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Évaluations récentes de Angel

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29.5 h en tout (25.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Metro 2033 shaped my childhood. This just made it better.

Amazing visuals, story, atmosphere, music and gameplay.

Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2017.
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0.2 h en tout
I literally have not been able to play this game past the first level because the world begins to render away and everything vanishes.
Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2017.
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22.7 h en tout (18.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Do you want to just shoot demons with butter smooth gameplay, amazing graphics and beautifully crafted music?

Say no more.

THOUGH, I will say more. It really frustrated me how difficulty was managed in this game. It simply makes pickups 1% of what they were and your armor turns to a single paper sheet strapped to your chest using rubber bands. It's just a cheap way of increasing difficulty, really. What a shame.

Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2017.
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107.5 h en tout (92.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
The best modern Fallout title - second best, if you count Fallout 2.

It is able to masterfully blend features and mechanics from the old Fallout games with the more modern, immersive approach of first/third person action and free roaming. It learns from the mistakes made by Bethesda in Fallout 3 and provides you a wonderfully grim experience.

It is far from being perfect, however. If these games are known for one thing, it would be their flaws. Wonky, unstable and outdated engine; at places, very bare-bone map (regardless of the reasoning); flawed questlines and often broken beyond repair due to silly "mistakes"; VATS unfortunately needed, despite it being garbage and performing horribly.

Despite all of this, like most good games, you're able to overlook these issues. FNV provides such a good experience overall that these flaws are easily outweighed. Hell, it was one of the only games that made me cry during the end of a DLC because of how my hopes were so suddenly crushed.

If you enjoy Fallout's RPG mechanics but doesn't feel comfortable with the old turn-based combat, top view camera and you prefer more of the modern freedom, this game is exactly what you're looking for.

Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2017. Dernière modification le 27 décembre 2017.
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13.5 h en tout (9.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
No game in recent memory has impacted me more than Hellblade. I cried when Melina Juergens was chosen to be the best performance in TGA this year (2017).

Scratch that. It's not a game. It's an experience. Don't come to this expecting high quality, deep combat with intriguing and groundbreaking RPG mechanics. Play this expecting only one thing: To experience it. It is not an escape from reality, it's a lens into a world not many of us understand. About illnesses, loss and suffering. But, even then, I believe everyone can relate to at least something in this... Story.

Stunning visuals, stunning performance by Melina, stunning vision, stunning message, stunning.

Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2017. Dernière modification le 27 décembre 2017.
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104.9 h en tout (69.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
PUBG's fun comes from losing.

If you don't like losing constantly before you even get a chance to get anywhere, this game isn't for you. If you do enjoy it, and you also enjoy getting beaten with a stick 24/7 as punishment for simply existing, then go ahead! It's the best thing for you!

However, it does have solid gameplay and good graphics, even if it had a very wonky development cycle. So I guess for that it wouldn't hurt to try if it's on sale.
Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2017.
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62.9 h en tout (56.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Stunning visuals, fun gameplay. This game stands out from the crowd as being above average in many ways. However, I deeply regret pre-ordering the gold edition. One of the last games I have ever pre-ordered, and one of the reasons I don't do it anymore. It just wasn't that good.
One of the things that stand out for me the most are the spongy enemies. I have never seen a game so blatantly increase "difficulty" by simply making enemies soak up entire magazines of bullets and deal 10x more damage than your assault rifle with just a pistol. Feels very weak and rushed.

But I can't bring myself to not recommend this game. It's not an awful game. I guess I would say it's a crappy good game. Try it out, maybe it's your thing. Just don't expect much depth or whatever the hell they promised with the marketing.

Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2017.
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158.1 h en tout (93.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It took me way too long to try this game out. Even if you haven't played any of the other installments of The Witcher franchise or never even read the book, pick this up. Some time spent reading the character bios or short stories is enough to get you up to speed. Brilliantly crafted, brilliantly writen. I don't know what else to say.
The only game to this day that has kept me grinding for this amount of time, and I don't wish to stop ANY TIME SOON. It's just too good. Though it does have its fair share of annoying stuff like a couple of bugs here and there, wonky movement and sometimes silly mechanics, the good EASILY outweighs the bad.

Évaluation publiée le 27 décembre 2017.
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91.0 h en tout (68.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
What is there to be said? Quite a bit, being honest.
The gameplay, the graphics, the new mechanics, they are all amazing. It feels right and it's just fun to run around killing people in an apocalyptic version of Boston with the FPS-ish feel that this game provides... Though it saddens me that this is a Fallout game. It would be amazing if old mechanics weren't violently ripped off from this game to add new ones. It feels like a generic FPS with a couple of RPG mechanics here and there. The day we learned that our characters were gonna have voices, I knew it was going downhill. How are you supposed to feel like you have total control of who or what your character is if it even has a preset voice and story? Sure, same can be said about Fallout: NV, but at least that game gives you the option to start again. You got shot in the head, all you know is that you were a courier. Now off you go, be whoever you want to be. Join the Legion, enslave people, do whatever you want!
The same can't be said about Fallout 4. The RPG aspect of this game is nowhere to be found, they even changed the dialog system so you have no clue what your character is even going to say! "Yes", "No", "Sarcastic", "I'LL KILL YOU'. 4 options, no depth, no rhyme or reason. Empty. A game for the younger audience who can't pay attention to something for more than 10 seconds.

I recommend this to people who want to have mindless fun with a bit of story.
I don't recommend this to people who want something like Fallout 1, 2, 3 or NV.

Évaluation publiée le 21 mai 2016.
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880.2 h en tout (845.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
First game I ever wasted a lot of time on. The amount of fun I had while playing Garry's Mod is impossible to be matched by anything I experience now, maybe because I was younger and everything was much more fun. Still, it holds a special place in my heart.
The amount of gamemodes and things to do are, again, unique to this game. It also introduced me to the world of animating and editing. Just wish the community wasn't so toxic right now.

Évaluation publiée le 21 mai 2016.
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