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Ulasan terkini oleh Yeti Mutt

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Tercatat 2.4 jam
Very limited playtest (mining mechanic) implies this game is early in development so this isn't a review so much as a vote in support of continued development. The graphics look great on my 2 year old mid-range PC. Lots of potential for cool stuff and new game mechanics. There's no dog in the play test but I see one in the artwork so maybe we will get dogpacks and sleds - how else do you transport gold and move mining equipment? It would also be cool if they integrated the history of the Alaskan gold rush - all the good and bad of it - into the game somehow? Oh and snowshoes and skis!
Diposting pada 9 Maret.
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Tercatat 1.8 jam
hour and a half into demo... the story seems to be inspired by either Mad-Libs or a four year old requesting a story about spaceships, cats and pirates. And an insurance investigator. Your job is to make your way through the ship. Kill the pirates (in as funny way as you can). find secret stash. And save the spacefaring cats. Kinda cool - dunno if I would want to play the whole thing but nice demo, guys.
Diposting pada 28 Februari.
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Tercatat 0.7 jam
Interesting twist on the city builder survival genre with its circular gridding and overly harsh environment. Being sold currently at a huge discount in the steam strategy sale.
Diposting pada 24 Januari.
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Tercatat 0.3 jam
The visuals from this demo made me nauseous and I think I have a headache. IF it's intentional, bravo. If not, maybe there's something wrong with my graphics setting - I am using the default. My rig isn't state of the art but it's competent for most games I've played in 2024. Anyway, I played for a few minutes - gave it a serious go. I think I found one clue but I never reached the water tower. that felt disturbing as well that there was no way to determine a pathway through. I'm not even sure why I wanted to visit the water tower except that it was the only thing that different from the endless houses. Maybe that's a psychological gaming thing to get you to notice the elephants in the room, I dunno. But yeah, I'm basically now questioning my sanity, so thank you game demo. The one clue I found - It was a wall painting, very minimalist of what looked like a girl at a beach looking at clouds. But it looked very different from anything else. I also tried to look for patterns in the floor tiles. Didn't find any. Anyway, follow your vision, Montraluz making an insanity-inducing, nausua inducing, mindfrak and letting me play for free. Can you fix the graphics. I feel like I'm looking through the bottom of a glass jar or something.
Diposting pada 23 Januari.
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Tercatat 11.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 5.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
Some good stuff here but the game seems unstable and I have yet to have a clean "quit" and some other issues. If you overlook the buggy stuff, this is fun - building and managing several communities in a post-disaster land - junk everywhere, toxic waste, flooding, illness plague you so you have to be smart setting priorities and building up your community (I say go slow at first and stay at 15 people until you build the brickworks, tailor, kiln buildings. Stockpiling food and water for the "great expansion" - or make up your own strategy. Looks replayable but most players may not like the lack of zombies or other communities making war on you - that hasn't happened, at least yet.
Diposting pada 12 Januari.
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Pengembang telah menanggapi pada 15 Jan @ 8:22am (lihat tanggapan)
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Tercatat 25.7 jam
This is truly one of the stupidest games I've played. I started to hate play for a few days but even that got tired. I have the sinking suspicion that Amazon is somehow harnessing the game play to clean up its servers or something. You basically just run around throw spells and attacks at things that pretty much will easily die. There's no real strategy needed, just mash a few buttons - do a stagger or stun or something depending on the situation. The story is the worst - a freaccking emo Prince moping around. When you get missions, it's all boring stuff, nothing really witty in the writing. So dull. Why was this made? Did someone pitch a bigger vision to Amazon of creating some LitRPG nirvana and then failed to deliver? I mean, REALLY failed to deliver?
Diposting pada 9 Desember 2024.
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Tercatat 50.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Yes, first review and having only made two successful trips into the weirdness zone I can say that you really feel you've done something when you finish a scavenging trip or story-related trip. The scavenge zone is full of suprises and if you like high-tension situations, this is it. There hasn't yet been alot of killing becasue there's nothing really to kill. You can shut down some of the weirdness. Game mechanics are easy - by that I mean crafting and car fixing/upgrades. The hardest part is during the getaway (from the scavenge zone) - I don't want to give too much up but it's best to plan and even rehearse your extraction so your car ride is as uneventful as it can be because it will be eventful either way. Graphics are great - they don't try to wow you with pretty but it feels pretty realistic. There's alot of stuff you have to do in the dark and keeping the lights on is a constant struggle. I have yet to find a flashlight or even a blueprint. But the game graphics work VERY well in the dark and you might figure out one your own ways to keep the light on (hint: road flares, carrying lights, maybe, I dunno, the game has suprises in terms of what you can do to service basic functions). Will post more as I play more. Tags would be adventure, horror, sci-fi, driving, scavenging. Also, so far, there's a good story brewing and some great voice acting from your compadres in the "zone"
Diposting pada 9 Desember 2024.
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Tercatat 9.6 jam
I think this game could be much more than it is and better implemented. I guess they are going to "improve" by selling DLC. Phoey. This is a "work simulation" - do not expect much action. Your job is to give tickets, make "random" stops and clear traffic accidents. You'll need to draw your camera and "STOP" signs thousands of times before you draw your gun. I don't like the First Person implementation much - a common problem in FP Work Sim games - just not really well implemented. The graphics are a bit dull but servicable. You can do different styles of play for fun - you know drunk cop, bad cop, stupid cop, evil cop, crazy cop, daddy cop, dad cop, you know, not my thing but I'm sure there's some youtuber that specializes in it.
Diposting pada 26 November 2024.
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Tercatat 70.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
go to a beautiful planet and destroy it with conveyer belts and smelters and mining robots. it's like a prequel to Lethal Company.

Game mechanics: at least in this beginning of the game, it can be difficult to connect buildings as it's all done from the first person - so connecting large buildings with complicated conveyer belts can be tedious. I assume it gets easier but the main problem is that there's no "god view" for laying down conveyer roads -- yet - there's a map apparently but i haven't advanced far enough to use it. I'm still playing, though - I actually went to school to be an industrial engineer and that's what this game is.
Diposting pada 21 September 2024.
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Tercatat 180.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 5.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Cities are complicated. This can be a complicated game so be sure to get signed up for the mods if you want to make life easier.

What I don't like are the long load times. Is there an autosave? Need to look but the default settings are set to manual save. AND the game occasionally crashes. In my five hours of time playing, as Steam has so helpfully observed, I have had two crashes. No warning, no error message, data dump style crashes.

Additionally, I bought this through the website that sells game codes for a discount but the game did not work on first try. I then had to google the problem, which was a common problem, and do some nerd stuff (delete files in the bowels of my computer) and then restart a few times until I got it to work.

ALL THAT ♥♥♥♥ SAID, sorry Steam for swearing, the game is pretty wonderful and interesting and I can't wait to get some of da perks, I mean parks, ....

So basic advice, learn the mods, be the mods, YOUTUBE has detailed "training videos" on how to use MODS, how to build a large city from scratch, etc. Be patient with the jankiness you get when, say, connecting roads or laying out an industrial zone.
Diposting pada 13 Agustus 2024.
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