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1 от 28 (4%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

The Awakening

Sync fully as ReSetna and begin your journey.
Откл. на 31 ян. в 15:23


Complete all side quests.

The Collector

Complete the entire Codex with Vegar25's diary log entries.

Data Hoarder

Collect all Synaptica chips available in the game.

Lost and Found

Collect 10 lost Synaptica chips.

Weapon Master

Collect all weapons.

Relentless Force

Defeat 50 enemies without taking damage.
23 / 50

Pro Force

Defeat 100 enemies without taking damage.
23 / 100

A Legend

Defeat 150 enemies without taking damage.
23 / 150

Signal Interference

Find Signal's first data log ever recorded.

Memory Keeper

Discover all diary logs hidden across the map.


Run through Xynexis's mind.


Listen to all of Elmer’s stories.

The Extrovert

Talk to all Synaptica activators.

ReSetna’s Triumph

Complete all objectives in the game.

Apex Predator

Uncover APEX’s true intentions.

Dark Revelations

Uncover secrets from Darkness.

Project Ascendance

Learn the true purpose behind Project Ascendance.

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