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Análises recentes de Chiken_Sammich

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60.3 hrs em registo (20.4 horas no momento da análise)
For the $0.99 I paid for it, this is a masterpiece.

The First Templar is far from a great game. In fact everything is just about average. Yet it's still an enjoyable game.

There is no way I'd recommend this at full price. But this has gone on sale for around a dollar, a couple times now. Keep your eyes open for when it drops again.

The story is actually fairly good & the characters are somewhat enjoyable.

Combat is average, but it's in that sweet spot between barely bearable & fun enough to keep you playing.
BGM is pretty good, but cuts out at times.
Character models are a little odd.

The game is very linear.
You need to create a Kalypso account & deal with their launcher.
Gamepad controls take a ton of work to set & will never be right.(hard to explain, but it's awful)
Publicado a 15 de setembro de 2016.
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7 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
239.6 hrs em registo (229.1 horas no momento da análise)
Note - Revised below.
1st impressions - Not thrilled.

There is supposedly a tutorial, but it seems to abandon you.

The UI is horribly unfriendly.

Character movement is irritatingly slow. No sprint that I've found yet & the jetpack doesn't help either.

Do you like EXTREMELY limited inventory? Good, because all of the great stuff you find while exploring will be thrown out.(Granted, I found a suit upgrade which increased my inventory, but by 1 stinking slot)

Out of the 3 planets I visited(so far) in this supposedly infinite universe. All of the flora & fauna seem to be exactly the same.
It does run well on my PC though. i7-4770 3.40GHz, 16G RAM, Win 8.1 GeForce 760(192-bit)
For $60 bucks I'm not giving up on this one yet so I'll update this review. However, like I said 1st impressions are not good.

As promised. I'm updating my review. After 90+ hours in game, I can say No Man's Sky has somewhat redeemed itself. A lot of the annoyances I experienced early game. Resolve themselves with time. I'll run my problems down from last to 1st.

Wildlife diversity - While it seems true that. Planet per planet, the wildlife seem to be just palette swaps. Once you jump to a different system. You will find variation in animal species. A lot of the flora still suffer from color changes. The only positive to this is; it makes scanning the planet a lot easier. You know what to look for.
I suspect the reason for this is that each solar system is actually just instanced. It's not actually possible, to travel from 1 system to another, without jumping though hyperspace. Each instanced section would only call up a few species & place them on the 3-4 planets within that system.

Limited Inventory - While still annoying at times. There are upgrades that resolve this throughout the game.
"But it's gonna take money
A whole lot of spending money
It's gonna take plenty of money
To do it right child

It's gonna take time
A whole lot of precious time
It's gonna take patience and time, um
To do it, to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it
To do it right child" - George Harrison

Snail's Pace - Same as above. There are upgrades that make this tolerable.

UI - Is still terrible. Just because I've learned to use it a little better, after 90+ hours. Does not negate poor design. Fumbling my way through this, at the start of the game. Took up a majority of my 1st 4 hours. It's a frustrating way to introduce, your new player base, to your game.

Tutorial - Same as with the UI, "terrible". When your world, objectives & UI are so foreign. The last thing the player needs, is zero guidance. The tutorial consists of a briefly displayed message in the bottom right. These messages pop up whenever they want. The majority of the time, I have a message about my unredeemed prepurchase reward, displayed there.

No Man's Sky is not terrible, but it is far from what it was promised to be.
1)The game is not "seemless". The seems may be cleverly disguised, but they still exist.
2)YOU ARE ALONE! I don't care what anyone else says. I've watched the interviews & it was clear that the possibility of actually seeing another player was possible, yet unlikely. This has been demonstrated to be impossible.

While I'm having a decent time in game, at the moment. Repetition is apparent & it's inevitable that monotony will take it's toll. After about 80 hours in game. I had already discovered the entire Korvax language. I've also discovered about 90% of the tech in game(unless more become available throught story progression). While the universe may be almost infinite. The content seems to be very limited.

Recommendation is still a no, not at $60. This is just another exploration game. You're not missing much if you wait for deep cuts in price. On top of that, with the shady way it was marketed. Hello Games should not be rewarded with AAA dev levels of cash. Save your money & be very leary of anything HG tries to push in the future.

----------------------------------FINAL VERDICT-------------------------------
Upon reaching the center of the galaxy. I promptly deleted NMS from my hard drive & I do not intend to return. That is not to say that I did not enjoy myself, at times. But the majority of the game is menial & monotonous. Everything is a grind. Exploration is very rarely ever surprising(every now & then you'll see something new). And about half way through the story, the end pretty much telegraphs itself. As soon as the "new car smell" wears off, you're left with a jalopy of a game. You drive it to work every morning & dread it more by the minute. I literally found myself thinking this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SwpoZhC_sE as I grinded my way to the center. I won't say what I found at the center, but when you're in the mindset I was in. The reveal is a kick in the nuts.

Good on HG for releasing a patch that addressed a lot of the early issues. But congratulating them for that is like praising them for feeding their children on a regular basis. It should have been done & never have been an issue in the 1st place.

Personally, new DLC(paid or free). I will not be returning. I advise you all. Do not buy this game unless it is around or less than the $20-$25 range. It's not worth any more. Anyone with a brain, will not last a fraction of the time I spent in game. Boredom will set in & you'll move on.
Publicado a 12 de agosto de 2016. Última alteração: 13 de setembro de 2016.
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3.8 hrs em registo
Annoying. The characters lack character. Video quality is horrendous. This game lacks the charm that the lego series is known for.
Publicado a 10 de agosto de 2016.
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2.2 hrs em registo
Movement seems super sluggish. Hit boxes are odd(I'm close enough to punch an enemy, but not grab?? Grabs OFTEN miss). Game crashed out to desktop upon joining 2nd level.
Publicado a 8 de agosto de 2016.
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31.4 hrs em registo
I was a little disappointed with Oceanhorn. Probably because I was expecting too much.

Everything just seems so, "meh, so what?" The story astonishes the world with feats of adequataquaticism. The visuals are ok. The gameplay is nothing you haven't experienced before. The audio is alright, but nothing that really gets you going.

There were a lot of times I just stopped playing because I was aimlessly wandering & putting myself to sleep. Also fishing is horrible. I almost snapped the stick off of my PS3 controller because of the left/right whiplash movements you're forced to do.

I'd rate it as a maybe, but since there isn't an option for that yet. I have to rate it down to balance the positive reviews.
Publicado a 14 de julho de 2016.
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7.6 hrs em registo (0.9 horas no momento da análise)
10/10 for illustrating just how bad I am at making decisions, maintaining relationships & functioning as an actual person.
Publicado a 5 de julho de 2016.
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36.9 hrs em registo
Dex is a very good game.

The world seems small for a metroidvania, but does not suffer for it's size.

As far as the RPG aspect of it, Dex does pretty well. There are multiple outcomes to quests, which affect things in both the short & long term. & the story is fairly compelling.

Combat takes a little getting used to, but isn't terrible. I had a couple issues with it overall. It seems like skilling up mele is the only way to go. And until you get used to mele combat & where hitboxes are. You're going to be throwing a lot of wiffs at your enemies. I could be entirely wrong about the shooting side of combat. I didn't have the courage to level it up for 2 reasons. Steam controller is terrible with aiming in general & using the gun with no points added to the skill, was already horrible. For example - Dex would aim at 11 o'clock. I'd barely move my thumb to adjust the aim & now she's aiming at 8 o'clock. There was hardly ever a middle ground. To compensate I aimed as close to where I wanted as possible & then just walked into position. Again, I may be wrong & throwing some points into the skill could correct the accuracy, but I didn't try & the controller's failings steered me further away from trying.

I enjoyed the hell out of this one.
Publicado a 5 de julho de 2016.
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5.5 hrs em registo
The word that best describes Monochroma is "annoying".

1)The puzzles aren't really puzzling. You pretty much see what needs to be done immediately.

2)Your character's movements seem way more sluggish then they need to be. For example - running is slow as balls & there seems to be too much downtime while recovering from a jump or fall. I understand that this may be a design feature to enhance the drama of the chase. But it feels unnecessary & bothersome at times.

3)The difficulty in this game stems from having to be precise. However, your character handles like crap. sometimes refusing to grab onto switches & ledges. And other times just plain refusing to let go of switches & ladders. This causes you to fail the timed puzzles & redo them, over & over & over & over & I think I made my point. (& so you don't think I'm complaining because of "lack of skill" check my progress on "Limbo". I'm fine with deaths & having to be precise, but the game's controls better not be a stumbling block.)

4)The backgrounds are beautifully made. However the character animations look rigid.

5)For what this game is. It's WAY overpriced. Glad I only paid $4.99, but I still feel ripped off.

Play Limbo or wait for Inside.
Publicado a 5 de julho de 2016. Última alteração: 5 de julho de 2016.
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10 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
15.5 hrs em registo (7.7 horas no momento da análise)
This is an absolute masterpiece. Every aspect of Valiant Hearts is a work of art. I'm so friggen glad I finally got around to playing this.

If you're 1 of those people protesting against UPlay. Do yourself a favor & move that picket line on to the next game. You're doing yourself a disservice by avoiding this title.
Publicado a 18 de junho de 2016. Última alteração: 19 de junho de 2016.
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3.8 hrs em registo
Not a bad game. The controls/shadow mechanic can be a little wonky at times. This can make for some pretty frustrating moments, but still playable. Contrast has a lot of charm, likable characters & a decent story. Overall it's an enjoyable game, but $14.99 is a little high in my opinion. Good grab during a sale.
Publicado a 17 de junho de 2016.
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