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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Freidrich Werner

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94.3 godz. łącznie (21.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I am in absolute awe, that a 20 year old game is better than every other preceding instalment in the franchise.

I first played this game 15 years ago, and picked up the remastered copy just 3 days ago.
I am going to list all of the insane / awesome mechanics in RTR, and explain why they rain superior to every other Total War Game (A joke? No i couldnt believe it either, this is absolutely ridiculous how Alpha this game is, difficulty is no joke and battles are hard core)

*** I am playing ROME EXPANDED Mod, and there is nothing quiet like it!!

MUST PLAY MOD: ROME EXPANDED (Makes the other mods look like absolute Rats ♥♥♥♥)
(Glory of Rome Mod was absolutely amazing, but I became suspicious when I noticed AI Armies standing still outside settlements after about 8 turns; I checked the faction charts to see what was going on and I feel like that mod is bugged.)

Rome Expanded is just gnarly, every faction if you are near Rome feels like what it SHOULD feel like being near Rome;
They just are so over powered and will rush and cleanse the Barbarians from northern Italy; the challenge is utterly amazing.
Being rushed on turn 1 as Illyrian Pirate Faction, or playing one of the Leagues of Greece and being invaded by Brutti Rome on turn 2; this is what Total War should be about. I've never had so much fun on a total war game;
More about the Mod Rome Expanded;

-- Population is a huge issue as Barbarians, it makes the game hardcore. Whereas technology comes purely from buildings, so you must buff your population to unlock units. Everything comes down to the race of upgrading your town centre to the next level to get better units.

-- There is an absolute PERFECT balance of More factions (not as crazy as these other mods) where the Dev has introduced heaps of new factions, and the map is massive, with all of these AI moving around the map like crazy it feels like an actual 264 BC Game, the first I've ever played.


-- This is the best Total War game (with the above mod) of the entire franchise. It makes everything else look like dogs breakfast, here's why;

-- FACTION CHARACTERS HAVE INFLUENCE AS A STAT, THIS AFFECTS THEIR RETINUE SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!! I MEAN HOW EPIC IS THAT!!! Curse this company for ever taking away a mechanic like that (e.g a younger general, a new blood has about 61 cavalry, my faction leader might have 110 in his gaurd) XDDD
-- Dont need a bloody general to friggen move around armies!!! I mean who ever thought of putting that in! worst decision ever!
-- This is by far the best graphics (im not joking, it is absolutely sharp as hell)
-- This is by far the most insane cavalry mechanics (cavalry literally jump over allies and enemies, they charge and you feel it. Also your generals get absolutely randomly nailed; very symbolic of the age of having little armour on horse and fighter. It just feels so brutal and raw)
-- You can build watchtowers, which Total War should NEVER have gotten rid of (The AI Use this as if they are a player, Im up at the swiss alps as one of the local tribes, and its just an 8 front stand off with tribes everywhere in the snow with watchtowers)
-- The family tree system is beyond immersive / traits / character / than any total war game
-- The building management system is just dam addictive and is the main gateway to the game (no research, micro, realism, sim)
-- There is a culture system / religion system
-- The battles are now the biggest unit size basically in any total war game (300 units for Barbarians, 250 for Thracians in a unit, this is in vanilla, on extreme settings ---> I mean combined with the mechanics of the battles (see below) and the best mod (see above) this is just insane
-- The battles are absolutely sharp and brutal; projectiles HIT, lines hold, you hear the clutter of armour on sword and fights are brutal, quick, and ruthless. Units have realistic hp and go down quick. Cavalry is epic but also gets smashed easy.

-- The AI on the campaign is the best AI ive ever seen in any total war game (I dont know if its just this mod, but its legit insane. Rome systematically wiping out the Estrucians, Samarians, Venusians, and then stopping and building up diplo, while julii sends expeditions to help bruitii in Greece - this ♥♥♥♥ feels alive.)

-- I havent even played as Rome faction yet, loving this insane underdog play of the Barbarian Tribe in the Alps, war of the strongest, the alpha tribes, with really undercapped technology (spamming 300 size units of Warband Spears (blue paint, war cry ability / peasants / general cavalry -- > this is early game and it lasts 50 turns or so)

-- This ♥♥♥♥ is not for the weak, feint of heart, or people who want to win games.

-- Attrition (same as medieval total war 2) is amazing, whearas in the recent TW games, your guys just automatically Replenish which is just gross. In this, expect to see units constantly damaged on the field, stumbling accross an ai army with 192, 93, 204, 304, 98 , 120 men that have seen some action and have yet to make it back to a settlemen to retrain. There is never going to be clean 300 300 300 300 stacks on call in this, this is real total war. You must methodically send your troops back to the town that supports that individual troop type of recruitment to spend money to retrain them AND it takes it from your actual population.

- Ambush system is amazing

- Character portaits (as I said above) traits, breeding, family tree UI just flawless.

-- Unit roster very limited and realistic of the times. Hardcore vanilla tribe vs tribe combat. To see who is the alpha tribe who can last till next tech.

-- Finally, 6,000 vs 5,500 men battles on vanilla with 1 army, combat hack and slash, cavalry jumping over front lines and smashing right into men, demoralizing their batallion

- The best graphics ive ever seen in a strategy game even in 2024 on 1920 x 1080

This ♥♥♥♥ is 10/10

And its utterly, filthily, sacralidge disgusting how watered down and woke this franchise got. The difficulty level in this game right now is Knee and Knuckle scratching, Im scraping tributes for alliances just to get by to defend my lands and constantly spamming spear in LITERAL FEAR of Julii coming up. I will be ready for them. And we will fight the SPQR for our villages.

Seriously this is Rome Total War 3. 20 hours in 2 days I am going back in.
MOD: Rome Expanded
Opublikowana: 6 grudnia 2024. Ostatnio edytowane: 7 grudnia 2024.
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110.7 godz. łącznie (2.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Dark & Darker is an extraction, fantasy, solo/co op hack and slash.
The game has elements of competition, leader boards, seasonal rankings and offers incentive to play like a sport, albeit also rewards casual play.

I have played Dark & Darker for the last 12 months, when it was not available on Steam. The steam release came as a great surprise and is exactly what the game needed to flourish forward in a positive direction.

The current player base is at an all time high and for good reason; Dark & Darker is the greatest extraction game currently on the market (Tarkov, GZW etc). I have played computer games for 27 years (many online) and Dark & Darker is by far the most hardcore and rewarding.

The adrenaline rush in battle in this game is unlike any other. Make sure you come in with an iron Blood Pressure, and do not show fear in battle. Stay calm; learn how the AI Mobs behave, and carve your mark on a persistent world.

- There are 9 or so classes to choose from, each with their own unique flavour.
- Real time strategic decisions / assessing situations under pressure
- High risk high reward situations that makes for thrilling game play
- Fairly regular Positive matchmaking system with loyal and brave players
- Plenty of new players who are the future veterans
- Ability to micro manage your stash if your into that (Tetris)
- Difficult / Hardcore game play, constant death situations (not for the feint hearted)

- 3 maps; highly repetitive
- Sweats with 395 Fame that wield Sword in left Hand and Dagger in Right and change gear mid battle PVP
- Toxic matchmaking system where Voice chat is expected
- Toxic player base in specific regions, that run through dungeons then quit the party when they die

Dark and Darker is currently the best game experience on steam, and it pisses a lot of people off that don't have the Gonads for a difficult experience.
Opublikowana: 16 czerwca 2024.
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82.4 godz. łącznie (28.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
just beautiful
Opublikowana: 11 maja 2024.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
40.1 godz. łącznie (0.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Villagers start with no weapons delivered.
Weather difficulty - Hard
Max Bandit Camps - 5
AI Aggressiveness - Aggressive
Approval Rating - Difficult.

Game is amazing. Make sure to play on ultra difficulty first play through and enjoy! Support the devs!
Opublikowana: 26 kwietnia 2024.
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Według 11 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
84.9 godz. łącznie (22.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Pharaoh: Total War (9/10)
Firstly, I have been playing Total War since Rome: Total War around 2005.
Secondly, I am extremely disappointed with the
unjustified hatred this game has gotten on both YouTube and the Steam Store page.
This game, fundamentally, would be what we could only dream of in those days when we were 15 years old, playing AOE2 and Rome: Total War.
The era of the bronze age and ancient history gives a simplistic, barbarious, and rag tag feel. It truly is a battle of the ages, where even archers have their place in Melee.
The Graphics are incredible, and scale of battle immense.
It is the best-looking Total War game we have had by far, as would be expected as the next instalment in the franchise. (I thoroughly enjoy just taking screenshots of battles, and I have never seen anything look more glorious).
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I have paid $100 AU dollars for this game, even after reading all the negative reviews.
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Now for my review of the general components of the game;
Graphics: 9.5/10 (Incredible lighting, scale, effects, realism. It feels like an ancient battle field)
UI: 9/10 (Ability to scale, more unit size than previously, nice colours, bright and colourful yet also deep blue.
- Stars over the Egyptian night skyline
- Great monument builder or trader of the lands plus many other focuses.
-New outpost system, balancing visiting them each turn to boost movement speed or reduce upkeep. Takes balance, placement and skill
- Potential for a super focused multiplayer campaign (very narrow yet expansive for head to head)
- Massive campaign map, given the small region, it is absolutely massive
- The best general upgrade system we've had in total war by far. Feels extremely immersive.
- Cavalry, what cavalry? Makes chariots the new cavalry of the game (OMG) they are truly decisive to a battle, but are vulnerable, especially to levy spearmen (who have abilities focused on chariots)
- Want to get unique troop auxiliaries? Court faction opportunities that focus on role play elements of a royal court. You can start as a nobody, a governor or a military leader, and work your way into the court by diplomacy, schemes or outright taking the job vacancy!
- Amazing, micro resource management, (which I'm sure is why a lot of people have the Sh*ts) where you have to organise food in advance.
- Food and other resources are also earned from winning battles which is awesome.
- Cool battle animation when battle is finished.
- Gods pathways to choose from that can level up and have assigned generals
- Prince mechanics who look after vassals
-Plus so much more, I can barely fit it in!
- Extremely realistic and immersive roster, with slight variations between factions yet all keeping the realistic feel of the region. Way more diverse than say Atilla, as much as I love Atilla.
- Ability to use 2d ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic portraits for unit cards and generals, or 3d, which looks absolutely beautiful.
- New unit commands such as advance or give ground (advanced tactics)
Soundtrack: 9/10
- Sea people repetition
- Hardly any people in MP Campaign lobby because you, the fanbase **** it up.
- Play on Veteran / Veteran minimum for campaigns.
- There is also a mod called Hecleas AI Overhaul that will improve AI Drastically.
Summary to the criticism of Pharaoh:
-- This the greatest strategy game of the ****** year. It feels like Rome Total War but more realistic, bigger, immersive and specialized. All we would need is a Roman Invasion of Egypt DLC and my lord!! I cannot emphasise enough that, if you are a total war fan; BUY THIS GAME!
-- This appears to be another example of 'cancel culture' & it sickens me.
Once a few hipsters / influencers make up their mind, pre release, the movement begins!
They are movement of sheep who bitterly trash games like Starfield or Pharoah: Total War because they are unhappy about something, and then others follow. You guys can't think for yourself? But, for those of us Zealous generals, whom have grown up playing PC Games for 20 + years, we are in for a treat my loyal friends!
-- I cannot believe (as a long lifetime fan of total war), the hatred this game is getting, for literally no reason! If you didn’t buy this, and went off reviews and youtube vids, you are a ******* slave. And good for you, I can sit here, on my top tier pc, and game!
GG noobs and hit me up for campaign. Total War has returned!
Opublikowana: 20 października 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 20 października 2023.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
30.4 godz. łącznie (20.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Opublikowana: 27 lutego 2023.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
1,042.8 godz. łącznie (18.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Opublikowana: 12 kwietnia 2020.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.0 godz. łącznie
Opublikowana: 1 lutego 2020.
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87.4 godz. łącznie (3.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Opublikowana: 31 stycznia 2020.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
780.1 godz. łącznie (569.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Opublikowana: 20 stycznia 2020.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 10 pozycji