LunaVTF   Thale, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Dutch, the clapping of my ascheeks keeps alerting the pinkertons
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Thanks to Kentucky for porting this model for me. Changes after Updates can be found in the Change Notes, i use them. The Tari model as is has it's flaws, like her eyes. Sure you can disable Ambient Occlusion. But that makes the rest of your scene bad. Sur
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Created by - Befriended and LunaVTF.bsp
Literally the entire Red Dead Redemption 2 Script (at least i tried to add the whole thing)

[A small caravan of wagons is slowly moving through the cold mountains. It's nighttime outside and the wind is blowing hard. Snow falls in a dense wall and limits visibility. Only a few dim lanterns light the way. A man in snow-covered clothes is approaching one of the wagons.]

Orville Swanson: Abigail says he’s dying, Dutch. We’ll have to stop some place.

Dutch van der Linde: Okay. Arthur’s out looking, I sent him up ahead.

Hosea Matthews: If we don’t stop soon, we’ll all be dying. This weather, it’s May… I’m just hoping the law got as lost as we did.

Dutch van der Linde: There. Arthur! Any luck?

Arthur Morgan: I found a place where we can get some shelter. Let Davey rest while he… you know. An old mining town, abandoned, it ain’t far. Come on.

Dutch van der Linde: Come on!

Outlaws from the West
[Hosea with a revolver and a lamp in his hands walks in a shed. He looks around and gives a signal to the others.]

Hosea Matthews: Bring him in here.

[Several men and women enter the shed. Men carry Davey on a handmade stretcher.]

Susan Grimshaw: Miss Gaskill… get that fire lit quick. Miss Jones, bring in whatever blankets we have. Mr. Pearson, see what we’ve got in terms of food.

Abigail Marston: Davey’s dead.

Orville Swanson: There was… nothing more you could have done.

[Someone puts coins on Davey’s eyes.]

Hosea Matthews: What are we gonna do? We need supplies.

Dutch van der Linde: Well, first of all you’re gonna stay here… and you are gonna get yourself warm. Now, I sent John and Micah scouting out ahead. Arthur and I, we’re gonna ride out see if we can find one of ‘em.

Arthur Morgan: In this?

Dutch van der Linde: Just for a short bit… I don’t see what other choice we have. (to everyone) Listen… listen to me all of you, for a moment. Now, we’ve had… well, a bad couple of days. I loved Davey… Jenny… Sean, Mac… they may be okay, we don’t know. But we lost some folks. Now, if I could… throw myself in the ground in their stead… I’d do it… gladly. But… we’re gonna ride out… and we are gonna find some food. Everybody, we’re safe now. There ain’t nobody following us through a storm like this one… and by the time they get here… well we’re gonna be… we’re gonna be long gone. We’ve been through worse than this before. Mr. Pearson… Miss Grimshaw… I need you to turn this place into a camp. We may be here for a few days. Now all of you… all of you… get yourselves warm. Stay strong. Stay with me. We ain’t done yet! Come on, Arthur.

Susan Grimshaw: Alright, we’ve got some work to do.

[Arthur and Dutch go out of the house to the street where the blizzard is howling.]

Dutch van der Linde: Well, we ain’t run into them yet. So… they both must have headed down the hill.

Arthur Morgan: Sure. Hey… I ain’t had time to ask. What really went down back there on that boat?

Dutch van der Linde: We missed you, that’s what happened. Come on.

[A black man with two horses approaches them.]

Charles Smith: Hey! You need horses?

Dutch van der Linde: Oh yeah… and Mr. Smith, get yourself indoors. You need to rest that hand.

Charles Smith: I’ll live.

Dutch van der Linde: (strictly) Get indoors, son! I… we need you strong.

Charles Smith: Okay.

Dutch van der Linde: (to Arthur) Alright. Let’s head out.

Arthur Morgan: Ain’t sure what we’re gonna find out here, Dutch.

Dutch van der Linde: We have to try. Stay close, we’ll do our best to stick to the trail.

Arthur Morgan: This ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ weather.

Dutch van der Linde: Been two days or more like this now. Oh, it has to blow over soon. Bridge coming up, take it easy. Hey, move up alongside me. Can’t see you back there.

Arthur Morgan: Can’t believe we lost Davey too.

Dutch van der Linde: He’s the last one, Arthur. No more. We need to get those people warm and fed.

Arthur Morgan: Least we don’t need to worry about Pinkertons tailing us in this.

Dutch van der Linde: A couple more days, we’ll be on the other side. You need to help me pick the others back up. You’re the only one I can rely on to stay strong right now.

Arthur Morgan: We got fire and shelter, that’s a start. And what about the money? Please tell me you at least got the money before it all went to hell on that boat?

Dutch van der Linde: We did… it’s stashed with the rest of the money in town. It’ll be safe for now… but we sure can’t go back there to collect it any time soon. Hey, I think I see something up the path.

[He lifts the lantern to illuminate the snowy night road.]

Dutch van der Linde: You up ahead! Who’s there? Micah.

Micah Bell: Gentlemen.

Dutch van der Linde: Found anything?

Micah Bell: I think so. Found a little homestead down thataway.

Dutch van der Linde: Okay. Anyone home?

Micah Bell: Sure. Place is blazing with light and noise. Sounded like a party.

Dutch van der Linde: Let’s go see.

Micah Bell: Follow me. How’s Davey doing?

Dutch van der Linde: Ah, he didn’t make it. Nor did little Jenny.

Micah Bell: That’s too bad. Davey was a real fighter. Both of them Callander boys is, or… was.

Dutch van der Linde: Yeah.

Micah Bell: And Mac and Sean?

Dutch van der Linde: We don’t know.

Micah Bell: Quite a business…

Dutch van der Linde: I’m glad you’re alright, Micah.

Micah Bell: Always.

Arthur Morgan: (to Dutch) Ask him if he’s seen John.

Dutch van der Linde: Hey, have you seen John, Micah?

Micah Bell: Didn’t see much of anything once this storm came in.

Dutch van der Linde: (to Arthur) He hasn’t seen him.

Arthur Morgan: He’ll be fine. Things always turn out right for that boy.

Dutch van der Linde: I hope… Mac and Sean are still out there somewhere too. Move up, Arthur, I’ll cover the rear.

Arthur Morgan: (to Micah) You run into anybody else?

Micah Bell: I-I reckon we’re the only ones crazy enough to be out in this, Morgan.

Arthur Morgan: Yeah, well don’t talk to me about crazy.

Micah Bell: Oh, so no "Glad you’re alright, I was worried, Micah"? Look, it’s all gonna work out, Morgan. We lost a few folks, but that’s just how it goes sometimes.

Arthur Morgan: I’m glad you’re feeling so good about it.

Micah Bell: Where are all the others?

Arthur Morgan: Old mining camp, back up the hill. It ain’t much but it’s shelter. So, this house… you speak to the people there already?

Micah Bell: No, like Dutch told us… look, but don’t talk to no one. Just following orders, you know me.

Arthur Morgan: Right… How much further?

Micah Bell: Not far.

Arthur Morgan: What does that mean?

Micah Bell: Not far.

Arthur Morgan: Thanks. Oh, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this snow. Gets right to the bone.

Micah Bell: Okay, let’s keep it down now, gentlemen. It’s just up ahead.

Dutch van der Linde: Snuff and stash those lanterns, boys. Best you two lie low on this. Okay… let’s head down there. Let me handle this, we don’t wanna spook these fine people.

[They get off the horses and go to the house. Cheerful sounds of music are coming from there.]

Micah Bell: Someone’s having fun in there.

Dutch van der Linde: You two, get yourself out of sight… One lonely man is a lot less intimidating than three nasty looking degenerates. Micah, hide behind that wagon… Arthur, you take that old shed on the left. And stay low, both of you.

[Arthur and Micah are hiding, and Dutch is approaching the cabin door.]

Dutch van der Linde: Hello?

Voice from the cabin: Shut up, Billy. Shh, shh, shh!

Dutch van der Linde: Excuse me? Hello? Oh well, hello friend.

Man from the Cabin: What you want?

Dutch van der Linde: I am very sorry to disturb you. Uh, my friends and I, well we got into, some… trouble up the way. Lost in the st
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