Currently In-Game
Destiny 2
Review Showcase
7,287 Hours played
I've played it a little bit. It's pretty good.
THE GABAGOOL 7 Jul @ 1:14am 
Uh huh and let's check your win/loss percentage for the last few seasons. 57%, 53%, 58% 77%, 97%. Super normal progression there. And your win % only dips lower into the 30s the further you go back. Not to mention you had as many flawless last season as ALL your previous seasons combined. Like I said, bad player that suddenly broke his 10+ season streak of being awful and is playing like a top 500 player. You got caught bro plain and simple. If you keep running those programs you better prep an alt for when you get VAC'd like all your friends.
Who’s Deity 6 Jul @ 9:04pm 
you are genuinely retarded. get a life. youre mid 30s arguing for a wwek. you are a ♥♥♥♥ loser, truly a lsoer.
Who’s Deity 6 Jul @ 9:02pm 
"5x magically" every season i only jump up around .2 - .3 lol
Who’s Deity 6 Jul @ 9:02pm 
my stats are 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.1, how is that "random" thats a legit incline are you braindead. youre projecting cause your stats keep going down every season and mine go up lol
THE GABAGOOL 6 Jul @ 12:38pm 
Cheaters are crazy man. Just completely ignore the fact that your stats mysteriously went up around the same time you started playing with straight aimbotters, a literal whole clan roster of VAC banned accounts. And your only argument is to bring up Ws like that means something. It might have meant something years ago before you gave up and downloaded something but not anymore my guy.
THE GABAGOOL 6 Jul @ 12:23pm Here you go. Either you're confusing your main for one of your alts or you messed your public stats up by making everything private like all the other cheaters do. Either way, flexing W's while literally aimbotting means nothing. Downloading cheats after staying a 1.0 or below for YEARS in a game with some of the highest base aim assist is craaaazy lol. Games show a clear pattern of you being mediocre or getting carried by literal VAC banned accounts until you suddenly improved your stats by 5x magically. More of your friends got VAC banned by the way including most of your trials partners for the last year but I'm sure they already made new alts for you to keep running with.