time, and battlefield used to give me chills with its sound.
Squads/endgame score/chat- how could you screw this up?

I got my money back. I'm not trying to be funny or make a point. Nothing about this was a good Battlefield game.

This game broke my soul.

I'm starting to rant when I didnt want to.....I'll shut it down before I write a book.
Diposting pada 28 Desember 2021.
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Tercatat 17.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 17.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Amazing potential and fantastic scenery but some of the worst mechanics I've come across. Tutorials aren't lead into naturally, By the time I found combat tutorials, I was well above what they taught. WASD to move, then bind parry to Q? Still haven't found a real archery tutorial, it might be there, but somehow I've made it to lvl 10 archery and not been led to it.

There are pockets of enemies fighting guards, sometimes allies are red, sometimes the enemies are red. Makes it very confusing. Nothing better than coming upon a group battle and having all four enemies disengage the battle just to surround you.

Quests will be found, no mention of a time limit until you fail the quest, reload, go into the quest menu and find that it says "by noon" or something. For example, "talk to so and so sometime"......"by noon".

Feels really unbalanced and kind of like a beta test. Learning curves are great, this doesn't seem to have one, it's a brick wall. Just a really frustrating experience, even for $10.
Diposting pada 24 Agustus 2021.
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Tercatat 6.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 5.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I got it for $13, and i regret everything. If you played the previous installments, this is unplayable. It feels like someone was told to build a poor starcraft/LoL game, and skin it with warhammer. the Eldar have been turned into elves, the ork are super cartoony, and the marine heros have become LoL heros. the unit controls are clunky, armored vehicles die in seconds, and specials are hard to use well. you also have to capture heavy cover for some reason.

Im a huge warhammer fan. ive dropped hundreds on books, funding games, buying every game i can, and this is a total piece of garbage.
Diposting pada 16 Februari 2018.
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Tercatat 39.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 3.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Looks good, sounds good. the perfect vision of the enemy is really annoying, and my rambo allies really hurt the experience. it's a solid "meh"
Diposting pada 26 Desember 2017.
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