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Análises recentes de DarkGunn

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144.0 hrs em registo (21.0 horas no momento da análise)
For a game titled "Dying Light", its predecessor had no problems outshining it.

The game graphically looks nice and runs well on my rig with maxed out settings, I get the odd drop as the game world loads in but that's about it. There a few bugs here and there but nothing game-breaking (thus far). Everything else about the game is disappointing.

The story... exists, it's there, and it's nothing special. The branching paths affecting the game world (which was bragged about in the trailers) means sweet f-all, it's legit on the same level as Telltales' Walking Dead in regards to choices not mattering. There are no meaningful changes that impact the game world which changes the way you play, and the only difference you'll see is the outcome of the various quests you do. The characters themselves aren't interesting and have no investments, granted the previous game sorted had the same but Crane at least got some development throughout the story. Aiden is no different than a brick with a smiley face drawn on it, he just reacts to whatever he sees, there's no sense that he is being developed or believes the choices that you (the player) are making for him. You'll find yourself skipping through the conversations eventually. All the NPCs have the same voice lines with little variation in regards to their voices, one male NPC said "Hey you're from beyond the walls right? What's it like out there?" only for a female NPC to repeat the same thing a few seconds later. The raiders all have the same weird Texas accent and like the above problem will repeat the same lines, over and over.

The gameplay is fun but ultimately is a let down, there's no balance between health and stamina because there's not much point in increasing your health level. Skills are locked by level but you'll only want to unlock the dropkick skill from the combat tree, once that's done you can invest EVERYTHING into stamina since that's used both in and outside of combat. You can upgrade and heal whatever health you lose quite easily so essentially an entire tree is invalidated, the dropkick launches enemies (often multiple) back and more often than enough insta-kills them... so there's no real reason to have anything else. There are buildings that have stamina requirements to which if you don't meet, you won't be able to capture/activate it. They're worth doing but this only places more emphasis on stamina opposed to health.
There are random events you can encounter in the game world but they're pretty pointless, usually it's save this survivor or kill this group of infected/raiders to loot a chest. All of these yield rewards that aren't worth the effort, the only ones I've found that tend to be worthwhile are killing the bolters (night time) or the parkour bandit (day time), everything else can be skipped.

Weapons are kind of a joke, you can't repair them normally and the skill to throw them (like you could previously) isn't in the game. The only way you can repair weapons is by modding them, so adding a "shock" mod to the tip of the weapon repairs a percentage amount of it.
Removing the ability to throw weapons at enemies baffles me, I've heard this was to prevent an item duplication bug but this brought some use to common, uncommon etc weapons. You'll have no issues finding the higher quality epic and legendary tier weapons so the lower tier weapons are pointless now. With that gone a layer of strategy was removed, throwing the lower tier weapons for bonus damage to save durability on your current weapons for example. I suppose you could sell them but depending on the difficulty you're playing on you won't be able to sell everything (I think it's based on that, could be wrong), and even then you barely get $10 for it.

The economy is simply broken, vendors don't have anything worthwhile to purchase outside of upgrade blueprints. You can find better weapons from exploring the game world and valuables which you can sell for thousands. I only ever bought crafting parts because my items were upgraded beyond whatever the vendors sold, I'm well over the $10k margin with nothing but the above to buy.

Night time is just disappointing, it simply lacks the horror element that the previous title had. It was visually darker, more intense, and fun/rewarding to navigate. In Dying Light 2 there are night time specific activities you can do like taking down boss mobs, or searching buildings for valuables to sell because more infected inhabit them during the day and... that's about it. If you're sorted for money and gear, there's simply no point in navigating night time. The previous game had those GRE drops which were easy EXP for combat and parkour but nothing of the sorts exists here, the additional EXP gained for surviving seems to be negligible too. There's a new chase sequence where, if you're spotted, you'll be swarmed by zombies that just come out of nowhere (vents, windows, it at least shows it), sometimes it can be intense but others it was more annoying. I melee'd a howler and didn't give it a chance to scream, yet the sequence still started even though there were no others around me. I miss racing for the drops before someone else got them, navigating the game world for the best route hoping I won't get spotted, that was considerably more fun and worthwhile.

Honestly, still buy it but on sale. I absolutely loved Dying Light 1, and the game I like is in here somewhere but the design is such a mess it's hard to see it. There may be 500 hours of gameplay but I'd be surprised if I make it to 50 - 60 hours.
Publicado a 3 de Março de 2022. Última alteração: 3 de Março de 2022.
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1,027.0 hrs em registo (884.8 horas no momento da análise)
800 hours of this was just mods alone.
Publicado a 2 de Janeiro de 2022.
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69.8 hrs em registo (2.5 horas no momento da análise)
It is what you expect from a Tales game, odd nonsensical story paired with a slick, fun combat system that's simple enough for even the most experienced IGN journo to figure out.

The English dub is pretty bad as well but it wouldn't be Anime: The RPG if it wasn't
Publicado a 10 de Setembro de 2021.
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31.3 hrs em registo (9.2 horas no momento da análise)
If this game were a drug, it'd be meh-amphetamine.

This is another "horror" game that thinks it's scary because it has monsters and plays the same ambient sound every minute, reality is the monsters and bosses are underwhelming and forgettable. The fans overhyped Lady Dimitrescu who isn't even a proper threat, and can be avoided 90% of the time heck the game itself isn't even difficult and most of the time you only die because Ethan is slow and clunky.
Blocking as well is nonsense for survival horror, the point is to avoid damage not negate it. Mechanics such as that serve to make the player more powerful than the games threats and well... I've not felt threatened yet.

Plus side is, at least the inventory system is great but that's because they used the same one from RE4.

Buy it on the cheap and don't fall for the moronic fan hype.
Publicado a 30 de Junho de 2021.
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159.3 hrs em registo (74.2 horas no momento da análise)
Having finally beaten this pile of crap I can (with full confidence) say, don't buy it.

This game takes everything that made the first unique, fun and downright funny and completely half-arses it (at best). It is horribly repetitive, the agents/super agents are a joke, there's absolutely no reason to do a second playthrough as a different character because it's linear. Minions have traits which are worthless and do nothing, which is sad because that would've made them more unique and gives them an edge in/out of combat. Although the trait system is worthless anyway because when you send your minions on missions they don't return, which is annoying because all the time invested in training them ends up being redundant. The first one had this system right, because unlike in this game there were threats that could kill your minions before the mission was complete. What have we got to worry about in this one? Nothing. The super agents in the first game were no joke, when they appeared you were absolutely in trouble, heck even when prepared they'd take down a decent amount of your minions and could permanently kill your henchmen. No need to worry about any of that in this dumbed down mess, I missed having the variety of weapons to outfit your minions with too. Melee weapons are a great addition, although you just get two types with two variants. Lethal/stun club, along with a lethal/stun staff. It's the same with ranged weaponry, it's utterly boring and a complete missed opportunity that it wasn't expanded on.
I guess one positive is the build management system, I was quite impressed with the mechanics behind that but... that's about it.

Do yourself a favour, buy the first Evil Genius and see why people love it so much.
Publicado a 1 de Abril de 2021. Última alteração: 19 de Dezembro de 2021.
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82.5 hrs em registo (0.5 horas no momento da análise)
Red Alert explores the alternate timelime which sees the affect of Hitler not being present.

This game's release explores the alternate timeline of EA doing right by the CnC franchise.
Publicado a 5 de Junho de 2020.
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1.9 hrs em registo
I tried my best, I really did, but I simply can't like or recommend this game. Primarily due to its oversimplification of mechanics.

Customisation is minimal, there's no perma-death, most items have infinite uses and there's really no point in killing anything when you can use non-lethal ammo to get the extra intel. Having said that I like how they've done the breach system, unfortunately though some points are blatantly more beneficial to enter than others.
The characters themselves I had no trouble allowing to "die" because they're just so annoying, one of them is supposed to be comic relief but ends up just being a standard twitter SJW with the side shaved head and partially dyed hair.

I guess it works well as a "my first" or introduction into X-COM because the hit chances are still stupid, or as a means to tie XCOM 2 and 3 together but not as something worth full price for.

Publicado a 20 de Maio de 2020.
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448.2 hrs em registo (4.6 horas no momento da análise)
Good fun, if you enjoyed the first you'll love this.
Publicado a 13 de Março de 2020.
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6 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
90.6 hrs em registo (0.5 horas no momento da análise)
Piccolo, you came!
Publicado a 16 de Janeiro de 2020.
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113.0 hrs em registo (12.2 horas no momento da análise)
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Great chill game which teaches you various life lessons in a very subtle and clever manner, for example if you jump into the ocean to attack a shark it'll likely kill you.
Publicado a 4 de Dezembro de 2019.
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