113 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 5.1 hrs on record
Posted: 29 Apr, 2014 @ 7:59pm

Early Access Review
I'm going to write an unbiased review as possible, this is coming from a person who has played many, many games, across many genres.

The good and bad in no particular order:

1.Now as it stands, the UI is atrocious, especially for a game where so much attention is needed to information on the screen for you to get around and do things, anyone with even slightly poor eyesight will probably be annoyed and have a hard time reading the font size that is unchangeable (as far as I could tell) on the UI, I know I was annoyed and my eyesight isn't bad enough to warrant glasses or contact lenses. (bad)

2. The World does seem to be alive, with things going on around you, though when I played there hadn't been that many people on, but I found some nonetheless, and the possibilities for exploration are very, very great. (good)

3. The Tutorial is very, very well put together, you learn everything you need to, to get started in the game. Though the tutorial check list seems a bit daunting at first, its pretty easy to follow (with the exception of the horrible font size), and at the end of it all you get some free stuff after completing it that helps you out when you finally get to the game world proper (if you skip the tutorial you don't, good incentive, not to mention you'll be completely lost if you aren't already coming from a game like EVE online). (good)

4. One of the bad parts about the game is that after the tutorial (and chosing the faction you want) you aren't really prompted to do anything, you kinda just spawn at the beginners base of said faction and nothing comes up to tell you what to do. The Quests (Assignments) are very repetitive, mostly go to "A" attack "B" get "Item" from "B"'s wreckage deliver "Item" to "C", or go to area "A" scan for "certain mineral/Artifact" locate "mineral/artifact" mine/retrieve "mineral/artifact" and deliver to "B" or some variation there of, the only difference is that the more in good standing you are with the faction you chose at the end of the tutorial increasingly difficult assignments are unlocked for you to complete, but they never stray far from this template. The game feels very grindy for a game with time-based progression, you have to log in once a day to get certain points to level up skills of your choosing, and you need to level up certain skills to be able to use more powerful mechs, so even if you have the money, you can't use the mech till you level up the skills to use it. (bad)

5. The graphics are atrocious for 2014, or even 2011 or 2010 when the game launched beta or alpha. Maybe for 2003 or 2004 they were good, but damn they ungly now. The mechs don't feel like mechs... look kinda flimsy, even the ones you get to try out during the tutorial which take some time to acquire, (not that they are bad in combat, they just don't look it is all). The sounds for the mechs are also bad, too low when they shoudn't be and cut in and out constantly, the "thump, thump" that you would expect a heavy bipedal mech to have as it walks isn't there, the sounds for the weapons are also bad, except for the missle, which I'd say is alright all around. (bad)

6. Combat is in the vein of Mech warrior online, just with longer locking target times, and point and click targeting/firing, and chance based hitting depending on the weapon used, not as exciting as mech warrior online, but still fun, if you manage to get into a battle that'll make you sweat a bit (that probably won't happen early on), may be too many variables to take into consideration for some people though. Mechs of the same class from the 3 different factions balance each other out well. (good)

7. Crafting in the game is also very, very grindy, you must acquire research points by the hundreds by looting "kernels" from wreckage of mechs you destroyed. Only one kernel amounts to one research point, and you get anywhere from atleast 1 (most of the time, rarely none) to 10 kernels from a mech you destroyed (though i only played the beginning and therefore they may drop more kernels the harder the enemies get), and you need from what I saw in the research panel thousands of them, and you need 2 types of kernels for some 3 research trees with atleast 1 different type of kernel required for each tree. Honestly though you can start making money after your first investment in any one of the trees (you can pursue all of the them, choosing one doesn't exclude you from the rest), by building that first item (which requires you to scan, locate and mine for minerals/metal), and selling it on the market, which gets you a good amount of money from what I saw. Making money seems to be very easy in the game, but money doesn't give you everything, because skill trees and research points must be advanced/unlocked/gained first which is good, but the hard grind you have to commit to isn't. (bad)

These aspects are the ones I chose to review the game from, there are a few more but they don't matter as much to someone just starting out in the game, because it takes a lot of grinding to get to those aspects. Time is something someone who plays this game is going to want to have alot of to get anywhere in it. EVE players wouldn't mind maybe, but not all players are are people who've played EVE and thats why I've written this, because most people who reviewed the game don't seem to review it from an unbiased point of view. But don't take my word for it try it out yourselves if you have the money to spare, its great in some aspects and poor in others, I'd give it a no on the recommendation rating, but I dont speak for everyone.
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Akai 21 May, 2014 @ 7:33pm 
I've played the game a bit. First time I tried it when the game was just released. The graphics were weak (even back then), the variety of robots was pretty pathetic, market was empty (but the game just came out, understandable), not enough people playing (same story).
So about 3 years later I decided to give it another try and here's what I saw in the game:
1)graphics weren't touched (saw that coming),
2)no new robots to drive
3)market still pretty empty
4)and the player base was still miserable (maybe even smaller)
In 3 years there was barely any noticeable difference to even consider playing it. After seeing the poor state of the game, I lost any intention of resubbing.
Maybe steam release might bring in some new blood into the game. But seeing the stagnation, people probably won't last long.

P.S. I hope that at least people who had an active sub at the moment of transition from p2p to b2p got grandfathered in. I didn't and it's even more reason not to consider the game.
尋覓交配對象~害羞哦 12 May, 2014 @ 11:45pm 
Worst game ever, DONT BUY this. tried to love this game but FAIL miserably, EPIC FAIL

->PAID you to LET you BLAME ME!?? who want TO BE BLAMED!?
MISERABLE! BAD SERIVCE for "BLAME ME" for thumb down their game! BEWARE!

->UGLY FIGURE (I want to VOMIT the image of my avatar, even i tried my best to set it best)

i just want to enjoy game, not reading a twenty or even more page novel

->OBSELETE/OUTDATED CONTROL compare to similar games, like HAWKEN/CSGO
for example in hawken:
using shift +A/D rapid shift to left or right to escape bullet

each time i want to build, i need to search in that SMALL menu.
in a large monitor, i even need magnify the texture to read what i am building (NO FIGURE!)

All this make me quit after the first hour of game play
->Even worst is is neither CHEAP(CSGO) NOR FREE(HAWKEN)
DeityRox.puzzle 12 May, 2014 @ 5:28pm 
great review, thanks!
Rawsome83 11 May, 2014 @ 9:26pm 
The guy spends a lot of time to write a review from his point of view, and people attack him for it. What the hell guys? He gives many pro's and con's, but he didn't say that this applies to everyone. It's his opinion, and he clearly says so aswell.
And from what I know, the game's been in development (and available) for about 4 years now, and have only just recently been added to Steam EA.. For all you know, he could have invested houndreds of hours of gameplay! Stop assuming it's only 5 hrs.

If you don't agree with it, suck it up and quit bitching about it. He didn't write HIS view of the game for you to evaluate if you agree with it or not, or if it's correct or not. He wrote it for people who haven't played it to get an idea what HE thinks about it. What they do with that information is up to them. If they have questions about certain aspect of his review, they write a comment here. If you think the comment field for people to trample eachothers reviews, you're mistaken.
Fulci 11 May, 2014 @ 8:46am 
This game was originally released to public late in 2010 afaik. It was just recently launched on Steam and also have a new subscription model (BTP). Any player writing here can have an unknown amount of hours spent in the game before Steam launch.
R05AD0 6 May, 2014 @ 3:52pm 
If you dont like it dont play it and 5 hours of playtime isnt enough for a review.
And right now until the game gets integrated to steam you are missing half the game.
Makaan 6 May, 2014 @ 12:15pm 
4- show me a game with missions that isn't like that.. in all honesty assignments in this game are pretty varied considering the fac that there is no story behind or quest line :P you just do them for the money. game is grindy, it is called progression. games that do not have progression wont get you interested for more then what 5 minutes?
7- end game crafting is really grindy as it should be? very profitable and gives you the edge over competition. what are you complaining about again?
SPLASH 4 May, 2014 @ 4:49am 
I like unbaised reviews, good job! But as of writing this you have 5 hours of playtime, can you maybe invest a bit more and report back on the re-playability value? Anyways thanks and waiting for updates