Yoshi Nanase :D 15 Sep @ 10:33pm 
Hello! I like your streams! :steamthumbsup: :nanashi:
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 15 May, 2023 @ 2:38pm 
Thank you so much Corrupted Crayon~ It makes me happy that you enjoy my streams! ^^ :deathgrunty:
TimTonTypo 14 May, 2023 @ 8:55am 
You're an awesome streamer :steamhappy:
✿ Lilli Heart✿ 27 Feb, 2023 @ 9:17pm 
/ᐢ⑅ᐢ\ ♡ ₊˚
꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ ♡‧₊˚ ♡
./づ~ :¨·.·¨: ₊˚
`·..·‘ ₊˚ ♡
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:24am 
Furthermore: Does anyone realize that Misane and Nanashi live together in the same room or does no one notice that? What BS does Misane come up with to explain to everyone who isn't Nanashi where she's from and what's her business with hanging out with Nanashi all the time?

One last thing: Is the romance integrated the exact same way in the LN as it is in the game? Probably not so like, how is it conveyed there? Is it something woven throughout, or is it rather backloaded like how the game did it? Would you be okay with the romance to be a constant, if background, element?
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:22am 
It is bit of a sucker punch, but like, it took the time to set up the leads, their chemistry was delightful, and lastly it was a light touch of romance. Not too heavy, just light enough to get you asking for more. Perhaps I am dense as a harem protag for not realizing where 1bitheart was going to go when within the first 5 minutes, Misane asks Nanashi to call her Misane-chan. In my defense tho, even Nanashi, the socially inept shut in, pointed out how weird that was so I assumed there was more to it.

On that note: From the ENG TL notes, they noted that they wrote in Nanashi forgetting to call Misane Misane-chan as an out to not have to use honoriffics all the time. The LN, I presume, has Nanashi call her that all the time. Does anyone react to that, and how does Misane explain herself?
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:22am 
My ideal adaptation of the story would be a slice of life-ish mystery comedy manga. Although I guess technically it's a romance story too??? Although that aspect isn't front n' center which good thing it ain't as otherwise I wouldn't have bothered with 1bitheart. I would've assumed it was just some by the numbers romcom featuring two people who have zero chemistry with each other. Especially since the male lead is some loner NEET like gee I wonder how MC-kun codenamed Wallpaste is going to woo MC-chan. Unsurprisingly, romance stories live and die on the chemistry of the two leads. It's quite a popular genre which by law of averages, outputs a lotta stinkers.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:21am 
The worldbuilding sure ain't what gets people into the story. (It is a little charming to me though. How in this world even though certain tech could be readily abused for terrible things, wound up being used to...create minor inconveniences. "We're gonna brainwash people to ruin someone's lawn! MUAHAHAHA" The vast potential for evil being used for something so banal is so silly it's kind of cute.) So diving deep into the world building, while not something I'd immediately frown upon, would make me question it seeing how it wasn't all that important to begin with.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:20am 
Apparently I forgot in my review that just because it takes place in the future does not mean it's cyberpunk. It's not dark or gritty, it's quite whimsical n' lighthearted in fact. Keeping it that way sounds like an obvious choice, but I do wonder if conveying the world as one that could tip into becoming one would work as well. I mean, there is the whole bad future thing after all. Maybe undertones of how the world could end up like that might fly...or end up distracting from the core of the story because let's be real here. 1bitheart at it's center, is a character driven story.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:20am 
But I digress: Misane being turned into a tsundere wouldn't sit right with me either if we're talking characters. TBH, I'd say outside of the main two, (Or 3 if we're counting Mikado as a separate person.) I'd be more lenient about deviations and expansions on characterization for everyone else, even the plot relevant friends. Obviously not so much to the point of unrecongizability, but I'd say they've got room to expand. Unlike the main two who I feel are pretty well charted out.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:19am 
Slight sidetrack: It's incredible how Nanashi ended up as nice as he is. With his skillset, him being a bullied loner who's friends all abandon him...all he needs is like, abusive/dead parents and you've got an easy bake villain origin recipeh. I wonder if it'll ever be pointed out how Towa's ability to influence people and put them under his spell is eerily similar to Nanashi's own capabilities. Towa is just Evil Nanashi.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:15am 
Likewise, adding flaws outside of his currently existing one or the addition of some other tragic backstory or what have you. I think his flaws are not only readily apparent, but bad enough as is. Like yeah no duh, without Misane reigning him in, he'd be at best, obnoxious and overbearing. At worst, he's this creepy guy who knows a lot of things he shouldn't, much less blurt out in public for everyone to hear. Without knowledge of his abilities, the only logical conclusion one could come to is that he's some obsessive stalker. His flaws don't require any amping to get across to people because of how grounded they are. Chances are good you've met someone like him before. I sure did, I remember you Kingdom Hearts guy. I'll never forget the day you came into my world, barging into a conversation I was having with a friend to rave about KH because the word "Key" was brought up.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:13am 
This one's a little more nuanced, but I would hate it if they made Nanashi outwardly insecure and unconfident.

Because a big part of his charm for me is how cheery and determined he is. He doesn't take failure very hard, even when he gets knocked down he still has a big dumb ol' grin on his face. That's what I find so refreshing about him. Amongst the sea of NEETs and other "relatable" (read:marketable) anti-social loner VN protags, his bizarre cheeriness is what makes him stick out. This is a guy who, if told they're trash, would happily agree without a sense of irony or sarcasm behind it.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:11am 
Any swear word harder than crap (Which is spoken like, two or three times in the entire game. All from Sekiyu I think.) would also be no bueno. Not because I hate swearing (I swear like a sailor.) but because overall the game is extremely sweet n' wholesome. It's why crap even works as a joke because of how jarring it is for that word to pop up.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:10am 
I want to make sure I'm getting the details right, keeping things aligned with canon. At the very least, ensure it's within the spirit of the game. My goal is to make it a fun companion piece to the original game, something that'll get people interested in picking it up y'know. So like, what are some ways the story could be taken that you would feel is going against the spirit of the game? In a 1Bitheart adaptation, visuals not being a factor, what are some things that would make you immediately turn you off from it?

If you're asking me, I'd chuck the adaptation across the room if it turned 1bitheart into some harem romcom. Excessive fanservice and adult humor is a no no as well.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:09am 
Okay so like, the reason why I'm asking all these questions is because I want to adapt this story into something, preferably a comic. The intended goal of it is to integrate and expand further upon the Free Time events because like, those were my favorite moments: Seeing how the various characters intermingle with not just the people within their own location, but outside of it as well. (Which is why I think Sweet Beach is rather disappointing with how insular it is. Only Meu goes to Break Passage to see Ryuri. Everyone else just harasses Izuchi.) It's not only fun seeing a colorful cast interact with one another, but like, it reinforces the one of the overarching theme of a bunch of small pieces coming together to form something great. To put it in a sentence: "It Takes a Community to Raise a NEET"
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:08am 
But enough about Mikado, huh so they do go into more detail over what Misane and Tobari talk over eh? Interesting.

Does the novel ever establish how long chronologically the present day plot takes? Considering how it's noted to take place during summer vacation (Which in Japan is roughly 40 days.), it'd be right to assume the story plays out over the course of 1-2 months, right?
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:08am 
So like, this whole plot about Mikado wanting Nanashi to take up his mantle or hell, having any sort of legacy whatsoever, feels off. If his own past self felt like they didn't belong in the world, an anomaly that makes things worse purely by existing, I'm pretty sure he'd feel extra strongly about that after discovering he inadvertently enslaved the entire world to Big Onii-Chan. Considering the amount of hints he drops about erasing his existence n' such...yeah I don't buy it. The way he set things up comes off as an extremely elaborate suicide plan that'll ensure the near total erasure of himself. Hell, even him setting up the MP is his way of setting a dead man's switch to the entire program, seeing how if his past self dies, then there'd be no Mikado to go back in time to make it. Ensuring MP, his magnum opus, dies with him.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:07am 
Compare how Mikado reacts to his past self's actions in the bad and normal end. He's totally nonchalant Nanashi LTGing himself. That makes sense to Mikado. After all, he always did say he'd be willing to sacrifice his own life for someone's else happiness. Him taking someone else's life to do so? Even Mikado didn't see that coming. Nanashi just stomps on whatever little hope Mikado had for himself that maybe, just maybe, there's something good about him. Nah, he really is a heartless monster after all.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:05am 
What he thought would bring happiness to many just brought misery to them. So, you could argue he pretty much engineered a scenario where he, the evil villain trying to bring everyone under his thrall, is thwarted by a hero who sacrifices himself for the whole. (Which is something Nanashi brought up being okay with his whole spiel about becoming everyone's enemy.) Heck, I feel like even Misane has the impression that Mikado wasn't actually going through with it, considering how she tells Nanashi "Go make more friends" instead of "Let's hurry to the tower ASAP!"
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:05am 
But it's not like Mikado is 100% convinced that's the best way to achieve peace nor is he dead set
on making sure it goes through. If he really did believe in it that much, Nanashi and co would stand absolutely zero chance of stopping him. The only reason why they could win is because he's letting them. He's very doubtful of his plan which is why he diverts the responsibility of choice to his past self.

Alternatively: The reason why he lets his past self choose what to do is to vicariously achieve
his lifelong ambition to bring peace and happiness to many for the price of one worthless soul. Like, he already feels super guilty over what he did in the future.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:04am 
Mm, I'm not sure if I agree with the novelization's characterization of Mikado. So like, game-wise, he intended to go back right before the Master Program was created to undo what he did. How he does so (Either by convincing or just offing his past self.) doesn't matter much as either way it's an one way trip: A suicide mission to prevent a bad future.

This doesn't happen due to him bungling it up, ending up 8 years before the MP is even conceptualized. I can see Mikado deciding to upgrade his plan from "Stop MP from existing in the first place." to "Use MP to bring peace in the way I think is best." So instead of peace through control, it'd be peace through harmony.
Scrub Marchioness 18 Jan, 2023 @ 9:02am 
Oh I see. Interesting I'll put that down in my notes.

Uhh...okay the lying I can see. While not explicitly pointed out by the games, it would make sense
that he would have to do that. That being said, the deliberate manipulation of Nanashi is a little...iffy. If anything, I'd feel like Nanashi's adoration of him would be what encourages him to stay as a hikkomori. TBF It's not canon-breaking, even in the game it's noted Mikado is the one who brought him from the boonies to the city. Without the LN, it wouldn't be viewed as malicious.
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 1:35pm 
And thats also why he wanted to go back in time years in the past so he could teach Nanashi his code and leave behind what he worked on just in case
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 1:32pm 
Oh yeah! I think i remember why Mikado was like that to Nanashi actually. He wanted to make Nanashi just like him so that if a paradox occured and Mikado ceased to exist that Nanashi would take up the mantle instead of letting the cycle repeat again in 8 years.
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 1:30pm 
I dont remember much of the Free time if the novel did cover it since its been so long but I remember them covering her meeting with Tobari a bit more than the game. My memories of it are like, trying to remember a novel i read like 5 years ago though so i should really just try to find my copy and reread it
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 1:30pm 
And yeah the novel is written by someone else, though I think the pixiv novel might have been written by miwashiba? its been so long since I saw it though so maybe its the same person that did the novel and miwashiba only did the cover illustration... Mikado went back 8 years actually so that hed have enough time to work on his idealized master program before the government would intervene. Also i forget if the games said it, but he asked Nanashi to live with him by lieing that he was his cousin and manipulating his familys thoughts to make them believe he was related in that way and to keep Nanashi there by subtly saying things to make Nanashi want to stay a hikkikomori. Which is a little ???? for me but ok Mikado.
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 16 Jan, 2023 @ 1:24pm 
The Master Program does exist in 1Beat but it is less governing of the people in that, as shown by the fact that the game literally has people get killed in it. If I recall, the novel said the original Master Program Mikado made was like a 24 hour surveillance on everywhere at that point so murdering anyone was nearly impossible, so Towa definitely wanted it gone. Mikado vs 1bit Nanashi had differing opinions on the Master Program, Mikado didnt want any chance of people being hurt and went a bit overboard on that, while Nanashi felt that he has no right to dictate people on what to do. The Master Programs end goal was a unification of thoughts by Mikado originally to make it be hivemind esque, primarilly because Mikado thought if everyone joined thoughts the world would be better and, this is just my own interpretation but, if he joined his mind with the people he loved so much maybe then he wouldnt hate himself as much. But the Nanashi that Misane was with didnt wind up that way.
Scrub Marchioness 16 Jan, 2023 @ 4:31am 
Does the LN ever acknowledge Free Time? Does it incorporate/make reference to the cast outside of the mandatory members? Are their optional plotlines (Re: The ones you see after you shove enough goodies down their gobs.) integrated into the story? Does Misane ever make note of the kinds of friends Nanashi makes? Considering how she strapped a listening device to him, I'd feel like she'd may have a word or two 'bout the things he's doing round the neighborhood.
Scrub Marchioness 16 Jan, 2023 @ 4:26am 
The time machine being a little on the fritz is why Mikado got sent back 8 years-ish before the development of the Master Program. Misane also missed the original mark too, right? Or did she end up arriving at the right time? Mm, I guess it doesn't really matter too much but it's a detail I'd like to know so I could frame events appropriately.
Scrub Marchioness 16 Jan, 2023 @ 4:20am 
I think Prime Timeline/Mikado Prime losing control over the Master Program makes sense due to how everyone views him as a total anomaly. So having a guy like that in control of your Big Brother/Minority Report/Psycho Pass/Insert Tech Dystopia Here surveillance system would be...questionable to say the least. But by becoming a better/personable person, people would be more willing to put their faith in the new Mikado. So like, Towa doesn't really need to be involved for the plot to work, at least, that's how I view it.
Scrub Marchioness 16 Jan, 2023 @ 4:20am 
Hrm, well personally I think tying Towa into it is neat if only because it means Miwashiba does have some kind of outline for future stories, but like, narratively wise ehhh iunno I think the original plot would've been just fine. (Mikado tells time Misane about his plan to go back in time to stop the Master Program getting out of hand. Misane pursues, knowing that Mikado's the kind of guy who'd do literally anything to achieve something, even if it means LowTierGod-ing himself without even blinking.)
Scrub Marchioness 16 Jan, 2023 @ 4:12am 
??? But the Master Program does exist in the altered timeline? I mean, it's oft referenced in not only the epilogue, but in 1Beatheart as well. Unless the Prime Timeline Master Program was way more invasive or something, especially once control was wrested from Mikado's hands in which case I can see why Towa's bizarre roundabout plan to make getting away with murders easier by giving the guy behind the mass surveillance program a heart and as such, make it less oppressive in the process makes sense.
Scrub Marchioness 16 Jan, 2023 @ 4:12am 
Ah hah, interesting. The person who wrote the LN isn't Miwashiba, but Miwashiba did the illustrations, correct? Well, since it's an officially sanctioned thing I assume Miwashiba signed off on bringing Towa in to play a part in the overall storyline. Hm, hope that means 1Beatheart will get a continuation but considering how Miwashiba noted that they've kind of forgot how to write Nanase makes that unlikely.

"So while Misane did good on helping Mikado that novel kinda proves Towas point right by at least making a future where he could murder people."
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 15 Jan, 2023 @ 10:24am 
Either way, Nanase went back in time the day the government took away his right to maintain the master program because AGAIN Towa manipulated them saying having the creator have control on it is a security risk. And that is why Mikado is so focused on the 2222 master program being tested for any problems since he doesnt want another situation of the government taking it over. One interesting thing from the main novel i remember though is Misane didnt actually know whether or not she'd live after jumping through the time machine to save Nanase, but she was more concerned about Nanase suffering than her living hdjjd. The little bonus novel also showed Misane was very depressed and friendless before she met Mikado so without him she'd feel like her life is empty which is another factor on why Nanase means so much to her.
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 15 Jan, 2023 @ 10:24am 
Hi!! I read the 1bh novel quite a bit ago so my memory is SUPER foggy. I thought I translated parts of it in a friend discord but I guess I deleted them. It does go a bit more into details on things, especially Misanes relationship with Mikado and her motivations for going back in time. It also shows a certain Towa from the sequel 1BeatHeart in it and an additional novel miwashiba published on... pixiv I believe reveals Towa was the person that got Misane to go back in time to save Nanase because he wanted a future where Mikado didn't exist so that the master program never got made and he could continue killing without so many security risks on getting caught. So while Misane did good on helping Mikado that novel kinda proves Towas point right by at least making a future where he could murder people.
Scrub Marchioness 15 Jan, 2023 @ 5:54am 
'Ello mate! I've been paging through the 1bitheart discussion forum and you mentioned having read the LN. I can't into moonrunes but I'm very curious to know how the plot is expanded from the game. I know the premise is that it's the same story but from Misane's perspective and there's a handful of manga pages in there but outside of that, I got nothing.

If you don't mind, I'd like to ask a question or two about it. (E.g: Is it a beat for beat adaptation or does it go into more detail? If the latter, how so?)

Thank you for your time!
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 5 Nov, 2022 @ 5:24pm 
Ooo nice!!! Happy to meet you then mafutofu!
MochiMafu 4 Nov, 2022 @ 8:08pm 
Hai hai! adding because you seem like a kewl person with the games you got and ooo you're a vtuber! you and me both hehe :nekoheart:
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 5 May, 2022 @ 9:41pm 
Yeah that's cool!!! thanks for the fr! ^^
#1 xtra special guy 3 May, 2022 @ 12:31am 
yo! sending you a frq since our taste in games is nearly identical LOL hope that's cool!
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 19 Feb, 2022 @ 10:10am 
If you appear private I can't link you it.
initial allegation form
form done by nomnomnami admitting to the allegations. This was her pinned on her Twitter but she's since privated due to markipliers video. Markiplier or his editors are apparently deleting any posts on the video that talk about this so it's all a little weird to see happen.
CUM MAN 18 Feb, 2022 @ 8:25pm 
same question as mask and sparkinum.
mcello102 18 Feb, 2022 @ 7:21pm 
Hi, sorry I have the same question as Sparkinum, as saw your comment on Bad end theater, and the only thing i have found about the dev was that they left Lab zero because of toxic work environment
Sparkinum 17 Feb, 2022 @ 3:25pm 
I saw your review on BAD END THEATER and I was wondering if you had a source to read about the grooming allegations? Thanks
( ˶°ㅁ°) !! 14 Dec, 2021 @ 7:40pm 
I watch your streams when I can & watch most of your vods, feel free to decline if it's weird or anything I just thought I'd send a friend rq since I found your 1bh tutorial on here :)
Starrybunnieboy [Vtuber] 30 Nov, 2021 @ 2:08pm 
No prob, glad to have helped inform ya!
GameHero152 30 Nov, 2021 @ 3:03am 
Thanks for writing the Giraffe Town review. I might have bought it otherwise. Really is a shame he the creator ended up doing NFTs. Thank you for informing me though.
murae 11 Aug, 2020 @ 3:05am 
Hey I saw your hello charlotte vids and thought they were pretty neat. If you wanna be friends that would be cool.
ruka 29 Jun, 2020 @ 3:34pm 
sorry for the friend request, you got some good taste in games!