2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 23.3 hrs on record
Posted: 7 Feb @ 2:31am

At its best, it's a decent RPG, with lively characters, dialogues, and situations. Locations look amazing, full of love for old Warsaw architecture. I never imagined that mud on the cobblestones can look so alive and diverse, you can almost feel it squelching and slipping under your feet.

It's not always at its best though. Combat is an unbearable chore that doesn't bring neither fun nor tension, just a mindless repetition of the same actions vs identical opponents, that can't be sped up, nor bypassed. Whatever mechanics there are outside of combat, they fail to impress just as well. You just tolerate it as much as you can.

Overall, the game is a bit iffy and mediocre, but if you're in the mood for some authentic Polish stuff, it's well worth it.
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