
You know something, maniacs, first things first: I want the Doctor Proper to know, the Doctor Unger to know, Doctor Hughes to know, that the release forms have been signed. You're not responsible for the last couple of fractures in the forearm, brother. The main priority in the Yapapi Indian strap match is to have flexibility of the wrist that you strap to your opponent with, brother, because in the Yapapi Indian strap match, when you're in the four corners of the battlezone, the main priority is—is to get the body in the proper position for the strapation, dudes.

When I get Ric Flair right where I want him, when I get him out of wind, sucking air, sweating from head to toe, I will call out to Indian strapmaster Jimmy Hart on ringside, and I will say to Jimmy Hart at ringside, 'Gimme Yapapi Indian punishment strap number one.' And as I strap your body, Ric Flair, as you scream to the heavens for mercy, as I see your skin start to bubble off your body, you will drop to your knees and you will say, 'Please, Mr. Hogan, please, I can't take it anymore. Please, I'm sorry I crossed the line.'

And as I hear you beg for mercy, Ric Flair, that's when I will call to the strapmaster Jimmy Hart at ringside for Yapapi Indian Punishment strapage number two. That's when the heavier bats will come out. That's when I will strap your skin and the flesh will bubble. That's when the flesh will start to peel from your hide. And as I see the raw pink meat on your back brother, I will take it to another level. I will transform from Hulk to Hollywood. I will double strap you with both fists, and you will scream to the heavens, 'Please, Hollywood, don't hurt me anymore.' And I will never stop!
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Fallout 4
33°dSmasher 4 Nov, 2021 @ 9:11pm 
h3nl0, 50wwy m3 54w y0uw pw0f1w3 4nd m3 ju57 7h0u6h7 u w00k3d cu73 1n y0uw p1c7uw3, m3 w34wwy w4n73d 70 73ww u 7h47)) 17'5 w34wwy w4w3 70 533 61ww5 pw4y1n6 b1d30 64m35 h4h4! m3 dun kn0w why 175 4 6uy 7h1n6 h0n357wy 4m w1k3 w34wwy 4641n57 m1506yny 4nd w1k3 1ww b3 d4 0n3 1n d4 k17ch3n m4k1n6 54ndw1ch35. w3 5h0uwd w34wwy pw4y w4d2 50m371m3 175 4 w34wwy c00w z0mb13 64m3 w17h 4 w07 0f 5c4wy m0m3n75, bu7 dun w0wwy 1ww b3 7h3w3 70 pw073c7 u ;) 50wwy 7h47 w45n7 fw1w71n6 m3 5w34w 4m ju57 7wy1n6 70 b3 fw13ndwy m3 w34wwy w1k3 y0uw pw0f1w3 p1c7uw3 50wwy w45 7h47 700 f4w? r34wwy 50wwy 4m w34wwy 5hy m3 dun 60 0u7 much h4h4 4dd m3 0n 5kyp3 w3 5h0uwd 74wk m0w3 u w00k w34wwy n1c3 4nd fun xxx
jellyf!sh 4 Nov, 2021 @ 7:05pm 
so, a catgirl is a human woman who has taken on certain traits of the cat, which is a housepet known for its temperament - it is affectionate when it chooses to be, but it must choose to be. the appeal of the catgirl is the implication that the woman has decided, much like a cat, that the viewer is worthy of affection. thus the ideological opposite would be a feral creature that is known for being tame except for when it is provoked. countless examples of this exist in nature, so to narrow our options we will select one which is generally considered “scary” as a parallel to the “cute” cat, as is also as far away as viable from a cat. as an extremely social invertebrate, compared to the relatively solitary and spined nature of the housecat, i believe the hornet is the perfect choice; despite popular belief hornets are not aggressive unless and until they are given a reason to be.
zeaya 25 Oct, 2021 @ 8:36pm 
how come nobody leaves me profile comments, where are those spam bots when u need them :(
Chief Bukakke 1 Apr, 2018 @ 6:00am 
FACT: There are no true images of John Cena. Our current technology is incapable of capturing images beyond the 3 dimensions we reside in; our brains, incapable of processing any such image we could produce.

Therefore, why is it that so many news articles will show pictures of a man so handsome it is almost ethereal, stating that that must be "John"? Well, think of scanning one's buttocks onto a computer. The image is clearly only a 2-dimensional sample.

The John Cena we "see" is simply the projection into 3 dimensions of a majestic multi-universal creature's buttocks.